Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 280 Heart in Tangshan, Home in Nanhua

Chapter 280 My heart is in Tangshan, my home is in Nanhua (third update, please subscribe)
Connect Hubei to transport grain by railway!
Zhao Tianfeng's suggestion made Governor Li's eyes brighten. In the past few years, after the grain grains in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places have been lost, life in the capital is not easy, and they can only live on foreign rice.

If there is a railway, the grain roads in Huguang and other places can be reopened.

"I will report this matter to the imperial court, and you can tell me about this road building..."

"My lord, if you want to build roads, you must build an iron factory..."

Sitting up straight, Zhao Tianfeng began to talk eloquently there,

"Although the ironworks were built to make iron and rails, the Western-style steel produced by the ironworks is an indispensable raw material for the manufacture of Western-style guns. There is a saying in the West that "steel is the mother of all weapons". Without steel Neither guns nor machines can be made, how can the country be rich and powerful without steel?"

"What Ziqing said is true, what he said is true..."

Although it was just a simple remark, Governor Li couldn't help but sigh in Daxian's heart, why is this happening?Because there are no talents around him who are doing foreign affairs, let's take Yung Wing as an example, he... studied literature in the United States, um, yes, a legendary liberal arts student.Such a liberal arts student has only heard a little about engineering, but even such a person is a rare Westernization talent!
But no matter what Zhao Tianfeng said, he was also an engineering student who graduated from the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He was not very famous in another world, but he was one of the most famous engineering schools in the United States in this era. Many American engineers came from this school in the 19th century.

Engineering... This is my major!

Such talents, um, probably waited almost half a century later, when the New Deal began to send overseas students to study. As for before that, although the children studying in the United States had studied in this field, few of those people graduated!
In the following time, Zhao Tianfeng talked about iron making to steel rolling, and from steel rolling to forging guns. Naturally, he also mentioned how to make a profit from the iron factory, and how to use the profits of the steel factory to start other factories.

In the end, when I heard Governor Li above me, I even put away other official duties and sat there listening intently. Those who spoke became more excited, and those who listened were extremely focused.

A few hours later, Governor Li didn't realize that it was getting late until the attendant came over to light the oil lamp, and looked at Zhao Tianfeng and apologized.

"Look at me, I just listened to what you said, Ziqing, you just came back from overseas, so you probably don't have a place to stay yet, so stay with me tonight, and I'll find you a place in the city later. Stay."

However, it was only half a day of talking, which made Governor Li look at Zhao Tianfeng with admiration.

After all, talent is rare!

A few days later, Governor Li sent a memorial to the imperial court to "please repair the railway" on the basis of the governor of Zhili. Benefits, pointing out that the construction of railways will greatly benefit the country.Although this excerpt caused an uproar and was strongly opposed by conservatives, the mention in the excerpt of the benefits of "connecting Hubei with railways to transport grain" and "the railway will send bandits back" moved the court a little bit.

There is no other way, even if we oppose Western stuff, but the belly is also a big deal!
After all, now that Changmao has a fort in Jiujiang and an ironclad ship in the Yangtze River, the food in Huguang, Sichuan and other places cannot be shipped out!People in the capital are starving to death!
This railway needs to be repaired!
What's more, "Road to the bandits and retreat" is also for the purpose of suppressing the bandits, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty!

As for Fengshui, foreign things, thousands of miles away from the capital, if you want to destroy Fengshui, you must first destroy Fengyang and Jinling.

If you say that, it's a good thing.

Come on, after a few days of discussion, the job of the railway fell to Governor Li at once, but just like in the past, Governor Li had to figure out a way for the money. After all, the court has no money!

Yes, I will give you an approval letter, and let you figure out the rest.

The changes in history are always so unexpected. Who would have thought that a fleeing foreign student would flap the wings of a butterfly like Huaxia, and make the railway that appeared on this land more than ten years later come out ahead of schedule? Although such a change It was unexpected.

In fact, there will be "loyal ministers and righteous men" like Zhao. .

In history, there were quite a few loyal servants like him. Moreover, at this time, I don't know how many people still think they are orthodox.

But these things are actually not a big deal at all.Not to mention that this is true for Nanhua who is tens of thousands of miles away across the ocean, it is also true for Li Fugui who lives in Hangzhou Bay.

In the past few years, although the entire province of Zhejiang has been occupied by the Kingdom of Heaven, Yangshan Island and Shengsi Island have been under his control. Every day, boats sailing from the mouth of the Yangtze River bring hundreds of immigrants to On the island, even since last year, the kingdom of heaven no longer trades people for guns, but immigration has never stopped.

"People in troubled times are not as good as dogs!"

Li Fugui, who was standing by the pier, leaned on a cane, he let out a long sigh, then turned his head and said to Liu Kunpeng,

"Liu Xiandi, I will leave the matter here to you in the future."

"Hey, I really envy you, brother, you can finally go home."

Li Fugui laughed, and smiled at Liu Kunpeng.

"Yeah, I can go home now. When you and my brothers came back, they never thought that this would be a decade of childhood. Now, we can finally go home!"

"Brother Fugui, you have gone back. When you see the young master, tell the younger brother that I want to go back here too."

"Hey, dear brother, it's not that the young master doesn't want you to go back. It's because I haven't found a suitable person. Governor Li in the north believes in you, and King Li Ying in the south can't do without you. The young master wants to change people, but there is no suitable person. people are not."

Liu Kunpeng said helplessly.

"Hey, after finishing my errands with me, I buried myself in it instead. Look at the pit dug. I don't know when I will be able to go home."

For Li Fugui and Liu Kunpeng, Nanhua has long been their home. As for here...Huaxia is the "Tangshan" in their hearts. Whether it is in Nanyang or in Nanhua, the hometown of Huaxia is called "Tangshan". But unlike the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, Li Fugui and the others have long regarded Nanhua as their "home" for no other reason, because they are not like the overseas Chinese in Nanyang, who suffer all kinds of bullying, but conquerors, conquering that land owner and master.

As the hosts, they are naturally homesick,

Finally going home!

A few hours later, Li Fugui finally stood on the deck of the "Great Orient", standing next to the 150mm naval gun on the side to defend against pirates. When he saw the mainland of Tangshan, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Nanhua is home, and Tangshan is also a hometown!
This time, I am afraid I will never come back again!
"Uncle, are we really going to Nanhua?"

Standing beside his uncle, Li Ziyue's eyes were full of curiosity. He had been by his uncle's side all these years.Now of course I'm going back with him.

"What does Nanhua look like? Is it really like you said, there are tall buildings everywhere? Those tall buildings can pick up the stars in the sky?"

(End of this chapter)

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