Chapter 377 Trade canned food for a woman ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
In the morning, Eva woke up hungry from sleep.

After getting up, she walked out of the room and stood at the banister on the second floor. What she saw was the empty living room—she ran and played here when she was a child. Watching the grown-ups dance and looking forward to their "coming ball" moment.

On her sixteenth birthday, her father finally gave her a "coming ball", which also marked her entry into the social circle of Buenos Aires.

From that day on, this gorgeous living room meant more to her, where she danced, dined, flirted, and watched with jealousy how her friends smiled at the man she wanted .

But now?
The broken crystal lamps are still hanging high, the oil paintings on the walls were either taken away or cut open with knives, the sofas, tables and other furniture, even the curtains were swept away by the robbers—— When the city fell, the houses of many wealthy people in the city were looted.

The house was full of servants who had gone to nowhere, and now she was the only one left in the empty mansion. Even now, she still remembered that a few soldiers came here a few days ago, just as they Trying to break into the house, she shouted desperately to stop them.

This is the only thing she has left. Her father and brothers were either killed on the battlefield or disappeared on the battlefield. She must keep her homeland and wait for their return.

She even imagined all kinds of possibilities, maybe she would be ravaged by those villains from Nanhua, but she couldn't care less.

Fortunately, those people were civilized, and after learning that she was the owner of this house, they left here.

Now it seems that she is undoubtedly lucky-in the past few days, the empty houses of the neighbors have either been sealed, or those Nanhua officers have lived in.

They are a bunch of thugs who have taken the houses of good people of Buenos Aires just like that!

Eva said so in her heart, but soon, she was in no mood to blame those people anymore, and she was facing an experience she had never had before - hunger!
Like right now, she hasn't eaten for two days.

"It seems that we can only go out and find something to eat!"

Eva said to herself,
Her stomach was empty, and although she was hungry, she was not confused. She found a basket in the kitchen, and then found the whiskey that survived the robbery from the underground wine cellar, and went out in the basket. .

These whiskeys are sure to be in the market for some bread.

Walking on the road, Eva always casts her eyes on the houses with seals, those magnificent houses have been requisitioned by the occupying forces.

Along the way, when she met the occupying army, she would always hang her head down. As she walked towards the market, the heavy baskets along the way almost broke her arms.

Eva, who was empty and hungry, felt that she didn't even have much strength. Even so, her heart was full of grievances. She was born to be served, but now she has become like this, with ragged clothes hungry, took whiskey to the market to barter for food.

Even a beggar is nothing more than that!
When she was walking towards the market, the food she had eaten in the past always appeared in her mind, such as the smell of barbecue, the fragrance of French bread, and the milky fragrance of steak fried in butter.

All of this made her taste buds swell, and when her saliva was drooling, her stomach drummed again.

On the way to the market, she made a special trip to the bank, the door of the bank was still closed, but even so, there were quite a few people in front of the bank door, she comforted herself when she saw this.

"The banks will open soon, and when they do, everything will be fine."

Although her home was tied up by robbers, they did not snatch the bank deposit certificate. As long as the bank opened, she could immediately get out of the current embarrassment.

Soon, she arrived at the market. In the market, there were men and women, and even some soldiers, those villains from Nanhua, who were also shopping there.

"Whiskey, I have good English whiskey here..."

Opened her mouth, when she wanted to shout out, but she couldn't, she just stood there alone, maybe someone saw her embarrassment, saw the whiskey in her basket, and asked.

"Are these whiskeys of yours for sale?"

"Yes sir, good English whiskey."

"Thirty pesos. I want all these bottles of whiskey."

Thirty pesos is a lot, and Eva only felt that she met a good person, and she sold the wine as soon as she came here.

God bless, it all went so well.

She nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, sir, you are a very good man!"

"Are paper money okay?"


After receiving the thirty peso bills, Eva even gave the other a basket,
Ok, let's go get some food.

Just when she was happily going to buy some bread, the old woman on the side looked at her and said.

"Girl, do you know you've been cheated?"


"No one wants paper money now, it's like waste paper!"

Just waste paper?

Eva was stunned for a moment.

"That's impossible, sir, sir..."

The figure of that person can still be seen there now, and when Eva wanted to buy something with the banknotes, she murmured with several banknotes in her hand after being rejected one after another.

"How can this happen, how can this happen..."

During the war, no one would ask for banknotes, neither private banks nor official banks, and now these banks are still closed, and only silver or gold coins can be used in the market.

But now what she got was just a few pieces of worthless waste paper.

"God, how could you treat me like this!"


Those damn liars are the real villains!

Walking staggeringly on the street, a feeling of despair surged in Eva's heart.With an empty stomach, she only had one thought in her mind. She wanted to eat. She had been hungry for two days, and now her mind was full of food.

The hunger she had never experienced made Eva's eyes watery.She tried her best not to cry, but the tears still fell down.

"God, why are you torturing me so much..."

While she was walking, letting tears fall, Zhou Yan, who was chatting with his comrades on the side of the road, saw this young and beautiful girl. Although she looked haggard, she was very beautiful. He looked like he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

Seeing her face full of tears, she must have encountered some difficult things.

"Zhou Yan, you are looking... this woman is really beautiful!"

The comrades followed Zhou Yan's gaze, and when their eyes lit up, they gave Zhou Yan an idea.

"Zhou Yan, looking at her, she must be very hungry, hurry up and take a box of canned food, maybe you can get a woman today..."

In today's Buenos Aires, it is very cheap to get a woman. You don't need to spend money. You only need a box of cans or a pack of cigarettes to sleep with a woman. Hungry women In order to support themselves and their families, they will always do some unexpected things.

In the words of some soldiers, they even described those women as opening cans.

"Brother, if you don't want to go, I will open the can."

The comrade-in-arms' words immediately aroused laughter.

"Don't talk nonsense, this girl is definitely not an ordinary girl."

Zhou Yan was talking, thought for a while, grabbed the bread on the table, and walked directly towards the girl.

Ewa, who was crying while walking, suddenly heard footsteps and saw someone stopping her. It turned out to be a South China soldier. What did he want to do?
Her eyes were full of hostility, and she just stared at him.

"You must be starving!"

Zhou Yan took out a piece of bread wrapped in paper and said in his not fluent Spanish.

"Here, here you are, and, canned food."

Looking at the bread and the tin box with square characters, Eva stared at him, watching the sincere look on his face.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Eva looked at the villain with vigilance—no, it was a soldier.


Zhou Yan looked at the girl and said.

"Just thought you needed food, don't get me wrong, I didn't... want to."

Thinking what?
Trade cans for sleeping with her?

What he wants is not just that, in fact, many comrades around him want more than that.

When Zhou Yan didn't know how to explain, Eva looked at the cans and bread in her hands, then at the soldier, and said as if she had made up her mind.

"Can you take me home?"


Zhou Yan looked at the girl in front of him puzzled, did she ask me to take him home?
"I just don't want to go alone."

Eva pouted and said.

"I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying, but I just don't want to go alone. It's really hard to be alone."

Eva said as she walked.And Zhou Yan followed her silently, listening to the girl's complaints quietly.

Of course, he couldn't understand many words at all. After all, his Spanish could only understand a few simple sentences.

But for Eva, she just hopes that there is someone who can accompany her and listen to her. These days, she has faced all this alone, and now she feels really tired.

The two walked slowly like this, until after returning home, Eva turned to look at the soldiers beside her and said.

"I know, there must be many women who want to be your lovers, and I saw a lot on the way. Do you have any?"


Zhou Yan didn't understand what she was saying at all.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Eva continued to ask.

"Then do you think I'm pretty?"

"you're so beautiful!"

Zhou Yan replied seriously,

"Well, if you have time tomorrow, come and ask me out! By the way, can you give me a perfume?"


It's available at military welfare stores for a dime...

Looking at the girl in front of him, Zhou Yan nodded quickly and said.

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow."

After the soldiers left, Eva glanced at the food in her hand, and her expression became a little complicated. She never thought that one day she would be for food... But, she is really hungry!
(End of this chapter)

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