Chapter 390 The Landlord Is The Confidential Trouble (First Update, Please Subscribe)
Constrained by the backwardness of communication means, Zhu Xianhai didn't know that Zuo Zongtang had already planned to sign a trade treaty with the British. The so-called treaty was actually a cover. What was the real consensus?
He must have agreed with Nanhua's actions in the Rio de la Plata area.In return Nanhua will export airships to the UK.

Although the draft of the secret agreement had not yet been signed, Zuo Zongtang and Edward Thornton made a decision together.

However, Zhu Xianhai in Buenos Aires knew nothing about it.

"Now the province of Buenos Aires and the two neighboring provinces are basically under our complete control. The next step is to attack the other provinces. In the new year, completely solve the problems in the provinces..."

While talking, they walked to the study at the end of the corridor, which is now Zhu Xianhai's office.

Although it is a study room, the office is still one of the most luxurious rooms in this building. It is large enough and extremely quiet. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the lush grass, which is very suitable for a person to think quietly.

On the topic of other provinces, they didn't discuss for long. The population and strength of those provinces were very limited, and they couldn't even produce their own weapons. There was no suspense in beating them.

"Don't worry, Marshal, you will definitely hear good news before autumn. If everything goes well, they might all be cleaned up in the first month."

Sun Hu's answer made Zhu Xianhai laugh.

"Then I'll just wait for your good news. In this battle, we mainly need to train troops and practice tactics. With this battle, our army can be regarded as having experience in corps combat. In the future, we will be able to carry out larger-scale battles Corps combat, after all, our goal is very big!"

How big is the commander-in-chief's goal?

Although the commander-in-chief didn't say anything, the faces of Sun Hu and the others who were sitting were all looking forward. As soldiers, they certainly longed for war, especially in such a battle of bullying and bullying. what.

Maybe they don't have much education, but who doesn't know, what do the founding heroes rely on?Doesn't it depend on military merits!When the commander in chief ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely be rewarded for his merits. The more victories he has won now, the greater the rewards will be in the future!

After discussing military issues for a while, Sun Hu, Wang Dewen, and Liang Shan got up and left the office. After they left, Qian Deshan came in with a stack of documents, put the documents on the desk, and saw Zhu Xianhai standing in front of the map , as if thinking about something, he asked.

"The commander-in-chief is thinking about Paraguay's problems?"

As Zhu Xianhai's secretary, Qian Deshan certainly knew that the commander-in-chief had coveted Paraguay for a long time. Now that Argentina was settled, Paraguay must be next.

"Paraguay is not a problem at all. After Argentina is solved, it is just a matter of raking grass and beating rabbits for Paraguay. Now that the Brazilian army is still occupying Paraguay, let's provoke some troubles on the border and just fight it down. Anyway, it occupies an Argentine The countries in South America are full of hostility towards us, even two of them are full of hostility, there is no difference..."

In the face of strength, hostility and dissatisfaction are not worth mentioning at all. Just like the United Kingdom at the moment, if you want to clean up that country, if you clean it up, you will clean it up. What can those weak and small countries do to him?
Maybe Nanhua doesn't have the same strength as the UK, but facing the big bosses in South America, they can still be frightened.

"If you occupy it, you will occupy it, if you fight it, you will fight it."

Turning around and walking to the desk, Zhu Xianhai did not look at the documents just delivered, but frowned and said.

"I'm thinking about another thing. Now that we have occupied Argentina, we must consider how to rule this land, including how to rule the people on this land!"

After clicking on the documents on the table, Zhu Xianhai cast his eyes out of the window and asked.

"Do you know the history of this manor?"

"I heard that it first belonged to a Spanish nobleman, and after independence, it belonged to a certain hero of the revolution, and then it belonged to Rosas' relatives, and finally it fell into the hands of Johnson after several twists and turns."

As a subordinate, one must figure out the mind of the superior. Although Donggong didn't say it, Qian Deshan still figured it out from the identity of the manor owner.

"Dong Gong is worried about those British landlords?"

The current owner of this manor is a British expatriate, and the UK is precisely the biggest imaginary enemy of Nanhua.

"British people, you really need to worry. According to statistics from the Survey Department, 233 of the 62 big landowners in Buenos Aires province are British. These people are just a part of them. In Buenos Aires In Les province, a total of 935 landlords occupy more than 68000 square miles of land, or nearly 30 square kilometers of land, while the total area of ​​Buenos Aires province is only [-] square kilometers! But here There are almost one million people living! Most of the land is occupied by landlords. In other provinces, landlords occupy almost all of the land. Almost all of them are tenant farmers of landlords. The vast majority of people live dependent on landlords. .”

Staring at the lush grass outside the window, Zhu Xianhai said in a deep voice.

"This is Argentina, which is actually South America. What is the "Caudillo System" and what is the core of this system? It is economically relying on large landed estate owners and politically relying on military dictatorship to maintain its political rule."

This system did not only exist after the independence of South American countries.It was specially established by the Spaniards in order to maintain their colonial rule in South America-they allocated a large amount of land to officers and soldiers, and ordinary immigrants lived on the farms of soldiers.

"And who are those soldiers? They are the owners of the big manor, whether Rosas or Urquiza, including Lopez, they are all the owners of the big manor. As the owners of the big manor, they strictly control the family, the chief , servants, bonded farmers, tenant farmers, etc., enjoy absolute authority and implement patriarchal rule; the owner of a large manor can listen to the complaints of his subordinates, enforce the law, and generally hold court trials, just like the monarch of a country within a country; "

In those places where the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, the king's authority exists only in documents, in the words of the people.

Who is the real king?
It is the manor owners who own the land and the population, and they are the real rulers of those areas.

“On the one hand, the large manor has a large amount of arable land, livestock and various agricultural tools, engaged in agricultural and animal husbandry production, and on the other hand, there are craftsmen such as carpenters, ironworkers, bakers, tailors and candlemakers, who specialize in handicraft production. To meet the needs of the entire manor, generally only a small amount of valuables and luxury goods need to be purchased from abroad. It is a typical self-sufficient economic form combining agriculture and cottage industry. They organize their own private armed forces to protect the manor and expand their power! "

When talking about those manor owners, Zhu Xianhai didn't feel that he had any similarities with them. They were just a group of local tyrants, and he... well, it was the same, except that he rose a little faster.

"Just like Rosas who ruled Argentina before, he was the first manor owner. He organized the Indians, gauchos and blacks in his own and neighboring manors into arms, and he was the commander of the militia. Later, he led the The armed forces participated in the struggle of the Buenos Aires government led by Rodriguez against the leaders of the interior, and finally appointed the commander-in-chief of the Provincial Army of Buenos Aires, "

From landlords to warlords, from warlords to national leaders, this is the so-called "Caudillo", and of course it is what Zhu Xianhai has always been vigilant about.

"In South America, almost every Caudillo-style leader has a similar path to rise, and these people are the biggest hidden danger for us to rule Argentina and South America in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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