Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 297 Negotiations

Chapter 297 Negotiation (Second Update, please subscribe)
Nanhua in August is about to enter spring... Actually, the winter in Nanhua is not cold.

It was at this time that Jonathan, who was the special envoy of Argentina, came to Nanhua. He came by train——Nanhua’s train station on the grassland was less than 50 kilometers away from the border ditch.

If it weren't for some degree of not wanting to irritate Argentina too much, perhaps the railway would have already been built to the border trenches.

However, this so-called restraint actually has another unknown purpose.

However, the outside world obviously couldn't pay attention to that idea.Even in the eyes of the Argentines.Nan Hua's conservatism is actually a sign of weakness.


With the kind of arrogance they have been accustomed to since they came to the New World, it is impossible to pay attention to the deep meaning behind it.

"Huaxia people..."

Through the window of the carriage, Jonathan said softly.

"It's really hard to imagine that the Huaxia people will become the masters of this land."

"It's really hard to imagine!"

Maradona said on the sidelines that as the representative of Argentina in South China, he has witnessed the changes here in the past few years.

"What's even more difficult to imagine is that at the beginning we thought that the American company was just using cheap Chinese labor, but who ever thought that we were wrong from the very beginning. The chairman of the American company is Chinese. As for the board of directors, It's just a cover!"

A pretense!
Who would have thought that the "Board of Directors of the American Company" gathering the down-and-out class in Buenos Aires was just a cover.In fact, the board of directors was set up from the very beginning to deceive people. This may be the most successful deception—the Argentines believed that Zhu Xianhai was a "puppet" launched by Elizabeth and others.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, the real "puppet" or guise is nothing more than a board of directors, and even that board of directors is non-existent.

Now even if all this is discovered, so what?

"So what? The number of Chinese immigrants in Nanhua, including Araucania and Chile, has exceeded 150 million. God can testify that we only have a population of [-] million, but we have come here several times. In a hundred years, if there is no way to stop all this, soon, this place will be dyed yellow by the Chinese!"

Jonathan's brows were wrinkled. This is exactly the purpose of his coming here - to reach an agreement with Nan Hua.

"But can we stop this?"

Maradona said.

"You don't understand the Chinese. They are extremely obsessed with the land. They took advantage of the opportunity we were caught in the Paraguay War to expand unscrupulously in the Pampas grassland. It is impossible to stop them now. Besides, they still have France now. In the past two years, they have used French capital to build more than [-] kilometers of railways, and under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for them to withdraw from the Pampas grassland."

When mentioning all this, Maradona was depressed. When Nanhua was expanding on the grassland, and when they were building the railway, he had repeatedly reported to Buenos Aires, asking to be vigilant about Nanhua's expansion on the grassland. However, for Buenos Aires, they are more willing to see Nanhua restrain the Mapuche people.After all, at that time Argentina's army was Paraguay.But who would have thought that the Mapuche handed over the grassland to Nanhua in the end.

"If we could have been earlier..."

"At that time, we needed them to restrain the Mapuche's attacks on the settlements, but who would have thought that they would occupy more than half of the grassland through the railway..."

Jonathan said a little helplessly.

"And that's why I came here this time."


Half an hour later, in front of the headquarters building of the American company, when Jonathan got off the carriage, Zhu Shihao, who was sitting in the front car, got out of the car and greeted him. As the director of the company's foreign affairs department, he was in charge of the negotiation. Well, as early as six years ago, he had been naturalized and naturalized in Nanhua. Like the countess, he was a dignitary of the former regime who was suppressed by Urquiza, and he was also a member of the nonexistent board of directors.

In fact, the seven members of the board of directors, including the Countess, are now naturalized in Nanhua, and they have a prominent position. Although the board of directors is a cover, they did give the company a lot of help during the company's founding.

As soon as he got off the carriage, Joanna couldn't help but look up at the tall building, amazed at its size.

"Mr. Special Envoy, this is the headquarters building of the Ameria Company. It is 51 meters high and has twelve floors."

Jonathan's surprise made Zhu Shihao proudly say,
"It used to be the tallest building in Nanhua. Now there are [-]-story skyscrapers in Nanhua, but it will be surpassed soon. I heard that Nanhua Architecture has designed a [-]-story building. It is likely to exceed [-] [-] meters..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Shihao immediately felt that what he said was inappropriate: "Maybe, Jonathan will think that I am showing off when I say this!"

So I added:
"Of course, no matter how tall a building is, it's just a building."

Also science!

Zhu Shihao added in his heart.But Jonathan was surprised by Nanhua's wealth in his heart!
Afterwards, Zhu Shihao accompanied Jonathan into the hall, and then got on the elevator. When the elevator went up, they stood there silently. At this moment, the moods of the two sides were completely different. My mood is a bit complicated - everything displayed in this city is so modern.So sci-fi.

Is this Nan Hua?

Before leading to the conference room on the twelfth floor, Zhu Shihao stopped.

"You will be meeting with the Chairman this afternoon, Mr. Envoy,"

Even if it was just a cover, the American Corporation was still a real corporation, he added.

"If you have no objection on that side, we can discuss some issues in the preparatory stage..."

"of course."

Jonathan nodded.

"Mr. Minister, I think we need to discuss some issues, at least we should reach some consensus first."

After entering the conference room, he saluted the other party's cigar.Then Zhu Shihao took a cigar and smoked it himself, puffed out the smoke ring, and waved his hands politely a few times to prevent the smoke from spraying in front of the guests. Then Zhu Shihao opened his mouth and said with a smile:
"First of all, I would like to welcome the arrival of Mr. Special Envoy. Your arrival shows that on some issues, our goal is the same—for peace!"

He emphasized the word "peace" when he said it.

"Of course, peace is also the reason Mr. President sent me to Nanhua!"

Jonathan said with a smile.

"We are all very aware that some unhappiness has occurred between us in the past period of time, but I believe that the wise Mr. Chairman and the board of directors of the American company will make a rational choice. First of all, the country and the company's Development, let us all look elsewhere, but we all know that Argentina developed this land before the company, and the company has already embarked on this road. Both of us need land to expand our survival space.,"

Wei Wei leaned closer to the person who was talking and said, followed by a long pause.

"So, we have to agree on some issues, otherwise..."

(End of this chapter)

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