Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 292 The Angry People

Chapter 292 Angry People (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
In the early morning, after enjoying the breakfast provided by the landlady in the dining room of the apartment, Randolph Churchill walked towards Oxford University as usual. Because he would graduate in one year, Churchill thought a lot along the way.

Although he was the son of the seventh Duke of Marlborough, he was the third son.According to British law, the Duke's title and territory will be inherited by his elder brother George Churchill, so Randolph himself can only seek a way out in the political, military, colonial administration or religious circles.

However, neither the army nor the colonies were where Randolph wanted to go. As for the religious world, he didn't even think about it.

"It seems that we can only seek development in the political world..."

In fact, a long time ago, Churchill had decided to seek development in the political world after graduating from university.For a son of a nobleman, this is a piece of cake.

"Should enter the House of Commons first, and then..."

Just as Churchill was thinking about his future path and wondering who could help him, suddenly, the hoarse shouts in front of him shook his whole body.

"Read the newspapers, read the newspapers, watch the Piri Wevi massacre, the horrific massacre..."

Newspaper sellers waved newspapers in their hands, shouting from time to time.

"Read the newspaper, the Piri Wevi massacre...a shame on civilization!"

In the shouts of newspaper sellers, some people were soon attracted. For the British living in the Victorian era, they were enjoying the most powerful moment of the empire. Their affluent life kept them away from wars, perhaps because It was so comfortable that it was hard for them to imagine that a massacre would happen in the civilized world.

"My God, how the Brazilians are so barbaric!"

People reading newspapers were walking and chatting. Even on the campus of Oxford University, Churchill could hear people talking there. It doesn't prevent them from talking there.

In normal times, they might talk about where they spent their weekends, went hunting, or attended a dance party, and what kind of affair they had, but they got tired of talking about such topics too much, but now it's different The massacre in Paraguay gave them a new topic, and more importantly, it allowed them to talk about it, and they had a topic that allowed them to show their "sense of superiority in civilization."

"...This is absolutely a disgrace to the civilized world! Since the Napoleonic Wars, no army in a civilized country has committed such atrocities. They massacred citizens and ravaged women, even doctors and nuns..."

Disraeli, who was discussing the "massacre" with his friends, saw Randolph coming, but took the initiative to call him.

"Randolph, what do you think? We are preparing to deliver a letter of protest to the Emperor of Brazil. Would you like to sign the letter?"

"Of course, we must condemn him for such atrocities!"

Randolph said with a smile, but he said with contempt in his heart.

"What a bunch of young masters!"

Randolph thought to himself as he signed.

"They live in a pampered environment, and they can't see what the world looks like at all. What's the point of such atrocities? It's just that some people died. When the Indian uprising was quelled, the British also killed many Indians. ?"

Of course, thinking this way in his heart did not prevent him from signing the letter. He even thought about whether he could publish an article in the newspaper and criticize the Brazilians. After all, the British are used to being superior to the world All countries are pointing fingers, only in this way can the superiority of the British be demonstrated!

There are quite a few people who report the same idea as Churchill. After all, the Anglo-Saxons themselves are "old double standards".They always say one thing and sit another.

So almost in the next few days, British newspapers were full of news condemning the atrocities committed by the Brazilian and Argentine armies. At the same time, newspapers continued to publish news about the atrocities committed by the two armies.

"A more tragic battle came on August 8. With the fall of the temporary capital Pirivevi, Paraguayan President Lopez ordered the main force to retreat to the north. But 16 miles to the north, in the Caraguate area, Argentina and the The Brazilian coalition grabbed the tail of the Paraguayan army. It was a battle of 23 men against 4000, and the atmosphere of the battle was hopeless from the beginning. The Paraguayan army was basically old people with their own blood children. They either Old people in their 20000s and 40s, or children aged 50 to 6... The battle took place in an area called Acosta Plain on the edge of the city, which is very suitable for cavalry charges. The coalition forces were repelled at the initial stage of the attack Finally, I have to say that the Paraguayan soldiers are brave. Facing the wolves-like Allied Forces of Argentina and Brazil, this group of brave children repelled their attacks twice in a row! Finally, the Allied Forces of Argentina and Brazil repelled their attacks. The heavy artillery came up and broke up their formation, and then the cavalry began a terrifying charge. After the children's formation completely collapsed, Prince Gaston ordered the infantry to enter the battlefield. The Argentine and Brazilian coalition forces shot and killed like a firing squad The surviving children..."

In a coffee shop in London, there was a lot of scolding in the coffee shop when Wism read the news reports in the newspaper. In the past month, through a large number of news reports, the successful success of the Argentines and Brazilians "Butcher" has become synonymous with "executioner", but the Argentines and Brazilians can always refresh their understanding-in fact, it is mainly Brazilians, and Argentina is completely additional damage.Of course, for ordinary British and French people, they can't tell the difference at all, they just mobilize their emotions based on the news in the newspaper.

For ordinary people, it is very simple to arouse their emotions, that is, to challenge their psychological limits with words.Of course, more importantly, what the Brazilian army did in Paraguay is really disgusting.

However, in these reports, not only Brazil is involved, but Argentina is also included.

"Here I will directly quote the report of Brazilian journalist Jolio Gavinato, because what happened at that time was really heinous and creepy-"Thousands of Paraguayan children Holding the thighs of Argentine soldiers or Brazilian soldiers, they cried out in childish voices, hoping to get mercy from each other, but what awaited them was the Argentines and Brazilians who drew out their big knives to cut vegetation in the jungle without hesitation. They chopped off the heads of these children, and they even treated the children's heads as balls and kicked them on the ground..."

Before Wism continued to study, there was a lot of cursing in the coffee shop, and people cursed angrily. For these ordinary British people, they really couldn't imagine what kind of devil it was. will do something like this.

Good people can't even imagine those images, but what is certain is that the atrocities of the Argentines and Brazilians have completely subverted their imaginations.

For a moment, boundless anger burned in people's chests!

"Damn Argentines!"

(End of this chapter)

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