Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 23 Big Killer, Amplifying Moves

Chapter 23 Big Killer, Enlarged Moves (First update, please recommend, please collect)
In Zhu Xianhai's home, there is a chemical laboratory.

In addition to synthesizing raw materials in the pharmacy, he also conducts some experiments in the chemical laboratory.

After the last simulation, he had a lot of knowledge about pharmacy and chemistry in his mind.

Now that we have mastered this knowledge, we must use it to benefit mankind.

For example, "berberine hydrochloride" is a good choice.

This drug, which was only synthesized in 1910, had been extracted from plants as early as 1826, but it had been ignored until it was treated with hydrochloric acid in 1910 before it had practical application value.It is actually a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, but it has only a weak inhibitory effect on bacteria, and can inhibit the pathogenicity of intestinal bacteria such as Shigella, Escherichia coli and other bacteria.

His antibacterial effect certainly cannot be compared with most antibiotics of later generations, but for Zhu Xianhai, its value lies in its "weak inhibitory effect"!

In this era without any antibiotics, just relying on its "weak inhibitory effect" is enough to make it a "miracle medicine"-after all, even dysentery can kill people these days!Even in later generations of China, in the 60s and [-]s, berberine hydrochloride, commonly known as "berberine", was used by barefoot doctors as a "panacea" that could cure all diseases because of its inhibitory effect on various bacteria.He even used large doses of berberine to treat tuberculosis, and actually cured some tuberculosis patients. Of course, its effect cannot be compared with that of streptomycin, but at least it can cure a few patients.For tuberculosis patients in this era, this is their hope!Coupled with cough syrup containing codeine, it is enough to ensure that most patients live a relatively comfortable life for a while.

Of course, as the only effective antibacterial drug in this era, the price of "berberine" will definitely not be low, and it must be sold at the price of penicillin.If you don't use it to deceive millions, that's... that's a lie!It is clearly benefiting the world.

Yes, for the benefit of all mankind, let those white-skinned people experience what "the bitterness of Coptis chinensis" is.

But right now, for Zhu Xianhai, how to make money from Bai Pi is secondary, and what is more important is another matter.

"Not quite the same."

After searching around on the shelf, after finding the required chemical raw materials, Zhu Xianhai looked at the required materials on the list, thought for a while, and then said
"There should be some fat in the kitchen."


In the next few days, Zhu Xianhai kept his head buried in the laboratory conducting experiments.Although it was the first time to carry out a similar synthesis test, as a cheating man, relying on the chemical knowledge rewarded by the system, he still successfully produced the required raw materials.

"That's it!"

Looking at the pale yellow oily liquid in the bottle, Zhu Xianhai's face was full of complacency.

It's nitroglycerin!

It is not only an explosive, but also a drug.

Nitroglycerin, invented by the French chemist Sobrelo as early as 1847, despite its explosive power, is extremely unstable, thus limiting its potential uses.More than ten years later, Nobel tamed it to make a fortune, and finally came up with the Dynamite Award.

Of course, nitroglycerin is still a life-saving drug. Low doses of nitroglycerin can completely relieve angina, and the effect is more stable.

However, at present, Zhu Xianhai did not create it for the purpose of launching this life-saving medicine.but for another purpose.

That is to say - dynamite!
Not only can it save lives, it can also kill!
In this era, compared to ordinary black powder, it is definitely a powerful killer.


Just synthesizing nitroglycerin is not enough. This thing is too sensitive. If you are not careful, you may lose yourself. However, this matter is not difficult for Zhu Xianhai. After all, it has been mentioned countless times in the articles about the Dynamite Award. I have been to the story of Nobel taming nitroglycerin.

It's simple—it's nothing more than diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth is not only chemically stable, but also has a large absorption capacity, which is very suitable for powder mixing of explosives.So Nobel mixed nitroglycerin and diatomaceous earth together in a certain proportion to make a new type of explosive.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Zhu Xianhai easily replicated the explosives that won the "Dynamite Award".With explosives, you also need a detonator.

Even explosives are a systematic project. Just like Nobel, Zhu Xianhai not only solved explosives, but also produced detonators.

"Maybe one day we can start a dynamite company."

Looking at the explosives in the room, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

Next year, the Civil War will break out. What is the most profitable war?
Of course it's ammunition!

New revolvers, especially powerful new explosives.Using berberine to slaughter white people in this era is not a skill. If you can kill hundreds of thousands of Yankees with new explosives, and earn him a few million dollars, it will be worthy of the years of cultivation of the Tianchao University in later generations!

This business has a head!
"Blue ocean! Proper blue ocean!"

Excitedly talking about the big market next year, Zhu Xianhai became a little excited.

It's not just the blue ocean, it's definitely in the limelight!
If this business is not done, how can it be worthy of the years of cultivation in the university!

"I'm sorry, even if the Dynamite Award is held in the future, it will have to be renamed..."

Thinking so in his heart, Zhu Xianhai, who originally wanted to rely on medicine to get rich, no, saved people to make a fortune, immediately made a decision that violated his conscience - get a prize for explosives!

Zhu Xianhai Dynamite Award!It's exciting to think about it!

Of course, right now, the most important thing is to protect yourself!

"You forced me to do this..."

The easiest way to deal with an opponent is a time bomb, simple and crude, but very effective.

But the most difficult thing in the time bomb is not the explosives, but the timer!
It's not difficult for an engineering student to make a timer, but that's the [-]st century.

But what kind of timer should be used in 1860.

Alarm clocks, clocks...

These are not suitable!
Zhu Xianhai, who eventually turned into a bomb maniac, still found inspiration from the movie.

The bomb used in the movie "Assassination of Hitler" is a very special kind of timer - a corrosive timer. Its timing principle is very special - use a metal wire to compress the spring, and then dissolve the wire with corrosive acid. Once the metal wire is broken, the spring hammer is released to hit the detonator, and the detonator detonates the explosive.

Its structure is extremely simple, but extremely reliable, which is why it was widely used by the Allied forces during World War II for destruction behind enemy lines.

"It's him!"


Holding the pocket watch, Zhu Xianhai kept counting the time.

One minute, two minutes...


Accompanied by a loud explosion, Zhu Xianhai sneered as he watched the soil being blasted away.

Your Excellency the Minister of Military Affairs!

You didn't expect it!
You were circled by us in the first episode - now it's my turn!
(End of this chapter)

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