Chapter 217 The Military Lord Without Braids (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Things in the world are sometimes so wonderful.

No one expected that Chile, which was extremely vigilant against the invasion of Spain, would take the initiative to kneel down and lick Spain. What was even more unexpected was that Peru extended its friendship to the American company that controlled Araucania. hand.

You must know that a few months ago, they all claimed to support Chile's territorial claim to Araucania.In fact, the reason why the changes are so fast, to put it bluntly, is because of interests.

It is the drive of interests that brings them together.

Because of interests, Chile kneeled and licked Spain.

Also because of interests, the fleet of the American company accepted Peru's invitation to visit Peru.Actively stand up for Peru.

On September 1864, 9, the "Tianlong", "Qinglong" and "Sihai" training ships that came from afar slowly entered the port of Lima. Although the fleet of three warships was small, it still It caused a sensation. After all, this is the first time since Peru was invaded, foreigners have expressed their support with actions.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

When the fleet coming from afar was greeted by the only steam frigate of the Peruvian Navy and sailed into the port of Lima in a column, the Peruvian soldiers on the Calao Fort fired a salute under the order of the officer to express their welcome.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the two ironclad ships "Tianlong" and "Qinglong" fired their salutes from the turrets, they returned the salute with the 120mm secondary guns on the bow. All the off-duty officers and soldiers on the three warships stood in handsome white navy uniforms. on the side of the ship.

"The sailors on the warship are all Indians!"

However, compared to such surprises, the people in Lima are all looking at the two ironclad ships with envious eyes. Although their tonnage is only less than 2800 tons, they are definitely military weapons in Lima. Besides, now The Spanish fleet occupied their islands and invaded their country.

After the warship was moored in the harbor, on the deck of the "Four Seas", Li Zhiyang and his classmates held rifles and groomed each other neatly. The sea breeze blew their skin dark, and the sisal rope rubbed their palms all over. Cocoon, as the first batch of students of the Nanhua Naval Academy, they will receive a year-long training on the training ship, and then serve on the warship or the merchant fleet. In fact, the merchant fleet of this year also needs to train artillery Even the Great Eastern is equipped with dozens of cannons for defending against pirates.

Following the command of the officer, more than a hundred marines, armed sailors, and cadet officers and students stood in a neat line on the trestle bridge, and all of them looked proud. The elite selected from the team, the marines wore beautiful navy blue military uniforms, which fully showed their burly figures, almost as soon as they set foot on the port following the password, they attracted the wives of the Peruvian officials and The eyes of the ladies, those ladies and ladies holding umbrellas, even looked at these young sailors with fiery eyes.

"They're all Indians!"

Although a little surprised, but for the Peruvians, what they need at this time is external support, and the Indians... what about the Indians?They came here on a warship, and it was still an ironclad ship.

"Everyone has it! Turn left...turn!"

The shouts from a distance, although very majestic, make people feel very friendly. Of course, the Peruvians can't understand, and they can't even tell the difference between the Chinese and the Indians. As for the Suzaku The flag, of course, is also incomprehensible.

In the eyes of Peruvians, it is a red golden eagle flag.

But when the skilled voice came from a distance, Li Deshun, who was making calculations in the hall, was stunned for a long time.

"Brother Laishun, brother Laishun, listen, listen... Yes, it's official language, it's official language!"

"Okay, it seems to be official."

"Could it be someone from the Qing Dynasty?"

"Impossible. I heard that this is a reinforcement invited by the President of Peru. How could it be from our Qing Dynasty? Our Qing Dynasty..."

Wearing a suit, Gu Zhijie sneered.

"If you don't kneel down when you see foreigners, it's God's blessing, and you will send troops to travel across the ocean to Peru?"

"Isn't that the truth? I must have heard it wrong. If the Qing Dynasty has this ability, how can we all give the Peruvians a lot of trouble?"

They were all indentured laborers in Peru in the early years. After the end of the eight-year contract period, they stayed in Peru and made a living by opening restaurants or small shops. After living in Peru for many years, they took it for granted that they suffered disasters , attributed to the incompetence of the Qing Dynasty, who can't even protect its own expatriates, what is it not incompetence?
It's like the Spaniards, when an expatriate died here, they sent a fleet over there to occupy the guano island in Peru to support their expatriates. If the Qing Dynasty had such ability, how could they be here? The plantation was exhausted, and after a few years, there were very few people who could walk out of the plantation alive.

"Hey, I must be suffering from hysteria..."

When the sigh sounded in the restaurant, the voice from outside still came from far and near.

" two one, one two three four..."

The voice of the password is getting closer and clearer.

"That's right, that's right, it must be Mandarin, I have learned Mandarin, I have learned Mandarin in the provincial capital..."

Li Sanbao, who was cleaning the table, seemed a little excited. He threw away the rag in his hand and ran out. He squeezed through the crowd, and finally managed to get to the premise. When he saw a group of sailors with live ammunition, They are walking in uniform steps, walking towards this side amidst the warm welcome of the Peruvians. They are clearly shouting passwords in official Chinese.

"Keep the queue!"

The shouts of the officers beside the queue made Li Sanbao tremble with excitement. He never imagined that one day, he would be so excited to see the officers and soldiers in a foreign country. When he saw the officers and soldiers in the past, he would definitely hide Stay far away, in case you offend the official, he will cut off his head with a knife, and go there to reason.

But now, seeing the officers and soldiers in this country of Peru, seeing their majestic appearance, Li Sanbao shouted excitedly.

"Master Jun, Lord Jun, you are from the Qing Dynasty, yes, you are soldiers from the Qing Dynasty..."

As soon as the words came to his lips, Li Sanbao realized that something was wrong, not to mention the clothes of Western soldiers these people wore, and there was no braid on the back of their heads.

Looking at the majestic military master, Li Sanbao was immediately dumbfounded!
How could the military master not have braids?

(End of this chapter)

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