Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 371 Nan Hua's Determination and Courage

Chapter 371 Nan Hua's Determination and Courage (Fourth Update, please subscribe)
Accompanied by the sound of a "boom", a bell like a bell echoed in the air in the blink of an eye!

After a while, shouts came from afar.

"The shells are flying!"

"Fight again!"


"You are very courageous!"

Li Xuelin looked at the young engineer in front of him and offered him a cup of tea.

"Did you know that you could very well lose your life doing that?"

How dare you shoot in the naval headquarters!
This is not so audacious, it is clearly a suicide attempt.If it wasn't for his own timing, I'm afraid this young man would have lost his life.

"I know, but I also know that if Spencer hadn't brought the gun into the White House, there would be no Spencer rifle. I wanted to talk about it, but you don't have time, so I can only say this It's a bad idea."

In fact, when making that choice, Luanda never considered any danger at all.To put it bluntly, at that time, my head felt hot, and I forgot everything.

Lu Anda's answer made Li Xuelin laugh.

"It seems that I am to blame for this, but the steel plate you brought is indeed very good. We have tested this nickel steel, and the test results are very good! It is better than our steel-wrought iron composite armor!"

It was more than excellent. When they sent the steel plates taken from the carriage to the shooting range to test with small-caliber artillery, the results of the test simply blinded everyone's eyes.

And the nickel steel is the armor that Luanda brought over, and it is also the stepping stone for his trip.

"It is definitely better than steel-wrought iron composite armor. This kind of composite armor uses the characteristics of steel plate and wrought iron plate. After the two are synthesized, they are rolled by a machine to make it smooth and flawless. In this way, the existing steel plate The hardness and toughness of wrought iron have reached a stable level. According to the information I saw in the design room, compared with the wrought iron armor used in European countries, it exceeds 100%, in other words, it is 125 mm Steel composite armor has equal resistance to [-]mm wrought iron armor."

Li Xuelin, who smiled and said nothing, just nodded silently. Steel-wrought iron composite armor is Nanhua's unique technology. Even until now, this technology is still only mastered by Nanhua in the world. Nanhua not only has this armor technology, but also It also mastered the technology of new armor-piercing projectiles-as early as 1865, in order to ensure the advantage of the ten-inch, that is, 254mm Krupp cannon over the enemy's ironclad ships, the Nanhua Arsenal designed and used a new type of conical armor-piercing projectile. The shape is smoother, the head is tapered and forged with high-quality steel, so it has a strong armor-piercing ability.

Since Nanhua has a spear, he also has a shield!

"But steel—wrought iron composite armor is still not as good as the nickel steel you brought over. According to our tests, its resistance is 20% higher than composite armor. In other words, 100mm nickel steel armor is equivalent to 120mm composite armor. resistance."

"According to Li Lin's calculations, it should have better performance, because the production is a bit hasty, and the heat treatment is not even ideal. Under ideal conditions, it should be able to improve by about 30%!"

"Huh? 30%!"

Li Xuelin said in surprise,

"Are you saying it can be improved by 30%?"

Pulling the chair in front of Lu Anda, Li Xuelin asked.

"Speaking of which, this kind of steel is really good! The navy will definitely need this kind of armor, eh, Li Lin? He is an engineer in a steel factory? He invented this?"

"Yes, it is "Lee Nickel Steel."

Luanda nodded and said.

Looking at the young engineer, his boldness and directness won Li Xuelin's favor, so he asked.

"Then why did you bring this steel plate here? Well, let me guess, you must have your own ideas, or ask for it, tell me, if there is anything that needs my help, as long as I can help, you must Will do my best!"

For this young man, Li Xuelin was full of affection. He actually broke the routine and "demonstrated" a new type of steel armor that is extremely important to the navy and the South China Armed Forces in a very special way.

Of course, more importantly, Li Xuelin believes that his demonstration in such a "special" way is definitely not for the steel armor.

"I, I hope the Navy will consider building combat ships."

Luanda took a deep breath and said.

"I am a naval engineer. When I was studying in the UK, I had an internship in a shipyard. Our shipbuilding technology is now no worse than many shipyards in the UK. Compared with the UK, our armor technology and artillery technology are also better. They are not inferior to them, and many technologies including steam engines are even far superior to them. In this case, why don't we build a large battleship? The British had already built a [-]-ton battleship ten years ago. But now our shipbuilding technology is not inferior to theirs, at least it is much better than when Britain built the "Warrior" ten years ago!"

Luanda knew that when he said these words, some people would definitely think he was too arrogant, but he knew that everything he said was true—Nanhua's shipbuilding industry was not much worse than that of the UK, and it was definitely worse than that of the UK. It is stronger when the Warrior is artificial.

"Well, this is indeed true!"

Li Xuelin nodded and said.

"In the past ten years, shipbuilding technology has improved a lot. In order to improve our shipbuilding technology, the shipyard has introduced many technicians and even skilled workers over the years. To a certain extent, our shipyard must No worse than British shipyards,"

"Not only is it no worse than them, it's even better than them! At least our shipyard's equipment and technical strength are better than most of the private shipyards in the UK, such as the Laird Shipyard that built the "Flying Dragon". Their technical strength and equipment, They are far inferior to us, but why they were able to build [-]-ton warships two years ago, and we? Even [-]-[-]-ton warships, according to the plan, have to wait until two years later? What is our difference?"

Lu Anda's rhetorical question made Li Xuelin fall into deep thought. Nanhua Shipyard does have the most advanced equipment in the world, as well as a large number of technicians and skilled workers, but why can't it build large ships?
What is the difference?

"The difference is determination and courage!",
Luanda started talking incessantly.

"In February 1854, Brunel and Russell jointly started the construction of the "Great Orient". The huge hull used 2 million rivets and 300 iron plates. A total of about 3 workers participated in the "Great Orient" The construction project of Dongfang” was finally born under their efforts. Until now, there is still no ship whose tonnage can surpass him, but before that? The largest ship in the world is only a few thousand tons, and it is still a wooden-hulled ship, but are Brunel and Russell afraid of it? No, even if what they want to build is an unprecedented giant ship in human history, even if what they use is never used by anyone Although they encountered a series of problems when building the "Great Orient", they created a new era!"

Taking a deep breath, Luanda said.

"Before the "Great Orient", the British built wooden-hulled ships, but after the "Great Orient", Britain entered the age of iron ships. British shipbuilding technology has since led all countries in the world. Until now, the Royal The navy has the largest ironclad fleet in the world, and it also benefits from it! Mr. Lee, if Brunel and Russell had not jointly launched the construction project of the "Great Eastern", the British shipbuilding industry would have had such an unprecedented breakthrough ?"

Raising his head, meeting Li Xuelin's gaze, Lu Anda continued.

"What we need now is the determination and courage of Brunel and Russell."

Facing Luanda's question, Li Xuelin thought for a moment, then said.

"Nanhua needs a "Great Eastern" project of its own!"

(End of this chapter)

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