Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 34: Heaven has no way, let me turn it

Chapter 34 The sky has no way, let me turn it over
As usual, Elizabeth was at her home, leaning against the window, quietly reading a book in the sunlight, and writing something on it with a pen from time to time.Suddenly there was the sound of wheels and horseshoes outside the door, and she immediately put down her pen and ledger.

Looking up, I saw Zhu Xianhai got off the car.These days, he always leaves early and returns late, rarely at home, and doesn't know what he is busy with.

After thinking about it, she took a deep breath, opened the window and said.

"Hi Steven, do you have time tonight?"

Looking up at Elizabeth, who was showing half of her body from the window, Zhu Xianhai only felt that this scene seemed a little familiar, as if he had seen it in Outlaws of the Marsh.

Is this a date?
No, this is just a normal exchange between neighbors. According to Elizabeth, this is just a little expression of her feelings as a neighbor.


Can't think too much.

Even though it's just a dinner for two, it's very rich, and red wine is also indispensable. Eating steak and drinking red wine, accompanied by beautiful women, is indeed a treat.

Elizabeth was sitting opposite him, across the table, and the light fragrance of her body was always involuntarily puffed into her nostrils.

But recently, Zhu Xianhai's thoughts were a little confused, and there was nothing he could do.

More than a thousand people have to settle down!

Lights, lights flickered in the dining room.

Staring at the somewhat dim light, Zhu Xianhai lost his mind again.

oil lamp!

In this era, electric lamps have not yet been invented, and oil lamps are being used all over the world. What is the most commonly used one now?
Of course it's whale oil.

Since the founding of the United States, the whaling industry has developed rapidly under the demand for lighting. The commercial value of whale blubber is comparable to "biological oil", which directly promotes the development of the American economy.Now it has reached the golden age-a fleet of more than 700 whaling ships traverses the ocean, and American whale oil illuminates the world.

Due to the gradual expansion of the demand for whale oil, the supply of whale oil has become more and more tight. The outbreak of the Civil War next year will become a catalyst for the skyrocketing price of whale oil in the United States.The availability of whaling vessels was greatly reduced as large numbers of ships were requisitioned during the Civil War for war or logistics purposes, and private owners in the South plundered and destroyed many whaling vessels that were not requisitioned.The supply of whale oil is becoming increasingly tight and almost unsustainable, closely accompanied by the crazy rise in the price of whale oil.So many people can't even afford lighting facilities such as whale oil lamps.

It was at this time that a new business of extracting kerosene from petroleum to replace sperm whale oil for lighting came into being, and it became popular immediately.

The consumption of kerosene increased rapidly in the following years, which led to the rapid development of the oil extraction and smelting industry.It was during this process that the world's first billionaire, Rockefeller, who is well-known to the world, appeared!
And now... the oil industry, but it's only just getting started!
If he is involved in the oil industry now, not only will he make a steady profit, but he will even be able to build an oil empire.

It is too easy to settle more than a thousand people,
But definitely not at first!
Elizabeth looked at the man in front of her, and a woman's intuition told her that this man was a little absent-minded today.

Did I do something wrong?

"Steven, Steven, what are you thinking?"

Elizabeth's pretty face tilted slightly, and asked with concern.

It was only then that Zhu Xianhai realized that he had been distracted for some time.

"Sorry, I was thinking of something."

"Is there any trouble? Can you tell me?"

Stared at by her beautiful eyes, although Zhu Xianhai wanted to hide it, after thinking about it, he still told the truth.

"My God, there are indentured workers here, even Brazilian slaves, and they won't suffer such torture, those damn Brazilian slave owners!"

When accusing the cruelty of the Brazilian slave owners, Elizabeth said again.

"Across America, anyone with a conscience is well aware of the crimes committed by Brazilian slave owners, but those people don't care about it at all. Do you want to save them? How?"


Zhu Xianhai paused and said.

"It should be to buy their contract. If they don't want to, maybe they can solve it through legal channels."

Of course, this is impossible. The law works, so what's the use of guns?

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!

"I hope, I hope that the judges in Brazil still have a conscience."

Elizabeth said somewhat uncertainly.

"But you have to be prepared, those judges will probably not support you. In South America, everyone knows the Brazilians very well. Brazil cannot do without slaves. Even now, they still capture indigenous people in the rainforest. As slaves, they have not prohibited or abolished slavery for a long time because of the shortage of labor force, especially ten years ago, that is, in 1850, after Brazil announced the ban on the slave trade under the pressure of international public opinion. The lack of subsequent slave labor imports, It has exacerbated the labor shortage in Brazil. Therefore, they can only do everything possible to introduce immigrant labor to fill the vacancies. I think your compatriots are such victims. In this case, their judges may find it difficult to support What are you going to do with your lawsuit when the time comes?"

Putting down the red wine glass in his hand, Zhu Xianhai was silent for a while, and then said.

"If the law can't solve this problem, I think I will resort to means outside the law. I think that no one has the right to enslave another. If God will not stop them-then I will!"

"Are you sacrificing your own life?"

Zhu Xianhai didn't speak, and even now he hasn't simulated it, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare to face the result, he was afraid that he would shrink back because of the result.

Elizabeth smiled sweetly, and looked at Zhu Xianhai with more admiration in her eyes. Women love to fantasize, especially European women. They always imagine a man as perfect as a knight, and Elizabeth is no exception.

And this knight is of course going to punish the good and promote the evil, and defeat the evil.

The slave trader must be the evil party.Correspondingly, Zhu Xianhai is naturally that knight. Even though he knows that the opponent is powerful, he still wants to challenge him desperately, just for justice!
"Actually, compared to my own life, I am more concerned about what to do after saving them? There are so many people, where do I want to settle them..."

Frowning together, Zhu Xianhai said helplessly.

"If this problem is not resolved, what can we do even if we save them? Are we waiting to die there?"

(End of this chapter)

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