Chapter 363 Nanhua Sword Drawing Team (Fifth update, please subscribe)
In the early morning, many places in Buenos Aires were burning with raging fires. Some of them were caused by shelling, but more were set by the hooligans in Buenos Aires. In the movie, these people turned into robbers, robbing shops and rich people in the city.

Although the South China Army fought all the way to the edge of the city, the Argentines' resistance was still extremely tenacious. Compared with fighting outside the city, street fighting was more brutal and sacrificed more.

In order to occupy Buenos Aires as soon as possible, under the command of the headquarters, the independent first and second mixed brigades were thrown into the battlefield. The independent mixed first and second brigades are the "Foreign Legion" of Nanhua, and the officers are Huaxia People, and the soldiers are all unemployed samurai and ronin recruited from Japan.

During the security operation in Chile, the security brigade, the predecessor of the independent mixed brigade, played an extremely important role in suppressing the uprising. Reorganized into two independent mixed brigades.

Now, they are once again used as assault knives and put into the battlefield.

As in the past, these foreign soldiers displayed extremely strong combat effectiveness as soon as they entered the battlefield. Although there was a barricade ahead, the soldiers of Tian Zhong's No. [-] Squadron still crawled forward, under the cover of the street buildings, Barricades of the approaching Argentines.

"Tom tom..."

The continuous firing of machine guns made them unable to lift their heads.Some fighters were killed on the spot.

"Machine gun! Watch out!"

Amid the shouts of the squadron leader, Tian Zhongmao bent down on the street and aimed at the enemy behind the barricade. When he pulled the trigger, he shot the man in the head.They just lay on the corner of the street or behind the corpse, aiming at the enemy with their guns and shooting.

"Damn it, why did you beat it like this!"

After discovering that the troops' attack was blocked, Li Zhi frowned.

"Zuo Teng, go and tell Zhao Ming, twenty, not fifteen minutes, he has fifteen minutes to attack the Argentine defense!"


After the order was issued, Zhao Ming, who was commanding the troops to suppress the enemy, shouted at his subordinates who were shooting at the enemy on the street, first to the rear.

"Throwing grenade, fire a few shots!"

After hearing the order, the grenadiers in the distance immediately fired several shots towards the back of the barricade. Amid the successive explosions, Zhao Ming turned his head and shouted at his subordinates.

"Brothers, honor!"

This is a "tradition" they developed in Chile. What is the so-called honor?Just go forward bravely and kill the enemy bravely!And desperate!

Once the officer issued this slogan, everyone knew what they were going to do, and that was to be desperate.It is seven lives to serve the country!


When the squadron leader yelled two words, Tian Zhong, like everyone else, sent three words out of his voice. Originally lying on the side of the street, he suddenly bounced like a spring, and everyone was shocked. In this way, they know that this is the time to be loyal to their Lord.

"Long live!"

Terrible shouts burst from their mouths, some of them held bayonets, some brandished samurai swords, rushed out of the hidden corner of the wall, jumped over the corpses and obstacles on the ground, and rushed towards the hail of bullets without hesitation. go.

"Tom... tom..."

The sound of machine guns rang out, and the 11mm machine gun bullets easily tore their bodies apart, raising a cloud of blood mist in the air, but they still shouted and rushed towards the enemy line. At this moment, they seemed to be fearless warrior.

"Hmm... you really deserve to be a member of our corps!"

Although the soldiers were shot and fell down one by one as soon as they charged, Li Zhi still couldn't help but praise the courage of the soldiers of the Corps.

In Chile, the athletes of the Foreign Legion once awed the Chileans with their courage and sacrifice, and the same is true now.

Finally, amidst the turbulent shouts, the No. [-] Squadron led by Zhao Ming broke through the Argentine barricades and rushed to Takei in the front. As soon as his front foot stepped on the barricades, he chopped off the head of the Argentine in front of him. ,

With the knife in hand, the enemy's head fell to the ground, and the blood flew more than a foot high.


After slashing the enemy with a single blow, Takei and the others swung their samurai swords and slashed over. They came from samurai families and practiced swordsmanship since childhood. Like the sickle of death, it easily cut off the arms and necks of Argentine soldiers.


While shouting, the samurai sword in his hand directly slashed at the Argentine's head, and the sharp blade split the man's shoulder. When the man screamed, blood spattered Takei's face. There was blood all over his face.But he didn't even wipe it, he yelled and killed another Argentine.

Compared with bayonets or rifles, those Argentines were frightened by this group of enemies covered in blood and holding long knives. These people were like demons, waving long knives and hacking in the crowd. Luo Jian's arms were cut off, or his head was chopped off, and even people were cut in half.

"Devil! They are a group of devils..."

Whether it is soldiers from other provinces or the civil defense team temporarily recruited, they have seen such a cruel scene there. When they fled back screaming in horror, the attack turned into a pursuit. The soldiers standing on the barricade held The rifles were aimed at the fleeing people, shooting one after another, while Wu Jing and others carried knives and chased them together with their comrades holding bayonets.

Now attack at any cost.


As soon as the team leader shouted, Takei, who was chasing him, roared loudly.


The moment he was striding forward to catch up with an Argentine soldier, and the moment he raised his knife and dropped it, he felt a bullet hit him. The bullet shot from the front hit his shoulder and flew out through his body.

Takei fell on his back with the knife in his hand. Tian Zhong, who was charging, rushed over and dragged him to the back of the barricade. He stopped the bleeding while shouting "medical soldiers".

Wu Jing, who was in pain, changed his face, his lips began to tremble, blood gushed out of his mouth, and his whole body twitched in pain.

"Jiro, Jiro, don't die, wait until you enter Buenos Aires! Wait until you enter..."

Takei's groans became a little weaker, and the troops were advancing amidst the smoke.

"Hey, Jiro, look, the troops are advancing, and soon we will be able to reach the river and take down here..."

Wu Jing's gaze was distracted, and a word came out of his bloody mouth.


What is he asking for?
Unbeknownst to Tian Zhong, he was hugging Takei who had lost his breath. At this moment, he heard footsteps, it was the captain.

Walking to Tian Zhong's side, looking at Wu Jing in his arms, Li Zhi pursed his lips silently, and then said.

"What's his name!"

"Report sir, his name is Takeiji...his name is Takei!"

When he got up to answer the officer's question, Tian Zhong realized that Jiro's name was Takei and his surname was Takenai.

"Well, Takei, you really deserve to be a samurai!"

Saluting to the corpse on the ground, Li Zhi with a dignified expression showed admiration even though his voice was not loud.

"Nanhua is grateful for your sacrifice..."

(End of this chapter)

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