Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 256 Annexation Experiment

Chapter 256 The Annexation Experiment (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
In the next few days, the train going south turned east again. Along the way, only when the train stopped to add coal and water, would someone bring them water and bread, but it was barely enough to eat.

A few days later, the train full of prisoners finally pulled into the railway station of Nanhua Port.

When the car door was opened, the hungry prisoners looked blankly at the people standing on the platform, and Justo saw Major Pisper step forward and said loudly.

"Sir, I protest that even though we are prisoners, we should be given water and food instead of torturing us like this! I am an officer, and I demand corresponding treatment!"

The officer standing in front of the carriage door looked at this guy, frowned, and then spoke in blunt Spanish.

"Are you finished?"

"Yes, sir, I am..."

Suddenly, Pisper stopped talking, and everyone in the carriage took a step or two back in horror—a gun!

The officer directly drew his pistol and put it on Pisbow's forehead.

"First, sir, please, please forgive me..."

Pisbow's voice changed.

Him, what is he going to do?
Justo was horrified to see a disdainful sneer on the officer's face, and he pulled the trigger.


With a gunshot, Pisbow's head shattered like a ripe watermelon, and red flesh and white brains splashed out.

Pisbow fell down and glanced at the corpse on the ground. The officer put the pistol in the holster, then took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on his hands, and said with a sneer.

"you are nothing!"

Then, he stared at the people in the car and said.

"You are nothing, from now on, you are all the same, you are nothing. Everyone get out of the car and line up!"

How dare the frightened people say anything?
In the face of such violence, no one dares to speak, so what else is there to say?
These people are really cruel!


A powerful reprimand is enough to make 80% of the people timid, a violent beating can make 90% of them cringe, and death is enough to deter everyone. If it cannot be deterred, then there is only one reason - not enough kills!
The prisoners lined up were escorted to a pier, and an immigrant ship was moored by the pier. Amid the shouts and roars of the watchmen, they were driven onto the ship, and then squeezed into a narrow cabin, waiting for their arrival. what is it
No one knows, at least for these prisoners, they have no idea what they are going to face.

Anyway, for them, their fate has changed.

Why change?
Maybe they still have such doubts in their hearts, but this is not important. In fact, for these prisoners, they don't need to know why.

So what if you know the answer?

They are also powerless to change their own destiny.

After all, arresting would-be resisters was the norm for conquerors.Since they are potential resistance elements and patients of future limbs, these hidden dangers should be eliminated!


Accompanied by the long sound of the siren, the immigrant ship full of prisoners left Nanhua Harbor and sailed slowly towards the ocean in the setting sun.

Where will they go?
No one knew, and even since then, these people have completely disappeared.Nobody knew they went there.

The army involved in the arrest was only ordered to arrest them, and then sent them to the train. The special train was only responsible for sending them to the port, and another army took over and sent them to the ship when they arrived at the port.

Then these people disappeared from the world.

It's not that everyone didn't know they were there, in fact, there were still a few people who knew where they were going.

"Is it all on board?"

Zhu Xianhai asked without raising his head.

"Yes, a total of 3872 people have been sent to the ship."

Zhu Xianhai frowned at Qian Zizhuang's answer, then shook his head and said.

"It's not enough. There are 170 million people in Chile, which means that we have to exile at least 2% of the population to Africa. Only in this way can we really control that land effectively. Don't worry about churches and education. All we have What is needed is not Spanish-speaking teachers and priests, but Chinese-speaking teachers. In the future, Shanxi will only have one official language, which is Chinese!"

When he said these words, Zhu Xianhai's tone was cold without any emotion.


After the simulation four years ago, for Zhu Xianhai, there was only one thought on his mind day and night—revenge!
In that simulation, hundreds of thousands of South China people were writing sacrifices with their lives in every minute and every second of those long years!

Who is responsible for their sacrifice?

Chileans and Argentines need to be responsible for them. In Linhai, tens of thousands of people live and die with the city. It is a city of heroes, and it is also a city stained red with the blood of Chinese people!
Everything he did today was for revenge!

In the past four years, every minute and every second of his life has been depicted with two words - revenge!

Zhu Xianhai has always been a stingy person, he is a bit small-minded, he is a person who holds grudges, and he has a particularly good memory.

Therefore, after the occupation of Chile, whether for the sake of a smooth annexation in the future or to avoid large-scale resistance, a plan was made to cleanse its elite, no, it should be the arrest of "spies and sabotage" personnel".

Where were the arrested people sent?
In fact, at the beginning, Zhu Xianhai exiled them to Alaska, such as the Yukon River area, and asked them to go there to pan for gold, but after some careful consideration, he decided to send them to Africa—now the company has established a business in the Congo River Purchased a piece of land, but also sent an expedition all the way along the Congo River deep into its hinterland.

The exiled whites could work on the plantations and, of course, start families there—along with the blacks.

When making this decision, Zhu Xianhai felt that he was extremely benevolent. Even though the iron and loving father he imitated exiled the Chileans, he did not exile them to a big refrigerator for gold mining, but sent them to a warm Congo, sent to the tropical rainforest rich in fruit, and even gave them black maids to take care of them and let them start a family there.

With such a benevolent act, even Zhu Xianhai felt that he was too kind-hearted!
In the final analysis, Chinese people are still too civilized!Can't be as savage as white people.Hey, this is probably the so-called crime of civilization.

"Yes, my lord, I understand what to do!"

Hearing the lord's instructions, Qian Zizhuang responded.

"We will intensify our efforts in other places in the future to ensure that no one will slip through the net!"

In other words, that is to arrest people strictly according to a certain ratio. Those people are definitely not innocent, after all, they are all potential resistance elements.

Of course, collaborators are an exception.If they can choose to cooperate, then such a thing will definitely not fall on them, and they can get extremely rich returns.

"Okay, let's try to get this thing done,"

Zhu Xianhai nodded, looked at Qian Zizhuang and said.

"You must know this experiment in Chile, which is related to our annexation of other regions in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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