Chapter 274 (Third update, please subscribe)
In the early morning, as usual, he drove the cattle to the adjacent pasture. Si Dongli, who was riding on the horse, took a deep breath. The air was filled with the fragrance of green grass. Looking around, he could see a vast expanse of land as far as he could see. Grassland, a flat prairie with no end in sight, among the green grass, black and brown beef cattle are grazing with their heads down.

This picture of cattle and sheep under the wind blowing grass only existed in history books in the past, but now it is straightforwardly presented in front of his eyes.

This peaceful scene will make people can't help but sigh the beauty of life.

"Where is this place? Taoyuan is nothing more than that..."

The corners of Si Dongli's lips twitched slightly while sitting on the horseback. Although he would always think of his hometown, who would be willing to part with this paradise?
"Brother, look, the meat seems to be bigger!"

Not far away, Si Dongchuan looked at the cattle on the pasture, and said,

"These cows will be sent to the farm for fattening after a while."

Different from raising cattle for farming in the old family, steam tractors and horses can be used for farming in Nanhua, but cattle are never used. The cattle are used to kill and eat meat. These cattle will be raised on the grassland for several months, and then sent to Go to the farm to eat silage corn stalks. That kind of forage grows faster than the grass on the grassland. There are machines on the farm to store and crush corn stalks, and there are also dedicated storage pools.


Si Dongli smiled,
"Lao Liu, but according to the rules of raising cattle, these cattle have to be raised on the pasture for six months, that is to say, they have to wait for a while."

In fact, as cousins, they should not be in the same immigration point. According to the immigration policy of Nanhua, and in order to avoid clustering, when allocating immigration points to immigrants, all immigrants need to be separated according to their place of origin, unless they are brothers, Parents and sisters were the only exceptions, but when signing up, Si Dongli mentioned that they were brothers, so they were grouped together and took care of each other.

After that, he pointed to the cow in the distance.

"However, our Niu Zhuang is in good shape. When I go to the venue today, I will tell the manager by the way that I will send it to the venue in the next two days."

"Brother, are you going to the venue today? What are you doing?"

Si Dongchuan asked.

"What else can you do? Since you want to settle down, you have to get your wife first."

"Get a wife!"

Si Dongchuan's eyes lit up.

"A new bride?"

"Let you read the newspaper if you have nothing to do, but you don't read it. You haven't seen the news in the newspaper. You have come to us in the past two days."

There are all kinds of news in the newspapers, including of course the news of the "arrival" of "contracted maids". The so-called wives are actually "contracted maids".

"Brother, I have brought my wife. It would be great if I could get another piece of land. Look at this land, it's really nice."

Si Dongchuan looked at the land in the distance,
"Oil can be squeezed out of this soil, but it's a pity to let it grow grass."

"Hey, it's a pity not to grow food on such a good land, but there is no way, who let the company let it do this? Well, let's not talk about this, you guys are at home these two days, be more busy, if this time is enough, I will Just bring a few more back."

Si Dongli pointed to the house in the distance, which was just built.Like all farm houses, they were built according to standard drawings. The houses with red bricks and black tiles look similar, and they are very conspicuous on the grassland.

"Look, we have been here for more than two years, and the house has been built. When we have a wife, the house will be complete..."

Of course, this wife is still going to "receive".

Before going to "get" his wife, Si Dongli had to go home to harness the horse to the carriage, and then took the gun from home before driving the carriage along the dirt road to the farm.

Like all immigrants, Si Dongli wore the clothes and pants of a thick canvas uniform and a high felt hat with a wide brim on his head, also known as a "cowboy hat". It was as popular with immigrants as the brass studded trousers made of thick canvas for their practicality.

Of course, guns are more practical on the grasslands!

Happiness is a Spencer or 10mm revolver, a 10mm M1863 revolver slung around the belt, and a Spencer M1862 in the saddle, which is standard for farm workers.

In Zhu Xianhai’s vision, farm workers should be like the “Great Corps” in that world who defended their homeland with a gun in one hand and cultivated and guarded the border with a hoe in the other. The pioneers of the Chinese nation firmly grasped this "land chosen by the Chinese nation" with their guns and hoes.

They did, but they seized the land for the company—all the farms were company, as was all the land, with the last name Zhu.

That's right, everyone in the world has the surname Zhu.

As for the farm workers, they are also the long-term workers of the Zhu family.Of course, the income is still quite generous, six or seven yuan a month!Of course, Daguan Zhu is kind to his long-term workers. Every farm worker can apply for a piece of "residential land" of 4000 square meters. They can build a house there, open a vegetable garden, and even plant a piece of their own. land.

The land of 4000 square meters is not much, but it is not much.But certainly enough for them to live on.And after working for [-] years, the land property rights belong to the individual.

But if you leave halfway, you need to return the land to the company. Of course, the company will buy the above house according to a certain discount.

They don't have to worry that the company will take the opportunity to lower the price. After all, when building a house, they took a unified drawing and performed a unified cost calculation.Even if it is depreciation, there is an annual ratio, not much, 1% a year, and it takes 100 years to fully depreciate the house.

However, no one would suspect that if he hadn't worked here for [-] years, it would be a lifetime to farm the land.

The so-called farm is actually a market. Now Nanyingchang is a small town with more than a thousand people. It is very lively here today. The open space in front of the Nanyingchang office is already full of people, separated by ropes. Women standing on the open space for more than a hundred years, in addition to vaguely watching them wearing Chinese-style dresses, the veiled hats on their heads not only cover their faces, but also block their figures, and they can only vaguely see that the women only the outline.

"Listen up, everyone. This "contracted maid" is auctioned and bought. It's all about luck. There are a total of 103 contracts here. Buy it and leave it..."

The shouters stood on the stage and shouted loudly. Although they couldn't see their faces, what was certain was that their appearances must be pretty good, and they had no disabilities.But regardless of whether it is Vietnam, Japan or North Korea, poor nutrition is common.

Vigilante soldiers in green uniforms kept order after the auction began.The open space has been crowded with immigrants since early in the morning, but many people can't afford it. Although the company's salary is not low, some people come later, and some people have a hobby of gambling, so naturally they will save No more money.

"Number 13, female Annan, with a dignified appearance, a healthy complexion, a docile disposition, able to communicate easily, the base price is 25 yuan!"



Soon the price rose to 40 yuan.According to the company's regulations, the maximum premium cannot exceed 80% of the low price. 40 yuan, almost the ceiling price, the auctioneer directly dropped the hammer.

Listening to this number, someone said again and again.

"It's more expensive, it's more expensive, the complexion is healthy, that is to say, the face is dark and dignified, that is, this person can still look, 40 yuan, it's expensive, it's expensive..."

Obviously there are experts here, but they just explained the seller's routine clearly in a few words.But those who work there are also eloquent.

"A black face means that you can work in the fields, that you are in good health, that you can give birth to children. What do you want a daughter-in-law for? Or is it because you can't see it? Isn't it just to have a baby, to carry on the family..."

As soon as his words fell, people around him echoed.

"Yes, not only can you pass on the family line, but you can also work..."

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(End of this chapter)

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