Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 266 Destiny Is Just an Excuse

Chapter 266 Destiny is no more than an excuse (first update, please subscribe)
Americans were never Indians, nor were they native!
Americans are Spaniards, Portuguese, and Europeans. They became Americans when they came here, and the same is true for Chinese people now.

What a poignant answer!

But the fact is that, no matter how much you deny or disagree, this is an iron-clad fact.Indians... who cares.

In fact, the same is true for Chinese people. If Nanhua does not have strong strength, no one cares. Of course, Chinese people will become Americans when they come here, but they are Indians.

"Don't you want to conquer Chile and Argentina? How do you win the recognition of those Americans? She is the tool for you to gain recognition! Her title, her bloodline!"

Seeing Elizabeth's serious look, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart. He leaned on the back of the bed, frowned and said, "Elizabeth, if I marry another woman, won't you be jealous at all?"

She glared at Zhu Xianhai unhappily, and in an instant, her bright eyes revealed deep love again, Elizabeth bit her lips lightly and said:

"No matter what, you are the love of my life and the father of my child... Our destiny has been tied together in Buenos Aires, what else can I be jealous of?"

Having said that, Elizabeth's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

"But my dear, I said in the past that I am your mistress, a mistress who belongs only to you, now and in the future, you will always be my favorite, but dear, you must have a status to match you wife, your empire..."

Elizabeth, who was sitting on the bed, looked at him and said seriously.

"You must have a queen whose status matches her. This is for the future of your empire, and it is also for the future of your children!"


Zhu Xianhai frowned.

"I don't care at all!"

"I said, you don't care, but more than [-] million Americans care, Chileans care, Argentines care, and in the future there will be Paraguayans, Peruvians, Bolivians, Ecuadorians, even Colombians, Venezuelans, including Brazil People! They all care!"

Elizabeth said.

"Do you think that this land is a republic, so their people love the republic? But in fact? When Argentina became independent, they sent people to Europe to try to find a king for themselves. In Chile, In Peru, this is the case in almost all places. The republic is just a product of compromise. How many people really care about a republic? For politicians, whether it is a republic or an empire, it is actually just a name!"

For Elizabeth's words, Zhu Xianhai has no doubts. Who are the politicians or political elites in South America?

Isn't it the scholar-officials in the late Ming Dynasty?

Among those scholar-bureaucrats, of course there are people with lofty ideals who are willing to put their heads on the ground to defend China with death, and of course there are slaves who are willing to be driven by foreign races.

Whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, it is just a name, as long as they can maintain their own interests!
"Honey, maybe you can use force to occupy Chile, but what you need is to conquer there, conquer the people there, and let them accept your rule willingly, but how can you make them accept your rule?"

Bright eyes stared at Zhu Xianhai, Elizabeth's eyes were clear and firm.

"Her title is a transition, a reason for the local elite to accept your rule, or a bluff! With this cover, they can cooperate with the invaders without psychological burden."

"Okay, I almost know that this title is similar to China's destiny..."

What title, what destiny, to put it bluntly, it is just a reason, an excuse.

Of course, everyone will give an excuse to a high-sounding name.

Just like the so-called love at first sight, it's just love at first sight.

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"It's just to find a reason for their traitorous behavior. With the destiny, the scholar-officials can openly betray the country, and with her title, they can openly sell themselves to the invaders."

Everything is nothing more than a cover, whether it is destiny or title, to put it bluntly, it is all to find an excuse for betraying the country and seeking glory.

With this excuse, the scholar-bureaucrats surrendered to the enemy, and with this excuse, the nobles happily pledged their allegiance to their new masters.

Regardless of whether it is China or Europe, to put it bluntly, the political elites are surprisingly consistent. Everything they do is always based on personal interests. As for the country, the individual is far above the country!

For emperors or kings, this is definitely not good news, but for aliens or foreign conquerors, this is the best thing.With these willing leaders, we can better conquer this land!To rule the people of this land.

"Honey, it's good for you to understand. This was once a Spanish colony. As a former subject, serving the King of Spain, this is nothing more than normal! Promise me, honey, to conquer her for your empire!"

Looking at the woman in front of me, I weighed it in my heart for a while, marrying her will indeed bring certain benefits, what is the biggest benefit?
It can effectively reduce the resistance of Chile and other countries. Even the barbarians like Manchu know how to leave a few carrots, but if you want the "scholar bureaucrats" in South America to eat those carrots willingly and act as a precursor to the invaders, you must Give them a reason - there is no difference between "title" and "Mandate of Heaven" in this case.

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help sighing.

"Elizabeth, this is the second time you have advised me to sacrifice my hue!"

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help complaining.

"I obviously rely on my strength to make a living, but you always make me sacrifice my appearance!"

Last time, Elizabeth persuaded him to marry the daughter of a Mapuche chief, but in the end he made the Mapuche chiefs choose him as king by virtue of his strength, but now?She once again persuaded herself to sacrifice her appearance and marry a Spanish princess, one with no title.

Of course, he was moved deep in his heart, because the woman in front of him gave her wholeheartedly, no matter from the time they met or until now.

Almost every time the woman in front of him always has reasons to move him or even be grateful.

"Darling, you clearly have a hue and don't sacrifice, can you be worthy of God?"

Looking at Zhu Xianhai affectionately, Elizabeth smiled and said:
"Trust me, you won't regret it, I know them better than you... titles!"

After a pause, Elizabeth said in a sarcastic tone.

"For those people, the meaning of the title is not just the title. For thousands of years, Europeans have been addicted to this title. Even in the New World, the title is also honorable. With this title, the former resisters Will become a collaborator and a collaborator will become a follower, like Chile, now for a Chilean, you are an invader, but when she becomes your wife, believe me, by that time, for a Chilean Say, you are the king! You are their king!"

(End of this chapter)

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