Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 242 The War of Destruction

Chapter 242 The Battle of Destroying the Nation (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
People forget the night, the night is gone, and on this day, the night is gone!
On this day, mankind conquered the night!
This night, the entire Suzaku Avenue is bright!
Bright lights illuminated the entire street, turning the street into daylight.

This is the real city that never sleeps!
Under the bright lights, people looked at it excitedly, and people talked about electricity and lights in surprise, this is magic, this is a miracle!
At 12 o'clock at night, people still didn't want to leave, and people shouted everywhere:
"Race the moon, race the moon!"

This is a title that can't be more Chinese. Haoyue wandered in the sky, standing on the balcony, looking at the people who have been unwilling to leave for a long time, Zhu Xianhai's heart is heavy, and the corresponding equipment such as electric lights and generators will be in the next ten years. He doesn't know how much wealth it will bring to Nanhua.

But what is certain is that capitalists around the world will then rejoice that they can finally squeeze workers further. the price of progress!
The long sigh from the balcony made Maria walk over, looking at Zhu Xianhai standing by the window with a dignified expression, she asked softly.

"What's the matter? Isn't today a happy day?"

Maria asked.

"With the electric light, the night will not exist complicatedly, and the whole world will remember today, just like what you said at the banquet today - the whole world will remember that the electric light is a gift from the Chinese nation to the people of the world! "

There is nothing wrong with saying this. Edison improved the electric light, and Nanhua’s laboratory also improved the electric light. Maybe Henry Liu, that is, Henry Gobels invented the electric light, but his electric light is primitive and backward, and it is Nanhua’s. Huaxia technicians improved the electric lights.So it is a gift from the Chinese nation to the whole world.

"This gift..."

Zhu Xianhai sighed.

"It has its good side, and of course its bad side."

"The bad side? What is it?"

Maria was surprised.

"It's just...workers will have to work overtime from now on!"

Compared with the blessing of overtime, the changes that electric lights have brought to human society are also obvious. The blessing is just one of them. After Zhu Xianhai changed the topic.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Maria, your brother sent someone again!"


Maria smiled, her bright eyes bent into crescent moons.

"He's really having a hard time right now. Chillan is about to fall. In terms of his character, it's time to negotiate terms with him."

Maria, who was born in a political family, knows very well what politics is. Politics itself is a winner's game, and this game has no emotions.

Even if that was her brother, so what?

In the face of the country and the country's political interests, such family affection is not worth mentioning.


Walking in front of the man, Maria whispered in his ear and said in an extremely coquettish tone,

"Honey, just like conquering me, go conquer there!"

Zhu Xianhai's heart skipped a beat as he exhaled softly, he put his arms around the woman's waist, and whispered in her ear.

"as you wish……"


Just after the first lunar month, a steam locomotive rumbled out of Nanhua, all the way west, galloping on the grasslands, and it took only one day for the train to enter the Andes Mountains.

When the train staggered around a curved road section on the mountain track, the iron wheels on the track squeaked regularly, and most of the people in the carriage sat there, staring at the large military map.

They had been proofreading Chile's attack plan.Right now, the plan has reached the final stage of implementation. Some of these staff officers are silently smoking cigarettes, and some are writing scattered and incoherent plans, waiting to start again.

Is it easy to conquer a country?
Absolutely not easy.

In fact, since Napoleon, no country in the white world has been conquered by a foreign country.

And now they're going to conquer Chile!
This is a great achievement that has never been seen since the Napoleon era!
From the day they started to draw up the plan, they had an unprecedented sense of mission and a sense of awareness of being in a great cause.

Destroy the country of others!
Just ask the soldier who doesn't want to achieve such a great cause.This is definitely the proudest moment in their lives. Of course, the premise is that if they succeed, if they fail, then they will all be reduced to a joke and the laughing stock of the whole world.

"According to the information we have, the current population of Chile is about 170 million, of which the population in the south is about 20, of which 75% live in rural areas, and the remaining 40 live in cities, including 17 in Santiago. The current Chilean army is about 4.5 people, while the Chillan interim government has 1 troops, they are just barely maintaining the line of defense at the moment, they have lost 70% of their land and more than half of their population in the past year, if we don't Intervening, Bernardo Riquelme's failure was inevitable..."

When Heisenberg introduced the situation in Chile, Zhu Xianhai just smoked a cigar one after another, and then he occasionally cast his eyes on the map.

"Do you really think we can beat them?"

he asked.In fact, the answer is obvious. Perhaps Nanhua's population is not as large as that of Chile, but its military strength has a crushing advantage over intelligence.

"I am sure that the Chilean army is no match for us militarily. Let me introduce you, Colonel."

Colonel Hoffp, whose name was mentioned, walked to the map, pointed at the map and said.

"Currently 70% of the Chilean army is in the Chillan area. After several years of training, their combat effectiveness has indeed surpassed that of the past, but as we all know, this army is still a relatively backward army. After our invitation, we will send eight regiments, that is, 2.4 troops, through a frontal storm, and then turn around to their flanks to encircle the Chilean army and wipe them out under the city of Chillan. We are sure that after such a victory, , the door of San Diego will be open to us."

After a pause, Colonel Hoffp said again.

"Then, our armored trains will follow the railway line, escort the troops directly to the city of Santiago, and end the campaign by occupying the capital before the general mobilization of the Chileans, just as the Marshal requested—with lightning speed speed, crush the enemy, and end the war before he can react!"

Blitzkrieg, this is a concept put forward by Zhu Xianhai, to control the enemy and win by surprise attack, and use mechanized troops to quickly cut the main force of the enemy to achieve the desired effect.

Is it possible to implement blitzkrieg in this day and age?For example, the plan they formulated was to use the railway to break through.Take advantage of the speed of the railway, and hit Huanglong before the enemy reacts!

What is the biggest problem?

While they were explaining the steps to implement the plan, Zhu Xianhai just listened carefully. He could propose a concept, but he would not intervene in the actual combat command.Professional things should be left to professionals.


Colonel Hoffp said again.

"One of the factors that hinders the plan now is how to ensure the smooth flow of the railway line along the way, how to ensure that the railway will not be damaged by the Chilean army or railway workers."

(End of this chapter)

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