Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 300 Naval School

Chapter 300 Naval Academy (Second update, please subscribe)
Nanhua Bay is not very wide, its length from east to west is only about [-] kilometers. The cliffs along the coast are nearly [-] meters high and completely cover the bay in the hinterland of the mainland. There is only one entrance with a width of [-] kilometers for ships to enter and exit the bay.

This is one of the best natural harbors in the world. Even though the bay is not big, the bay is divided into two by the left island in the center of Nanhua Bay. The relatively wide left bay is a civilian port, which is exclusively for merchant ships to enter and exit. Right Bay is the military port of the Coast Guard.

The cliffs of the Tianya Peninsula closed the bay into an airtight inner lake, and from the left island to the right island, the Panshi Island, completely closed the right bay into an independent harbor.As the home port of the Coast Guard, the main force of the First Fleet - four armored cruisers - is moored here all the year round. Although the "Tianlong-class" cruiser ordered from the United Kingdom a few years ago was deployed in Shanxi as the main force of the Second Fleet, the first The fleet is equipped with two 1600-ton "Fubo-class" and two 2800-ton "Shanxi-class". They are cutting-edge armored cruisers built by Nanhua Shipyard, plus several thousand-ton gunboats. The current First Fleet is the most powerful maritime force in South America.

But this kind of power is just South America.

Liu Tiannian, an instructor at the Naval Academy, is very clear about this.

In the classroom of the Naval Academy on Panshi Island, Liu Tiannian took out a model, then looked at the students in the audience and said.

"Who can tell me its name!"

The students sitting upright under the stage raised their hands one after another.

"Li Mingwu."

Li Mingwu immediately stood up and replied.

"Report instructor, this is the Royal Navy's "HMS Warrior" ironclad ship!"

"What is his displacement?"

"9284 tons!"

"Then what year was he underwater?"


After a brief question and answer, Liu Tiannian motioned the students to sit down, and then he said,

"In 1860... I went to the British Merchant Marine School in 1861 to study, and four years later I was a trainee on the "Black Prince" of the same level. The displacement of these two warships of the same level exceeded 18500 tons, so who can tell me, What is the gross tonnage of our fleet?  …”

"More than 17000 tons!"

"In other words, the total tonnage of our ships is not as high as the two warships they launched ten years ago, but what is the total tonnage of the British Royal Navy?"

Liu Tiannian continued.

"633000 tons, including 57 armored ships, with a total tonnage of 398000 tons. According to the Royal Navy's shipbuilding plan, their average annual growth rate is 3.3%. Basically, the tonnage of newly commissioned armored ships is almost equivalent to that of our navy. Gross tonnage!"

How powerful is the Royal Navy?

Before Liu Tiannian mentioned these numbers, no one could intuitively feel their strength, but after Liu Tiannian said these numbers, his expression became a little serious.

"What is the goal of the British government's naval construction? It is "to make the navy of the country have the strength to resist the navy of the second and second power"! That is to say, the British navy is stronger than the combined navies of the second and third countries!" This requires a lot of capital investment, and the British Parliament has to debate the naval economic budget for the next year, but it can be smooth. When I was studying in the UK, I found that "Parliament will make decisions on the budget to expand the navy. If the authorities are a little slow in making decisions, they will be attacked by all parties.” The reason for this is that the whole of the UK knows that the fate of the UK is replaced by the sea, and this kind of Britain is what we will face in the future. !"

Although Liu Tiannian did not use "enemy" to describe Britain, the students still understood the meaning of his words from his words, so some students asked.

"Instructor, are you saying that the Royal Navy will be our enemy in the future?"

Of course, the students do not understand so much, not only because the Royal Navy is too powerful, but more importantly, since the day the Naval Academy was established, too many British factors have been injected into it-the school uses It is the teaching material of the British Royal Navy, and even the instructors are hired from the UK. Although the school system of the Naval Academy is the American-style four-year system, the teaching here is to learn from the British.

However, it does not mean that there are no Chinese characteristics. In order to sharpen the students' "will" and strengthen their ability to adapt to the environment, in addition to the modern naval military courses, the naval school has cruel physical training every day. Japanese instructors teach swordsmanship , judo, as well as Chinese instructors teaching boxing, as for sports such as football, it is even more indispensable. All these are to exercise the physique of the students in the sea school and strengthen their will and beliefs.

But what is certain is that British naval education has a more profound impact on this place, and even until now the vast majority of military instructors in naval schools are British Navy reserve officers.

"Whether the Royal Navy is our enemy is not decided by us, but by the British. If one day, a warship of the Royal Navy appears in Nanhua and declares war on us, then who is our enemy?"

Still need to ask?

Definitely England!

"So, your graduation topic today is... how to defeat the British Royal Navy!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly opened!
What is the instructor saying?
How to beat the British Royal Navy!

Just rely on us...

"Didn't you hear?"

"Listen, I heard..."

"I didn't hear what you were talking about! Who can hear the girly voice clearly!"

The instructor's reprimand made all the students in the classroom shout in unison.

"Understood, instructor!"

"very good!"

Liu Tiannian nodded, satisfied.



When Liu Tiannian assigned their final research topics to the graduating students, by the window of the swordsmanship hall, Major Douglas, the British naval officer who came to Nanhua nine years ago, listened to the roars in the swordsmanship hall, and watched Looking at the students who were wearing armor and practicing knife skills, their expressions were quite serious.

"Captain, do you think there will be boarding battles in modern naval warfare?"

"Certainly not."

Standing beside the major, Rosen said.

"So, I have never been able to understand why they want to practice this kind of sword technique. It is said that His Majesty asked for it, just like he asked the army. Is the fleet engaged in a boarding battle? So, his fleet officers also practice swordsmanship?"

For Rosen, who had just arrived at the Naval Academy, it was difficult for him to understand this kind of teaching.

"They waste a lot of time on unnecessary sword and boxing training, completely ignoring the possibility that the modern navy has long been unable to engage in boarding battles!"

"Rosen, my friend..."

Douglas shook his head.

"If you don't understand, you don't understand them at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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