Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 395 The Protector of Paraguay

Chapter 395 The Protector of Paraguay ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
In the early morning, when the people of Corrientes woke up from their sleep, they saw steamboats sailing past the city on the Paraná River, heading northeast. When they saw this scene, some The patriotic citizens could not help but pray.

"God forbid, let them fight the Brazilians."

A few days before, the dignitary had led the officials to surrender to the conquerors from the south.Then, under the gaze of people.After a while, the Argentine flag on the roof was removed.

From that day forward, many patriotic Argentines longed for the day when they could drive the conquerors from the land.

But what can they do?


The Brazilian army stationed in Paraguay has always been an army composed entirely of devils. They will definitely be able to drive out these devils from the south.

Now watching the Nanhua army sailing towards Paraguay by boat, of course these patriots should cheer for it.

"God bless, let those devils kill each other."


Steamboats broke through the turbid river and went upstream.To prevent accidents, Zhou Ze and his adjutant had to come to the deck, and the river was breezy.

Standing on the deck, Zhou Ze carefully observed the river banks on both sides with binoculars. The land on both sides of the Paraná River is flat, and the height of the bank is only about ten meters high. Looking from the boat, the river bank is a long horizontal line. On the line, weeds are overgrown, and an airship is moving forward slowly above the head. Sometimes, it will hover in the sky.

Although the troops have gone very smoothly since the troops left Buenos Aires, there are still fierce resistance from stubborn enemies along the way. Puffs of thick smoke on the distant sky rush into the sky, and occasional waves of warships come from the wind. The roar of the cannon.

Soon, Zhou Ze saw a dozen or so ships moored upstream, all of which were blue Nanhua gunboats, with Nanhua's Suzaku flag flying on them and numbers painted on their hulls.These gunboats of about 4 tons are the main force to cover the army's attack. In addition to the powerful firepower of the Gatling guns, four 150mm mortars are temporarily installed on the front and rear decks, which is enough to suppress any possible enemies. .

Zhou Ze's boat broke down in the middle of the group of boats.This is already the border area between Corriente and Paraguay. On the bank of the river, you can see the remnants of the blockhouse with a telescope. It was a blockhouse that Corriente built to resist the invasion of Paraguay a few years ago.

"Twenty kilometers further ahead is the Umaita Fortress in Paraguay. Although it is the territory of Paraguay, the people stationed there are Brazilians, and the Brazilian fleet is stationed there."

Putting down the binoculars, Zhou Ze continued.

"The purpose of our trip is to consolidate the border and prevent Brazil from taking the opportunity to occupy our land. These places used to be Paraguayan land and were occupied by the Brazilian army during the Paraguay War..."

Staring into the distance, Zhou Ze pursed his lips.

"Whether we want to take over these areas is still a question!"

"Yes, according to intelligence, many local militia majors have submitted letters of surrender to the Brazilian side"'

"What else can they do,"

"We're on the battlefield!"

Tian Zhong and the others are strongly aware that they have now reached the front line, and the relaxed mood after setting off from Buenos Aires became tense again at this time.

Moreover, the troops were given rations for three days and spent one night on board.
"Everyone has. Everyone writes a letter home and gives it to the captain. Maybe it's the last letter! If we ever come into conflict with the Brazilians, we'll have to deal with a bunch of wolves and tigers." Master of tigers and wolves!"

Lieutenant Tian Guo's tone was very kind. Although he was from South China, he had always cared about his subordinates.The [-]-year-old Second Lieutenant Tian Guo is said to be an orphan. Nine years ago, when he immigrated to Nanhua with an immigrant ship, his parents and sisters died in the war. He grew up in the military training school in Nanhua. From the school to the army, there are many officers like him in Nanhua. For them, the lord is equal to their father, and Nanhua is their home.

On the battlefield, he is a murderous, swearing, but brave squadron leader. To his subordinates, he is a very affectionate officer, as kind and amiable as a family member.

Everyone just laughed at what the squadron leader said. They are the soldiers of Nanhua, and they are the real tigers and wolves.

Zhu Pingwei lay on the bed with his arms pillowed on his head, and suddenly began to sing in a low voice:

"We came from the smoke and flames of war. We walked to the battlefield with neat steps. Soldiers have already prepared to sacrifice. Pray for death in battle! It is better to die for the country and for the ghost hero! It is better to lie on the death bed! Pray for death in battle! , get rid of the dust on the sand field!..."

The singing wafted through the room so quiet that one could hear the river beating against the side of the ship, giving people a strange feeling. After singing a song, Zhu Pingwei turned his face away, his eyes filled with tears.These tears are not the sadness of going to war, nor the fear of death. The more than [-] soldiers in the cabin are waiting silently to die on tomorrow's battlefield with tragic hearts, and no one has shown anything. Conflict, this kind of spirit of unity is always very moving.

Listening to the singing in the cabin, Second Lieutenant Tian Guo looked solemn. He looked at the soldiers. Although these guys were all naturalized citizens, their loyalty to Nanhua was well known, and
In the early morning of the next day, dozens of ships from unknown sources gathered towards their ship. Among them, more than [-] tons and [-] to [-] tons were requisitioned transport ships. , standing on the side of these ships one by one, at this time two gunboats from nowhere appeared.

"All troops are ready to land!"

At this moment, a mighty fleet sailed from the upper reaches, led by a warship with a displacement of over a thousand tons. On the wide Parana River, this fleet undoubtedly looked like a giant. The presence.

In contrast, Nanhua's side was just densely packed with small boats. Several of the gunboats found a fleet coming from upstream, and they immediately drove the gunboats to meet them.

"It's the Brazilian fleet!"

Without exception, the Brazilian flag was hung on those warships, and several white letters "Amazon" were painted on the side of the ship!
"It's the Amazon, the Brazilians have sent the fleet!"

Zhou Ze frowned. The frigate "Amazon" became famous in the Paraná River. In the "Battle of Ria Chuiro" a few years ago, Admiral Bainacio da Fonseca, the commander of the Brazilian fleet, commanded the flagship The "Amazon" frigate clashed internally and externally, hitting four ships in a row with its strong shell, trying to turn the tide.Since then, it has completely controlled the control of the Paraná River.

Before that, the Paraguayan Army was invincible in Corrientes Province, Argentina, because the supplies could be transported smoothly across the Paraná River.After this battle, the Paraguayan army was unable to move forward, and the crisis in northern Argentina was successfully resolved.

Whoever controls the Paraná River will win this war!

Zhou Ze, the brigade commander of the Second Mixed Brigade, knew this very well, and this was why they advanced by water.Now this fleet stood in their way.

At this moment, the Brazilian fleet issued a warning semaphore.

"This is the land of Paraguay, please evacuate immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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