Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 222 Such a land, such an era

Chapter 222 Such a land, such an era (first update, please subscribe)

Without the threat of force, would the Peruvians readily agree to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese workers?
Would it be so easy to abolish the contract on Huagong that is equivalent to a contract of prostitution?

The answer is of course no.

The public law of all nations is not as good as a few warships.This is the most simple truth.

"6.8 Chinese laborers!"

Holding the telegram in his hand, Zhu Xianhai said quite proudly.

"These Chinese workers have all arrived in Nanhua, and our population has exceeded [-]."

"[-]! My lord, [-]% of the [-] are young and strong!"

Fang Zhanbo laughed.

"Even if Argentina has a population of [-] million, the number of young and old people is about the same, and we in Nanhua can be regarded as thriving! The number of newborn babies this year is expected to exceed [-]. Unfortunately, there are too few young women. If there are enough For a woman, the newborn will at least double in size.”

Fang Zhanbo, who presides over the "New Home Project", is naturally very aware of the number of newborns in Nanhua. After all, marriage and childbirth are the prerequisites for immigrants to be assigned to a new home. However, Nanhua has less than [-] women, which means that hundreds of thousands of people will not be able to find them. To the daughter-in-law.

"It's not a problem, and it will be sorted out in a few years."

Zhu Xianhai smiled, and now that little Lopez has already started to challenge the two major countries of Argentina and Brazil alone. It is not known how far he will go in his death journey, but what is certain is that the self-respecting The extremely strong "Little Napoleon of South America" ​​will definitely lead the Paraguayan people... Well, mainly men, to a dead end.

By the end of the war, Paraguay was a country with more women than men.At that time, women will no longer be a problem, but there are hundreds of thousands of women over there!

However, more than [-] women are not enough!

Standing in front of the map, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the map and said.

"By the end of the year, the railway will almost be open to traffic. At that time, our immigration ships will be diverted to the Pacific route. It is estimated that the speed of immigration will double. In the next few years, our population will enter explosive growth!"

Next year, as the number of new steam immigration ships exceeds 50, and the distance of the Pacific route is shortened by nearly half, the speed of immigration will be greatly accelerated, even surpassing that of the United States.

"At present, our business in Shanghai has always regarded attracting immigrants as the most important task. In China, there are at least three to four million young adults who have no land and no property. To survive, as long as our recruitment team enters the mainland, prints and distributes some pamphlets describing the attractive prospect of emigrating to Nanhua, and does not even need to provide travel expenses. They will take the initiative to go to the port, board the immigration boat, and the immigration wave..."

After a pause, Zhu Xianhai said.

"The immigrant wave is just the beginning. At present, the most important thing is the ship! As long as we have a ship, we can continuously transport people from the Pacific Ocean to Nanhua. With enough immigrants, soon this land, There will be a sea change.”

It is not only Nanhua that has been changed, but even the Pacific Ocean - in the Pacific Ocean, Nanhua's merchant ships have opened up many trading stations, and those trading stations will be the foundation of Nanhua's expansion in the Pacific Ocean. Even last year, Zhu Xianhai followed suit The United States has promulgated the "Guano Island Act" similar to it-under this article, under this article, any American citizen who finds guano on any unaffiliated and uninhabited island, the island "is in the may be deemed appertaining to the United States by the President's ruling."

On Nanhua's side, it's just affiliated with the company.But the result is the same as the "Guano Island Act" in the United States. Any speculative adventurer can "wander at will in the Pacific Ocean or other oceans and incorporate the island into the company", and all the company needs to pay is the acquisition of the guano island. Fees only.

Guano is the "cheapest, most powerful, long-lasting and easy-to-transport fertilizer" in this era. It will promote the agricultural development of Nanhua and increase crop production.Of course, more importantly, Nanhua will harvest a number of islands. Just like the United States, after the passage of the "Guano Island Act" in the United States, speculators have rushed to claim ownership.It's another land boom, this time in the Pacific and Caribbean.The first islands joined the United States in 1857.By 1863, the United States government had annexed 59 small islands.Historically, the United States has used this to occupy a total of 94 guano islands in the Pacific Ocean, and after the value of guano has been exhausted, the important value of the Pacific deployment strategy will follow.

Now, the outbreak of the Civil War has caused speculators in the United States to pause, but Nanhua has already begun to take the same steps. The guano on the guano island is not necessarily important, but through each small island, But it can form a huge ocean empire in the Pacific Ocean.

"Such an era! Such a land! If we can't open up a place for our Huaxia to live on this land in this era, then we will really be sorry for this era!"

While sighing, Zhu Xianhai had another sentence in his heart——

"The Pacific will be ours, and the Atlantic will be ours!"

Perhaps, it is not right now, but in the future, it will definitely belong to Nanhua.

Looking at the lord standing in front of the large map with his back turned to him, Fang Zhanbo's expression also became serious.


If we can't lay down this piece of land, I'm really sorry for the times!

From the grassland with nothing at the beginning to this ever-changing city, everything only took four years.If there are a few more years, perhaps, the lord's dream will come true!

When there are millions of Chinese immigrants living in this land, who dares to say that this is not the promised land of the Chinese people?
Maybe by then, the lord will be able to ascend to the throne and proclaim himself emperor!

For that day, Fang Zhanbo is full of expectations, from the minister of the dragon!In the new dynasty, there must be an extremely personable minister, and he may even become an honorable prince who will live with the country.

Thinking of this, his heart became more motivated.

Zhu Xianhai didn't know what was in Fang Zhanbo's mind. He stared at the map and the vast ocean. Although his inner ambition was inflated, he knew very well in his heart that to realize this ambition, he had to have enough money. Strength is impossible.

Such as the strength of the sea!
The reason why the Peruvians were soft this time, to put it bluntly, in the final analysis is because of force.Without the two ironclad ships and the threat of force, how could they give in and agree to release all the Chinese workers who were willing to leave.

"In the final analysis, this world still speaks with strength! Nanhua's strength is still too weak!"

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(End of this chapter)

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