Chapter 225 Leader Zuo's Talented Journey (First update, please subscribe)
At the end of 1864, a winter snowfall lowered the temperature of the festive Berlin a little.

Prussia, which had just won the Pudan War, was still immersed in the joy of victory at this time.For Zuo Zongtang and his party who arrived in Prussia two months ago, they almost witnessed the entire war.After all, they had arrived in France five months earlier.

After arriving in Prussia, just like in France, Zuo Zongtang and his party not only visited the Prussian Congress, learned about the Prussian political system, laws and many other aspects, they also visited many factories, as expected by all factory owners , Zuo Zongtang and his party issued some orders to certain enterprises.

The order of more than [-] million marks in the area seems small, but it still shocked the industrial and commercial circles of the German states. However, these orders were not placed in vain. As part of the cooperation, they will accept Nanhua students in the next few years. its corporate internship.

Perhaps the German states in 1862 were far inferior to Britain and France in industry, but Germany’s education was extremely developed. Half a century after Humboldt’s education reform, the German states were becoming the world’s academic and educational centers. In the 19th century, German universities, It is also the starting point of the development of modern universities and has had a profound impact on the development of higher education in various countries. Even American universities on the other side of the ocean have been deeply affected by it.Before a large number of American students studying in Germany entered American universities, the American higher education system inherited the British educational tradition, focusing on teaching rather than research. It was through the introduction of the German-style higher education model that American universities set their goals To the field of scientific research, not just limited to teaching work.

"... German universities pay attention to research. Famous universities have set up graduate schools to train high-level research talents. Drawing on the experience of German universities and establishing research universities is the correct direction for Nanhua's higher education."

On the campus of Humboldt University in Berlin, Zuo Zongtang listened carefully to the suggestions of Wang Mingqi and others.

The five young people in front of them were part of the first batch of international students sent by Nanhua. They studied law, education, chemistry, mechanics and other majors in various universities in Germany.Although they have just entered the university, they still have their own opinions and views on many affairs.

In this regard, Zuo Zongtang, like other Nanhua international students met in London, Paris and other places, only gave some words of encouragement, and after expressing that they would write their suggestions into the inspection report, he asked them some technical questions.

"Wen De, you have been in Germany for almost three years, and you must have a certain understanding of this place. As far as you know, are there any technologies worth importing from the German states, or technical personnel worthy of the company's introduction?"

"Gas machine!"

Hu Weizong, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

"I don't know if you know the gas engine improved by Ross August Otto of Germany. Although their company is a small company, the gas engine improved by it has high power efficiency. He is currently working with industrialists. Negotiate investment cooperation to form a company to manufacture and sell this gas engine. This is a free-piston engine, a vertical single cylinder, with a relatively complicated structure and great vibration, but its efficiency is 3 times higher than that of Lenoir's gas engine. Its The thermal efficiency far exceeds that of a steam engine, and it also has a four-stroke engine design. Although it is not very mature, I believe that its potential for improvement is very large. Ross August Otto introduced to South China with his gas engine."

Although Hu Weizong had a certain understanding of Ross August Otto and his gas machine through magazines, he was vaguely aware of the potential of this machine. After all, compared with coal, gas is a a more efficient fuel.

Of course, the more important point is that the thermal efficiency of the gas engine far exceeds that of the steam engine, and now the gas engine is only just invented. If it can be further improved, its potential may even exceed that of the steam engine.

Sometimes, even the parties who make the suggestion don't know what kind of change a small suggestion will bring about, but in many cases, for those who are in trouble, it is an unprecedented opportunity. Door.

As a salesman, and a very good one at that, Otto saw an opportunity almost immediately after receiving the invitation.

For today's meeting, Otto specially changed into a new suit, hoping to leave a good impression on the other party.

When he was about to enter the restaurant, Nikolaus August Otto took a deep breath.

God bless, hope everything goes well.

Although he is a very good salesman, in the past few months, there has been no progress in the negotiations with industrialist E. Langen. The other party insisted on asking for 80% of the shares. 20% of the shares, which is still a little far from his bottom line.

After stepping into the restaurant, Otto saw potential investors—they were mentioned in all the newspapers, the Chinese people from the American company, they were a group of extremely generous customers.

"Hello, sir, are you Mr. Zuo?"

Taking off his hat, Otto said respectfully.

"Sit down, Mr. Otto."

Zuo Zongtang said.

"what do you want to drink?"

After the tea was served, Zuo Zongtang took a look at Nikolaus August Otto, saw that he opened the bag and took out some documents, and said.

"Mr. Otto, I have already got a certain understanding of your gas machine through the introducer. Now we only need to discuss one issue, which is whether you are willing to immigrate to Nanhua."

Although Zuo Zongtang is not good at technology, after recruiting the technical personnel accompanying the mission, he decided to recruit Otto. Recruiting technical experts while inspecting is also one of the purposes of his trip.

"What? Immigration? Sir, I don't have any plans at the moment."

Otto felt a little surprised, didn't they come to negotiate investment?Why did you suddenly change the topic to immigration?

"If you agree to immigrate to Nanhua, the company will invest in the establishment of a factory to produce the gas machine you designed. You can get 30% of the shares in the form of technical shares. At the same time, the factory will also set up a laboratory, which you will be in charge of. , how about specializing in the research of gas engines?"

Zuo Zongtang directly stated his conditions. In fact, these conditions were prepared for him by Zhu Xianhai. He only needs to hold the framework and adjust it at any time.


What is certain is that for Otto, these two conditions alone far exceed the conditions offered by other investors.But thinking of immigration, he still said a little uncertainly.

"Sir, can I think about it?"

Nodding his head slightly, Zuo Zongtang did not continue to try to persuade him about his answer.After all, for many people, immigration is a major event, and it cannot be moved in a few words.

"of course can."

Zuo Zongtang smiled and said in an unquestionable tone.

"But Mr. Otto, you have to remember that in a person's life, once an opportunity is missed, it is very likely that people will regret it for the rest of their lives."

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(End of this chapter)

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