Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 220 Help, Master Qingtian

Chapter 220 Help, Master Qingtian (Fifth update, please subscribe)
Unknown Fleet Discovered!

Soon, the Spanish fleet staying in the Chincha Islands figured out the identity of the opponent-the fleet of the American Company.

On September 1864, 9, north of the Chincha Islands, two fleets were less than a nautical mile apart, aiming their cannons at each other.

The sides of the "Flying Dragon" and "Blue Dragon" were brought down by the five-foot-high wave-breaking bulwark, and the muzzles of the dark 210mm naval guns pointed directly at the Spaniards.


Diplomatic mediation was also taking place on the deck of the Madrid when the confrontation at sea took place.

"You are going to the island to investigate!"

Captain Muoni looked at Mario with an extremely complicated expression.

In the past five months, the fleet has been blocking the port of Peru, but ten days ago, when the fleet of the American company sailed in mightily, he could only watch helplessly as the fleet sailed into the port of Lima .

Why is this happening?

Because they are ironclad ships!
The only ironclad ship in the fleet, the "Numancia", is now visiting Chile. As for Peru, only the "White Queen" and "Madrid", which are the most common steam frigates, are left to fight against the ironclad... I really don't have the courage.

"Yes, we received a distress letter indicating that relatives of immigrants were kidnapped by unscrupulous businessmen to the island and suffered inhuman abuse. Colonel, I am obliged to investigate this matter according to public international law and company law!"

Mario's tone seemed quite conceited, what is the capital of his conceit?
Of course they are the two ironclad ships behind them!
In fact, the Spaniard's fleet is extremely important and powerful. This fleet consists of 7 warships and 7 auxiliary ships. It has more than 252 cannons, 126 of which are above 68 pounds. The "Mancia" is a 7500-ton ironclad ship with as many as 34 200mm cannons. It can be called one of the most powerful ironclad ships in the world. This fleet is basically the most powerful fleet assembled in the Pacific Ocean up.

But the problem is... now, there are only "White Queen" and "Madrid", although their tonnage is as high as more than [-] tons, but... they are just two wooden battleships.

Compared with Mario's full confidence, Captain Muoni has no loyalty. Even the ship "Madrid" is as high as 4478 tons, but it is a wooden hull ship!

Staring at the two cutting-edge ironclad ships in the distance, Captain Muoni did not imagine the outcome of the battle. He is a soldier and will never be afraid of war or death. However, he is not willing to attach unnecessary Sacrifice, besides, in his view, this is entirely an opportunity.

Have the Chinese laborers on the island been abused?

Of course, Captain Muoni is very clear about this. In his opinion, Guano Island is a hell. In such a place, it is even difficult to breathe. But what does this have to do with him?

not related.But it has a direct relationship with the Peruvians.After making up his mind, Captain Muoni said.

"Mr. Special Envoy, first of all, I need you to understand that Spain has nothing to do with the Chinese workers on the island!"

Now, of course, it is necessary to put aside the relationship with Spain.

"Yes, we are all well aware that you have just come here,"

Mario said,
"What we are investigating is how they were kidnapped here and how they were abused by the Peruvian side. If I remember correctly, you arrested the officials and supervisors on the island, and we also need to interrogate them. Comply with the requirements of public international law."

Mario's answer brought a smile to Captain Muoni's face. He seemed to have seen the scene where the fleet clashed with the Peruvians because of what happened to the Chinese laborers, so he said seriously.

"Of course, we are willing to provide you with the necessary convenience! After all, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of expatriates is our common concern! This is also the reason why we sent troops to Peru!"

"What a cunning fellow."

When leaving the "Madrid", Mario said to himself.

Why are Spaniards so eloquent?

To put it bluntly, I just want to divert civil disasters to the west and let the Peruvians shoot themselves in the foot!


As early as several decades ago, in order to mine the guano here, Peru, which was underpopulated and in short supply of labor, did not hesitate to import a large number of Chinese laborers from far away. It was the guano that these Chinese laborers mined on this hell-like island gave Peru brought a steady stream of financial resources.

These Chinese workers who dig out bird droppings are forced to dig 4-5 tons of bird droppings every day, or load and unload hundreds of trucks of bird droppings, and work for up to ten hours.And now even the former overseers have been replaced by Spanish soldiers.The life of these Chinese laborers with shackles around their necks has not changed much compared to the past. They are still digging up stinky bird droppings exhaustingly.

Today, when the Chinese workers were working in the guano pit, the supervisor suddenly shouted.

"Stop, stop, everybody stop, clean it up, hurry up..."

How is this going?

In the past two years, the Chinese workers who had become accustomed to working like slaves all looked blankly at the supervisors.

Don't have to work today?
As a small island isolated from the world, there is no fresh water resource on the island, and the water they use is sent from land.Each of them can only get a few liters of water per day, which is very precious on the island. They need to use these liters of water for simple washing after work, otherwise the bird droppings will cause harm to people.

In the past, you can only rinse off after a day's work. What's wrong with today?
"Uncle Zhuzi, tell me, what kind of heart does this foreign ghost have?"

"That's right, what's going on today? How did those foreigners initiate kindness?"

Just when the Chinese workers returned to the simple work shed on the edge of the island amidst the yelling of the supervisors, they saw two more warships on the sea, and a strange Western flag was flying on the warships.

However, they just took a look at it, but when they got to the work shed, they unexpectedly saw an officer with the same appearance as them. Those people were wearing western-style military uniforms, with foreign guns, surrounded by several big shots.One of them cupped his hands as soon as he saw them.

"You folks are suffering, we are late!"

In an instant, everyone was stunned. A Chinese worker looked at them and asked in unfluent Mandarin.

"You, you are, yes, officials from the Kingdom..."

Although these people were dressed in strange clothes, they spoke official language, almost subconsciously, the man knelt down and cried.

"Master Qingtian, I finally saw Master Qingtian, I beg Master Qingtian to make decisions for us, we are suffering..."

(End of this chapter)

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