Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 245 3 Gui Riquelme's Choice

Chapter 245 Sangui Riquelme's Choice (Part [-], please subscribe)
Linhai is indeed a city of heroes!

And not just because in the simulator, the people here fought for more than [-] days and finally repelled the Chilean attack!
Contained a country in Chile with the power of one city!
This is true in the simulator, and it is also true in reality. Linhai is far away from Nanhua, and there are Andes Mountains in the middle, but they have provoked the overall situation with a single city, and let the Suzaku flag fly in Araucania.

In the past, Linhai was a city against a country, but now, all this has changed!
With the opening of the Pacific Railway, Nanhua and Linhai have become a neat one. With this steel artery, everything will change!

This night, fireworks were set off in Linhai, which were fireworks for celebration.

Several families were happy and sad, but for Bernardo Riquelme, the provisional government leader, he had no intention of admiring the fireworks outside the window. After learning that Zhu Xianhai had arrived in Linhai, he hurried over to What are you doing?
Of course they came for help!
The interim government was bombed last year. After Perode came to power and many ministers were killed, Bernardo Riquelme, the Minister of War, became the interim government as a matter of course. Facing the collapse of the front line, He sent special envoys to ask for help again and again, but what happened?
But it was rejected again and again!

Although he has managed to maintain the battle line now, he knows Chillan's situation better than anyone else. The collapse of the situation is only a matter of time, and even now, he may not return there after leaving Chillan—the officers may Will take the opportunity to betray the provisional government.

Unless he can get help.


Facing Bernardo Riquelme's request for help, Zhu Xianhai smiled.

"Give me a reason, tell me why you should send the army to help you."

"Because of what you promised, you said you would support us!"

Bernardo Riquelme said anxiously.

"As far as we can, we all know that your failure is inevitable now. For Nanhua, it is better to make peace with the victor than to continue to be friends with failure,"

Zhu Xianhai waved his hand,
"Between countries, interests are always paramount. I believe that you have no objection to this. Of course, Bernardo, you are Maria's brother after all. You can choose to live in Nanhua or Linhai. There are two places in both places. The estate of the Riquelme family, I believe your sister will not refuse to help you, and I personally can subsidize you with 1000 pesos a month."

This Riquelme is not Periquelme. This Riquelme family manor is a gift from Zhu Xianhai to Maria. After all, she has given birth to two children for him. The manor is hers, and of course it is also a child. their property.

The children would certainly not mind the fact that their uncle stayed temporarily at their estate.

It's money and the house. At this moment, Zhu Xianhai felt that he was too kind and generous!
Faced with such a sincere invitation, Bernardo Riquelme's expression was complicated. There were invitations here and there, clearly ironic, no, yes, it was... ridicule.

Are you laughing at his failure?
For a moment, he wanted to get up and leave, but Bernardo Riquelme finally sat there, took a deep breath, looked at the other person and asked.

"what do you want?"

Any politician has something they want. The reason why he supported the establishment of a provisional government at the beginning was because of his intentions.

It was to use the interim government to contain Chile so that Chile could not threaten his plan in Araucania. Now that his railway has been built, his immigrants have spread all over Araucania, and even Linhai has become a city. A large city with a population of over [-].

In this case, the provisional government will lose its meaning.

However, he still has plans.

"Is it minerals? Copper mines? If you support me, when I return to San Diego, I will sell you all the state-owned copper mines to try to repay the loan, and I will also reduce export tariffs, and at the same time give Your most-favored-nation treatment, lowering tariffs on goods to less than 5%."

For careerists, there has never been a psychological burden to sell the country. Compared with the so-called "patriotism", they care more about power.

What is for Chile, what is for peace or independence, it is just nonsense. In the final analysis, for Bernardo Riquelme and his like, all they care about is power!
Power is eternal, as for the others... it is not worth mentioning at all.

What is it?
But only poor ghosts care about that.

Facing the conditions offered by Bernardo Riquelme, Zhu Xianhai did not respond, he just looked at the other party with a smile on his face, MMP in his heart.

This is the so-called "politician" ah!

You see, this country sells... But, this kind of politician is what we need!
Once the traitorous mouth was opened, he couldn't stop it. Seeing that Zhu Xianhai didn't answer himself, Bernardo frowned, and he muttered in his heart, why hasn't he convinced the other party with such a generous offer?
Could it be that he has other purposes?
After thinking about it, Bernardo said again.

"Puerto Montt!"

Puerto Montt is located in the south of Araucania and was founded in 1853. During that period, Chilean immigrants settled in Valdivia, Osorno, and Ranquehua in the south of Araucania. In the area, the reason why Chile invaded Araucania was to acquire land on the one hand, and another important reason was that it divided Chile into two parts.

Once upon a time, Zhu Xianhai also coveted Puerto Montt, which is a good natural harbor. The port conditions are so much better than Linhai, and it is very suitable for the berthing of the Pacific Fleet.

Now Zhu Xianhai has more and bigger pictures.

"Including the Strait of Magellan, that is, the Chilean land south of Araucania, all ceded to you, I think..."

Facing Zhu Xianhai's gaze, Bernardo Riquelme said quite conceitedly.

"There is no one in Chile who can offer such generous terms."

Yes, no one will betray his country more thoroughly, Zhu Xianhai has no doubts about it, at least for now, no one can surpass him.

Of course, it is not possible for him to further betray the country.However, don't worry, with the expansion of power, as time goes by, for those who want to hold on to power, they will fall a little bit for power.

In the end it just sells more and more things, and when people get used to selling, it doesn't matter!

For Bernardo, it was just the first step of betraying the country!
(End of this chapter)

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