Chapter 259: Archfire Expert Britain ([-]rd update, please subscribe)

How could it not be a threat?
This is a threat in itself, but as a diplomat, Edward Thornton did not give a direct answer, but said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhu, you should be very clear that Britain's position is fair. We will not accept any changes to Chile's territory, including indirect changes."

In other words, Britain would not accept a provisional government ruling Chile.

"We believe that Chile's political situation needs to return to the situation before the war broke out. Of course, we will promote a comprehensive reconciliation between Santiago and the interim government. Mr. Zhu, please believe that this is the best choice for you!"

After a pause, Edward Thornton said.

"What you have obtained through the treaty can even be strengthened to some extent. Of course, considering that Chile is a country with strong self-esteem, your right to garrison troops will definitely be revoked."

After the threat, it is natural to throw a carrot. In Edward Thornton's view, this is London's greatest kindness, and the other party should accept it.

But to Edward Thornton's surprise, Zhu Xianhai shook his head and said.

"Mr. Ambassador, you must understand that this is America!"

Then he said sternly.

"America's affairs should be decided by Americans, not by outsiders!"

Uh... Edward Thornton, who was beaten back, looked at Zhu Xianhai dumbfounded.

what did he say?
He refused?

Instead, he said that American affairs should be decided by Americans... You, are you an American?

Seeing Edward dumbfounded and speechless, Zhu Xianhai sat up straight.

Yes, I am an American!
American things should be decided by the Americans!
And the Chinese are now Americans too!

"In that case..."

Standing up, Edward Thornton said seriously.

"I think London will have an answer soon!"

In front of the company headquarters building, when he was about to board the carriage, Edward Thornton said to Zhu Xianhai who came to see him off.

"Zhu Xianhai, it is true that American affairs should be decided by Americans as you said, but please believe that even in independent American countries, they must also consider diplomatic influence."

What considers the impact of diplomacy is clearly considering the attitude of Britain!

Regarding this, Zhu Xianhai just smiled and nodded.

"Of course, we have always valued our relationship with any European country!"

Edward Thornton just nodded his head slightly, he knew what the other party's answer meant, it was telling him that there is not only one UK in the world, there are other countries in Europe.

The purpose of this trip has been defeated.

After boarding the carriage, Edward Thornton once again looked at Nanhua from the window.

"Sir, it seems that we didn't gain anything from this trip."

Counselor Schneider said following him.

"Do not,"

Edward Thornton shook his head and said.

"The harvest is very great, Schneider, you came to Nanhua last year, you told me, what kind of impression does this place leave on you?"


Schneider, who was sent to Nanhua as a trade representative, has been here for two years and of course has a certain understanding of this place.

"What impresses me the the people, sir, before the railway was completed, almost every day, there would be immigrant boats sailing into Nanhua Bay, and then those Chinese immigrants poured in here like a tide, with bronze skin everywhere, everywhere It's theirs, sir, when I contacted the officials of the immigration agency, they even proudly declared that by the end of this year, the population of Nanhua will exceed one million people!"

"This number is indeed astonishing, but you have to know that there are [-] million people in China, and there is a war going on there, and it is quite normal for people to flood here. That Mr. Zhu only needs to provide funds and ships, and he can Bringing millions of cheap labor here, but that's not the most important thing."

Edward Thornton, who traveled to Asia with the warships of the Royal Navy when he was young, was no stranger to China.

"What's important..."

Looking at the city market outside the window, Edward Thornton sighed.

"We thought that this was just a charter company interested in expanding the colonial business. Maybe one day, this place would become another granary in Britain, but to our surprise, this company showed more than just being in the grassland. It’s land reclamation, grazing, but industry. When talking with Zhu Xianhai, I noticed that looking out from his office, the skyline in the distance is full of towering chimneys, and they even invented the electric light.”

Glancing towards the street lights, Edward Thornton sighed.

"What do we see in Bueno Aires? What we see are the rich and powerful, the farmers, and the universities there are nothing more than clubs for the children of the rich, where they study literature, law, music, Painting, but I don’t have much interest in science, and there are not even any factories there, but there are not only many factories here, but the products they produce have quietly opened up the South American market in the past few years, Schneider Last month, someone from the British Chamber of Commerce in Buenos Aires declared that 90% of the local cotton comes from South China, and British cotton is gradually withdrawing from the Americas..."

Schneider, as trade representative, is of course well aware of this, he said.

"I'm afraid this is directly related to the war in the United States. After the outbreak of the American Civil War, the insufficient supply of cotton led to the insufficient operation of British factories, which had an extremely serious impact on our commodity exports..."

"What about now?"

Turning his head to look at Schneider, Edward Thornton said.

"As early as last year, the supply of cotton from Egypt and India was able to guarantee the demand of British factories, and at the beginning of the year, the North and the South of the United States also started negotiations. Cotton exports are returning to normal, but our exports to South America have not resumed, and are even still on the rise. Losing the South American market a little bit... because this market already has a new seller!"

Who is this seller?

Of course it is Nan Hua.

"So, London already has an intention?"

Everything is ultimately for business, even if it is only a junior diplomat, Schneider also knows the duties of a British diplomat-business is the most important thing.

"Yes, but it's not just business, Schneider. The appearance of a United States in North America has already given us a headache. What if there is another United States in South America one day?"

Looking at the city outside the car window, Edward Thornton frowned.

"A place that is forging ahead in industry, the future development will definitely not be bad! But it is not what we need, not what Britain needs. For Britain, what we need is the wheat of the New World, the New World beef and the resources of the New World, but it is by no means a new way of industrial products to compete with British industrial products."

The interests between countries are so naked.Great Britain's layout in South America for half a century was not to help it achieve true independence and prosperity, but to obtain the resources on this land.

An aggressive regime is clearly not what Britain needs.Edward Thornton is naturally very aware of this, and this is also the purpose of his coming to this land as a diplomat, but what he is facing now is a place that is determined to make progress.

This place is likely to disrupt Britain's plans for this land.

"So now, we have to find a way to stop this..."

"Stop all this?"

Schneider was surprised.

"Then what should we do?"

Edward Thornton said with a smile.

"It's not what we should do, Schneider, you are still young, some things are not what we are going to do, but what we are going to let others do! Or in other words, encourage others to do what!"

(End of this chapter)

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