Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 253 Who Launched the Coup?

Chapter 253 Who Launched the Coup? (The third update, please subscribe)
As usual, when Justo, a reporter, was writing an article, the sound of footsteps from the street interrupted his thoughts. At first, he didn't notice anything unusual, but soon he realized that There are many people on the street, and the sound of footsteps is a little unusual.

"It's so late at night, why are there so many people taking to the streets?"

Puzzled, Justo opened the window, and by the dim light of the street lamp, he saw hundreds of soldiers carrying rifles, marching forward, and the sound of their footsteps was exactly that.

Who are they?

Before Justo figured out what was going on, the patrolmen encountered at the intersection were disarmed by the soldiers.

How is this going?

Justo was a little dazed, why did the army enter the city?
Suddenly, there were bursts of rapid gunshots in the night sky, even mixed with some explosions.

Where did the fight start?
Hearing the sound of gunshots and explosions, an idea came to Justo's mind - rebellion!
"Could there be a military mutiny?"

Thinking of this, he immediately walked out. As a reporter, Justo hoped to record first-hand information.

After he walked out of the house, he followed the group of soldiers not too far away, and watched them go directly to the rich district, where many congressmen and senior government officials lived. Before reaching the corner of the street, he heard There was a gunshot.

Justo rushed over in a hurry, only to see that the soldiers were charging into the rich area with their guns in their hands. Amidst the gunshots, a bodyguard-like man fell down, and the others retreated in a hurry. He rushed over with his rifle, the bayonet at the end of the gun gleaming in the light of the street lamp.

Amidst the gunshots, the houses on the side of the road turned on their lights, and then the gunshots echoed inside and outside the building from time to time. It must be the bodyguards resisting the attack of the soldiers. The soldiers kept breaking into the buildings on the side of the road, and then the house The masters were dragged out—all MPs and ministers, and the ministers were still questioning loudly as they were dragged out.

"Who are you?"

But those soldiers seemed to turn a deaf ear, just bound the hands of those dignitaries and threw them into the carriage.

By this time, Justo could not have been more clear - the military mutiny!
Someone launched a military coup!
But who would it be?

Who is trying to overthrow President Peres?Justo had too many doubts in his heart, but obviously no one would answer his questions at this time, but he still took the initiative to walk over, wanting to find out what happened, he rushed directly to the side of the street , walked to the side of a soldier.

"Hey, sir, whose subordinates are you?"

Only then did Justo notice that these soldiers seemed to be all Indians. Although there were also whites, there were very few white officers.

The other party seemed to not understand what he said, and ignored him at all, and then an officer ran over, waving the weapon in his hand and rushing over, shouting.

"Get in the house! Come back in the house!"

"Sir, I am a reporter, and I have the right to interview!"

"You don't have any power, if you want to survive, go back!"

The officer yelled cursingly, and he even raised his pistol directly, seeing what Justo dared to argue with.

After being driven home, Justo had no choice but to pace back and forth in the room.

what on earth is it?

Whose subordinates are these rebels?
Not to mention Justo's curiosity, even the officials of the British embassy were equally curious. As the ambassador to Chile, John Duke looked in the direction of the presidential palace from time to time.

"Rebellion? How can there be a military rebellion?"

The reason why Ambassador Duque came up with such an idea was because he knew very well that Perez's rule was fairly stable, and rebellion, especially such a military rebellion, was basically unlikely.

"Could it be that the French have meddled in the affairs here?"

Thinking of this, Duke once again instructed his subordinates.

"Neil, let's go out at dawn to find out what happened. We need to find out who launched the rebellion, who took control of Santiago, and most importantly, whether the French have meddled in Chile's affairs! "

As the British ambassador to Chile, what worries Duque the most?
It was never a rebellion in the south, he knew very well who supported the rebellion in the south, it was just a colonial company trying to guarantee their interests in Araucania by supporting the rebellion, but what about the French?Now the emperor of France has extended his hand not only to Mexico but also to South America. From Paraguay to Chile, there are shadows of France everywhere.

In the case of that emperor, affairs in Chile became more complicated.

Military coup!

Who would initiate this military catastrophe?
Even if Duke wanted to break his head, he would never have imagined that this was not a "military coup" at all, but a deliberate attack!

It was a surprise attack!
Facing the commandos of more than [-] people, this city with a population of [-], the capital of Chile, was totally defenseless.

The resistance of more than [-] Chilean soldiers in the barracks lasted less than [-] minutes. As for the resistance in the city... almost zero!
As for the ambassadors of various countries, they all tried to find out what happened through their own channels, but they didn't get any news. They only knew that members of Congress and ministers were arrested by rebels, and they were all taken to the President's office. government.

Outside the presidential palace, several bronze cannons were pointed straight ahead, and in the brightly lit hall, the arrested ministers and congressmen all looked around in a daze.

This... what happened?
Is it the Secretary of War?

Just when the congressmen were thinking about it, they saw General Audria, the Minister of War, who was also escorted over.

In fact, when General Odria was caught at home, facing the black hole of the muzzle, the first thought that came to his mind was also someone rebelling.

He even guessed who started the rebellion - it must be General de la Cruz, that guy had started a rebellion a few years ago, but in the face of the Mapuche invasion, on his suggestion, the President pardoned Germany General de la Cruz, it must be that guy, that guy was fighting the insurgents in the south, maybe he's compromised with the insurgents.

Maybe... the Minister of War felt unprecedented anger and betrayal!
How could General de la Cruz betray Chile?

How can he do this?

When General Odria was escorted, seeing him who was also arrested, the hall suddenly became chaotic, and everyone was asking a question - who launched the rebellion!

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(End of this chapter)

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