Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 380 The Dragon Is Showing Off

Chapter 380 The Dragon Is Showing Off (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
At the end of [-]th of July Avenue, on the edge of the city and the suburbs.

The mighty troops on the road can't be seen at a glance.

As the airship approached the sky, when the airship lowered to a height of only [-] meters, it was accompanied by the roar of the engine.

"Everyone has... the troops move forward!"

The commander of the machine gun carriage stood on the carriage and yelled loudly, and the rider sitting on the steel gun carriage raised his arms high, and then lowered the reins gracefully.


The powerful movement only caused commotion among the crowd on both sides of the [-]th of July street. They all stared at the carriages and the Gatling guns on them with envious and surprised eyes.

A total of more than [-] Nanhua troops participated in the entry ceremony, ranging from infantry to cavalry to artillery and airships. It can be described as a complete display of force.The reason why all three armies are out is actually to show the overwhelming momentum of all the troops.

As an occupying force, or in other words, an invader and future ruler, Nanhua needs to suppress in all aspects to deal an all-round blow to the morale and mentality of the ruled party, that is, the Argentines.

They must be instilled with a subconscious mind that the South China Army is invincible, and only in this way can they guarantee that they will not dare to resist in the future.

If it weren't for the fact that this city has a population of only [-] people, and the city's area is very limited, Zhu Xianhai even thought about a ceremony of entering the city with [-] people. Of course, this is just thinking about it. The guy rushed in with [-] soldiers. I don't know if it can cause a psychological blow to the people here, but it will definitely be an organizational disaster.

To this end, after careful preparation, the most elite soldiers were selected from various infantry regiments, and a multi-armed mixed army of more than [-] people was assembled to participate in the city entry ceremony.In the end, the elite of the [-] South China Army stood out.

"Here they come, look, they are coming!"

Although, in the past ten days, they have long been used to the Nanhua soldiers appearing on the streets, but this time when this army entered the city on an institutional scale, it still brought unprecedented shocks to people.

People watching on both sides of the street on July [-]th unanimously stood on their tiptoes and looked into the distance. The first thing that came to people's ears was the sound—a faint roar from a distance.

Sixteen huge airships are the first protagonists of this city entry ceremony. They are arranged in a neat inverted 'V' formation in the air less than [-] meters away, and they just flew in like that.

When the airship was in the air, their figures even blocked the sun, making people feel only a feeling of dark clouds overwhelming the top.

he came……

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, the low roar came from the sky, it seemed like the horn of death, blowing again and again in the air, the soul-stirring sound of the horn made everyone's heart beat Heart clenched into a small handful.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of horseshoes with a clear rhythm!
The rhythmic sound of horseshoes let the people who were suppressed by the sound of the airship and even dared not breathe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, it's Nanhua's cavalry!"

"That's right, cavalry!"

"No, it's a carriage, a machine gun carriage!"

With a burst of exclamation, people saw machine gun carriages, machine gun carriages in a row of three, driven by the slaves, the machine gun carriages were advancing, and when the machine gun carriages approached, they looked at a machine gun carriage on the carriage. Gatling machine gun, the expressions of the men became extremely complicated.

machine gun!

Machine gun after machine gun!
Just like this, they broke into their sight on the carriage, and the sun reflected on the cold barrels of the machine guns. They seemed to see how the heroic Argentines fell in front of these machine guns on the battlefield.

When hundreds of machine gun carriages drove by, another mighty cavalry appeared in people's sight.

Before the people of Buenos Aires could recover from the impact of airships and machine guns, this cavalry team lined up neatly and appeared in people's sight with a lofty attitude .

This cavalry team has a total of six hundred people. They are dressed in gray-green uniforms. The medals on their chests are dazzling in the sun, and the saber handles hanging in front of the saddle are also shining silver in the sun.

The war horses marched at almost the same pace. Even people who don't know the goods can recognize at a glance that these cavalry are riding Andalusian horses. Among the famous horses native to Spain, they are also the most common horses in South America.

What surprised them even more was that this cavalry was not only composed of Huaxia and Mapuche, but also some Gauchos among them.

No one would expect to see the familiar gaucho cavalry here. Although there are no Argentines who can look up to the gauchos, when their figures appear in sight, it always makes people feel a little kind, at least, gaucho Joe people are familiar.

"Look, there are gauchos among them. It seems that they are not barbarians."

"Savages? Do you still think so? They are very gentlemen..."

"Yeah, not only are they very gentlemanly, but have you noticed that they all seem to be handsome..."

Said a woman to a companion next to her.

"And it looks strong!"

"Unexpectedly, they seem to be stronger and more energetic than the Gauchos."

Just as people were talking to each other, the infantry formation over there broke into people's sight.

"Look, it's infantry, it's their infantry coming."

In the next moment, the infantry phalanx had already stepped on the horse tooth road of [-]th of July Avenue.

The phalanx formed by [-] infantry marched in neat steps, and they stared at the front with resolute eyes. As soon as the neat phalanx appeared, it brought people an unprecedented sense of oppression.

This feeling of oppression and impact far surpassed that of the cavalry. The infantry walked with the Huaxia Goosestep brought by Zhu Xianhai. The copper nails of five thousand pairs of hard-soled military boots trampled on the stone slab with only a roar.

"Da da……"

The iron boots trampled on the ground, which even made the ground tremble.

The citizens of Buenos Aires who were on the side of the road even took half a step back involuntarily. They could feel the ground trembling and moaning under their feet.

In the eyes of the citizens of Buenos Aires, these infantrymen looked the same, they behaved with the same dignity, with the same majesty, and with the same steps.

Five thousand pairs of iron boots stepped on the same pace, advancing step by step, and each step was like a heavy hammer, bringing an unprecedented impact to people.

"No wonder the army can't stop them. How can such a powerful army stop them?"

"It's completely different from the rumors."

"Yeah, have you noticed that they seem to be very handsome, compared to them, the army in Buenos Aires is like a group of beggars."

"Don't forget those beggar-like troops, they are the ones protecting us..."

"But it still failed..."

Although on this day, the airship, the machine gun carriage, and the cavalry all brought an unprecedented shock to the people of Buenos Aires, but these mighty infantry phalanxes brought people It's another shock.

A whole new kind of shock!

The impact of this mighty and strong infantry phalanx on people is more of a psychological and willpower, which makes each of them firmly believe that the Nanhua people are stronger and more accurate than they imagined. In other words, it should be a subversion, a complete subversion of their stereotyped understanding of the Chinese people, because in front of their eyes is a group of strong men.

All stereotyped impressions have undergone fundamental changes at this moment.

"Did you see it?"

Standing by the window, watching the army outside the window, Henry Hanks said to Fox beside him.

"We are witnessing the birth of an empire!"

"It is also witnessing the demise of a nation."

When they said these words, their expressions were complicated.Whether you want to face it or not, everything is changed on this day.

A new powerful empire has appeared on this land, what kind of changes will this bring to this land?

No one knows, but whether it is for these diplomats or ordinary citizens, they know it very well.

They are witnessing history and the birth of an empire.

And this day is a glorious day for the empire.

This day the dragon is showing off, showing off on this land...

(End of this chapter)

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