Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 375 Airship Buster

Chapter 375 Airship Buster (First update, please subscribe)
What is for friendship is simply nonsense.

The French were scared to pee.

I was scared to pee by the powerful combat power displayed by the airship.

The kind that spits up and down!
So they came straight to a toast to friendship.

While cheering for one, it is actually revealing a signal - rich!
Zhu Xianhai, who was far away in Buenos Aires, just smiled after learning what happened to General Michel and his party.

"Let them visit first. As for the price of the airship, let's calculate it according to the originally approved price. By the way, how is the precision bombing now? Can it hit the warship?"

Friendship belongs to friendship, interests belong to interests.The French say that there is one thing, but when it comes to interests, they will never make any concessions.

The same is true of Nan Hua, of course.

The purpose of exporting airships is to earn a little more profit, and it is still a monopoly business at the moment.The price is a little higher, no problem.

Besides, the French Empire is the rich owner.In the Franco-Prussian War next year, they will directly pay 50 billion gold francs!

With such a huge amount of money, even the Qing Dynasty, which "measures the material resources of China and has the favor of the state", can't compare with it.

When you meet such a rich master, if you don't cut him twice, can you be worthy of your ancestors?
"It's not very accurate, many of them were near misses."

"It's a pity, but it's okay to miss a bomb. If you have the opportunity, you can also perform it for the French. A warship can be sunk by a near miss."

The accuracy of the bombing is not enough, so let's make up for it with quantity.

After the bombing of Buenos Aires by airships, advertisements have been published. It is not enough to just rely on hearsay. If Europeans want to believe that airships are the future, they must demonstrate their power.

If you want to show your power, then bombing warships is definitely the best choice.For the French, if they find that airships can be blown into warships, they will definitely purchase airships in large quantities.

Just like in another world, that is, when the torpedo just came out, the French even put their treasure on the torpedo.They built a large number of torpedo boats, trying to use torpedo boats to disrupt the British sea superiority.

The French are the typical kind of emergency medical treatment. As long as any powerful weapon can threaten the British navy and help them seize superiority at sea, they will definitely invest a lot of energy and financial resources on this weapon without hesitation.

Airships also have this potential.And the potential certainly looks richer than that!
"Commander, Xingchen Airship Company has designed a new type of airship, which is 115 meters long and 2.5 times the volume of the current airship. It is expected to carry 7000 kilograms of weapons. In addition, it also uses a new type of engine with a power of up to With 160 horsepower, it is currently the most powerful gasoline engine. Its speed is as high as 80 kilometers and its range can reach 3000 kilometers. Commander, it will definitely be the future king of the sky..."

Li Du, who is only a "student" with the "highest degree of education", has always been full of curiosity about science. When he was in the gold mine, he was curious about the principle of the steam engine. Later, he also taught himself mechanics in the army, but when he After coming into contact with the spaceship for the first time, he was attracted by the spaceship that could fly up to nine days. He was already the commander of the artillery regiment at that time, and he even voluntarily gave up the chance of promotion and asked to join the airship unit.

As the first officer of the airship army, Li Du has always believed in the saying of Sun Tzu's Art of War that "a good attacker moves above the nine heavens." While studying new tactics and weapons with the officers of the airship army, he Also continue to put forward more requirements to the spaceship company.

In fact, his request is very simple. It is nothing more than larger, faster, and large airships with more ammunition. In his opinion, the future of airships is.

Now the newly designed airship is obviously in line with his goal. Of course, Li Du still has an ambition in his heart - he hopes to build a bigger airship.

How big is it?
Li Du didn't think about it, but in terms of load capacity, a few tons or even a dozen tons is not enough for him, at least he can hold a bomb of [-] to [-] tons!
It only takes a few airships to destroy a city!
That is the real good attacker who moves "above the nine heavens"!

"7000 kilograms! That's really not small, but a large airship can be made even bigger!"

Zhu Xianhai opened his mouth with a smile.

"As we sell the airship to the French, it is safe to believe that by the time they understand how the airship works, there will be an airship race all over the world, with England, France and other European countries bound to compete If you want to build giant airships, we can stimulate them to build bigger airships!"

The commander's words made Li Du's expression a bit complicated. In fact, as the chief officer of the airship unit, he has always opposed the sale of airships, even until now.

"Marshal, the sale of the airship to outsiders is not only selling the airship, but also a lot of our technology, these technologies... those foreign devils definitely don't pay attention to patents, they will definitely imitate our airship, Losing the advantage in the air is not a good thing for us, after all, the sky is ours now, we can fight whoever we want!"

In the sky, Nanhua is the real king!

This war is a clear proof that the Argentines on the ground can only be beaten passively, completely powerless to fight back.Selling the airship to foreigners, wouldn't it be giving up your own trump card?

"Our monopoly won't last long!"

Zhu Xianhai walked to the desk, rummaged through the documents while talking.

"Even if it can monopolize for three to five years, it can't stop Europeans from owning their own airships. Selling them now is not only for money, but also to win a good external environment..."

Of course this is not the most important, what is important?
It's to point out the technology tree of the Europeans!

Is it to let those European guys press the treasure on the airship, and then create a huge interest group, and then what?This group will take European aviation technology on a wrong path.

It is best to lead them on a road of no return that leads to darkness.

"As for our safety..."

Zhu Xianhai found a folder, opened the folder and said.

"It's a small airship I've conceived."

"Small airship?"

Looking at the drawings drawn by the general, Li Du found that although this airship is small, its structure seems to be more advanced, and the small pod and airbag are integrated.

"This small airship uses a fully enclosed pod that is directly connected to the airbag, and is driven by two engines hanging outside the pod. This makes it faster, and its engine uses a ducted engine. The engine can Rotating within a certain angle will make it easier to control the flight direction and flight altitude, in other words, it is more maneuverable and faster, right..."

Turning a page, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the rotary machine gun in front of the cabin and said.

"I call it a "combat airship", um, it can also be called a "destroyer airship". The machine gun is different, it is driven by an electric motor, and its rate of fire is very fast, which can reach about 13 rounds. At the same time, its bullet is also a special kind, which is specially used to deal with airship bullets. It is just to open a few holes, at most it will let the hydrogen leak out, at most it will affect the ceiling, the airship can fly and land in a safe area at the same time, but the bullets used by this machine gun can ignite the hydrogen , do you know what happens when hydrogen gas is ignited?"

What is the result of hydrogen being ignited?

Li Du was dumbfounded, how could he not know?

Hydrogen will be ignited as soon as it sees Mars, and then it will burn or even explode!Because of this, it is absolutely forbidden to use open flames on airships.

But now?

The Marshal came up with a bullet that can ignite hydrogen.What kind of heavy damage will this bullet bring to the airship troops?
Certainly devastating!

At this moment, airships that could be called giants in the air turned into huge fireballs in front of the "combat airship" in his mind.

"Ah... Marshal, this, this—"

After hesitating for a while, Li Du said.

"I think it's better not to manufacture this kind of combat airship. After all, we have no way to guarantee it. Those Westerners will not imitate this kind of airship, will they? Once they have this kind of combat airship, it will pose a great threat to us. "

Li Du would rather not equip any combat airship than let a weapon threaten the existence of the airship. This is Li Du's simplest idea.

Facing his thought, Zhu Xianhai just smiled.

"There must be a threat to us. But since we want to sell the airship, we must have a killer weapon in our hands. Otherwise, how can we defeat the enemy?"

Want to play airship.

Very simple, this combat airship is just one of the weapons.After the electric Gatling gun technology matures, it is completely possible to develop an anti-aircraft gun based on it.

Don't say it's an airship, it's an airplane.It can also be easily knocked down from the sky.

"Of course, we must keep this weapon secret. What is our purpose? It is to convince everyone that airships are the real future."

and then?
Of course, let those countries put their treasures on the airship.Only when they are in war will they discover the truest reality in the world.

That is the huge fleet of airships they have built up at the expense of the treasury.It's just a torch in the sky.What kind of expressions will they have when the airships they have high hopes for are ignited one after another?
Just like the saying that Europeans often say-God can testify.

White is busy!

(End of this chapter)

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