Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 3 Buffett is a Mascot

Chapter 3 Buffett Is a Mascot
With a "bang", accompanied by a sharp pain, everything disappeared...

Frightened, lines of words appeared in front of Zhu Xianhai's eyes.

[At twenty-two, you came to Buenos Aires with nothing. }
[September 1860, 9 local time. ]
[If you have nothing, you will sell the chess and make a profit of 500 pesos to activate this system.Initial capital of 500 pesos. ]
[Now start your next simulation...]
[A carriage overturned with Marlena on the way back to the manor, and your head was injured. You died! ]
[This time the simulation time is too short, the life simulation failed.No benefit. ]

Cold sweat!

Zhu Xianhai's back was covered in cold sweat, and the veins on his forehead twitched as he experienced the process himself.

What kind of wicked and smoking gold finger is this!

What joke are you making with yourself?
What life simulation!
This is obviously simulating reincarnation!
I'll go to your uncle!

Standing on the side of the road, Zhu Xianhai was stunned.The corner of his mouth twitched and he asked.

"Miss Marina, this is your carriage."

At the side of the road stood a buggy, with the driver sitting behind the box.

"Yes, sir."

Is it really her family's carriage?
Looking at the carriage on the side of the road, and then turning his gaze to the coachman - a middle-aged mixed-race coachman in his forties, Zhu Xianhai's expression became a little strange.

Coincidence again?

In "memory", this guy Fernando was the last face he saw "during his lifetime", the memory is still fresh!

Can it be new?

Just "dead" for a few seconds.

"Fernando, let's go home first."

Recalling the simulated "tragic experience", Zhu Xianhai looked at the carriage driver with some uncertainty.

The name is right too!

The light two-wheeled carriage is traveling along the stone road in Putrajaya.Although accompanied by the beauty fragrance, and the scent of Malena's perfume lingered in his nostrils, Zhu Xianhai's palms were sweating.

Now he has finally realized what it means to be "like a choke in the throat, and it is difficult to sleep or eat".Staring at the building outside the car, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. He had passed by this place before...

"There is……"

"There is the Buenos Aires Futures Exchange. This time of year is the busiest time for the futures exchange. Spring is the delivery period for sheep wool futures..."

Marlena's words made Zhu Xianhai's breathing a little short.

Futures exchange!

Sheep Wool Futures!

Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but his heart trembled, his eyelids twitched wildly.

One time might be a coincidence, two times might still be a coincidence, three times?
calm down……

Thinking about what happened an hour later, Zhu Xianhai turned to look at Marlena.

"That...Miss Bellucci, I suddenly feel a little hungry, I want to eat something here first."

Marina looked at him puzzled.

"Sir, my house is not far from here, and it's getting dark soon, and you are my guest."

By the time we got home, it was already dark. Am I such an unmannered person?

"Ah, thank you, miss. I happen to be a little interested in futures recently. I want to take advantage of the close of the futures exchange to join in the fun. After the close, I will visit Miss Bellucci's house again."

You still owe us 200 pesos!

Of course we are going.


After looking at the exchange, Malena thought for a while, and then said.

"Sir, after going out of the city along this road, you will see a street sign in about half an hour, Bellucci Manor, and everyone knows its location."

"Okay, miss."

After getting off the carriage, bathing in the autumn sunshine of Buenos Aires, staring at the futures trading market, the corners of Zhu Xianhai's mouth gradually turned up...

In fact, car accidents often only happen in an instant, not to mention a delay of one or two minutes, even a miss of more than ten seconds is enough to change everything.

The reason why he got off here is entirely because of this futures exchange.

In fact, what about futures and stocks.

Zhu Xianhai is a complete layman.

However, at this time, he was still completely immersed in the so-called "magic prophecy" of "life simulation".

Although it was only a momentary "simulation", everything felt like a personal experience. Not only did he experience a death, but when he died, he also accurately predicted some of the future that was about to happen.

For example, the cause of the car accident was a rider who delivered a letter, and he caused the car accident in a hurry.

The cause of his anxiety was the attack of the Mapuche!

Their attack sent sheep wool futures skyrocketing, and the rider was delivering a message out of town.

When you step into the futures exchange, you will be greeted by noisy and chaotic shouts, people running back and forth, numbers written on the blackboard, shouts when futures prices rise and fall, everything is unfamiliar.

Standing in the trading hall, Zhu Xianhai once again attracted the attention of many people with his appearance and attire that were completely different from the crowd. What kind of idea, this feels so awkward.


At this time, a voice came from beside him, and Zhu Xianhai raised his eyes, only to find a European guy coming beside him.

This man was in his forties, with a mustache, suit and leather shoes, and a friendly smile on his face, which made it easy for people to like him.

Buffett showed eight teeth, not white, and even slightly yellowish.

"Just now I saw you got off Miss Bellucci's car, you must be friends."

You can't talk about friends, but you can be regarded as creditors!
In this regard, Zhu Xianhai neither denied nor admitted it.

"My name is Buffett Brino. You can call me Buffett."

Looking at this guy in surprise, Zhu Xianhai thought to himself, this name - auspicious!

It's more than auspicious, and I met Buffett when I entered the door... Isn't this a mascot!

Then he stood beside Zhu Xianhai, looked at the stock price and said.

"Are you interested in futures? Me too. After all, not everyone has a farm, and the futures market is our other ranch..."

Buffett looked familiar.

"I believe that life is like futures trading. You must dare to stud. The reason why life is great is this..."

Dare to Stud!

From the day when there were stocks and futures trading, I don’t know how many people lost their lives!

However, Zhu Xianhai was speechless for a moment.

"Do you know the meaning of Stud?"

Zhu Xianhai turned his head to look at Buffett again, and now he seemed to have become a life mentor.

"For rich people, they don't need studs. For example, Miss Bellucci, the manor she owns doesn't even need to make any investment. As long as it operates normally, it is enough to ensure her life as a millionaire. , but the vast majority of people can’t do it!”

Uh, Malena is actually a... millionaire?
Those long legs are not only long, but also thick.If you want to hug her, it might be her meal ticket in the future.

"For ordinary people, stud is the only choice to change their destiny, because even if you lose, you have nothing but nothing, but the poor... have nothing in themselves."

Uh... this is the so-called give it a go, let's turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

There are no more bicycles, and it doesn't matter.

Looking at Buffett, Zhu Xianhai thought for a while and said.

"That... I think your words are very reasonable. If I want to buy futures now, do you have any suggestions?"

Buffett's eyes lit up, as if he had met a confidant.

"In this futures exchange, the most important futures are sheep's wool. It is already spring. Every spring, it is the time for sheep shearing and the time for wool to be listed. There are merchant ships from various countries at the port, waiting to bring sheep The wool is shipped to Europe, and the whole of Europe is waiting for our wool..."

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(End of this chapter)

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