Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 399 River of Regions

Chapter 399 River of Regions (Second Update, please subscribe)
Following the semaphore letter issued by the Dreadnought, the twelve dreadnought boats were like twelve sharp arrows, drawing a "V" formation on the wide Parana River, which seemed to be a sign of victory, as if Like a pair of scissors, it pressed up from the two wings of the Brazilian fleet.

And the blade of this sharp scissors is the 20mm shell whizzing out from the muzzle.

"Cannonballs, cannonballs, fast-loading cannonballs..."

The gunners on the emplacement kept roaring loudly, they even ignored the military caps that were blown off by the wind, the gunners were completely caught in some kind of madness, they shook the handle like crazy, completely ignoring their fatigue.They howled and shouted "Balls" every time the shells emptied.

As they shouted, the ammunition hand immediately inserted the magazine into the magazine well, and the 20mm shells entered the chamber under the action of gravity, and rotated into the firing position with the rotation of the handle...


Some dull cannon sounds sounded continuous, about three or four rounds per second. Although a magazine has only 20 rounds, it can only last for a few seconds of shooting.But those shells were extremely deadly to the wooden hulls of the Brazilian fleet.

Twelve of the four Gatling machine guns on the dreadnought boats that lined up towards the enemy pointed at them from both sides of the Brazilians in a 'V' formation. Puffs of smoke shot out from the sideboards of the warships. In the continuous explosions, hundreds of holes the size of bowls were blasted out of their shipboards.

In an instant, under the pincer attack from both sides, the originally aggressive Brazilian fleet was completely powerless to fight back like a prey caught in a spider's web.

The Brazilians did not stop resisting. They bombarded the speedboats on the water with cannons. Four small Brazilian gunboats even rushed to the two wings of the "Amazon" desperately. They tried to protect the flagship with their own hulls, while the ship Brazilian sailors are also desperately shooting at the "dreadnought" with their rifles.The machine gunners also operated Gatling machine guns in an attempt to suppress the artillery fire of the South China Army.

"Knock out their machine guns!"

Without the captain's order, Li Tao lowered the breech of the gun, aimed at the puff of smoke on the top of the mast and shook the handle.Amidst the rapid sound of cannonballs, one round of 20mm shells roared towards the top of the mast of the Brazilian warship. Although many shells were emptied, the machine guns on the top of the mast were still wiped out in the dense rain of bullets.

During the bombardment from both sides, the water in the river seemed to boil, and thousands of cannonballs and rifle bullets hit the river, causing white caps.

In the rain of bullets, the sailors on the "dreadnought boat" were killed and wounded. Facing the Brazilian sailors standing on the side of the ship and shooting continuously, Li Tao directly adjusted his target and fired a burst of fire at the side of the ship.


Amidst the hoarse roar, a rain of bullets passed over the side of the "Amazon", and immediately set off a bloody storm. The Brazilian sailors hit by the shells were directly smashed into pieces like broken porcelain. , If it is hit in the abdomen or chest, it will be broken in the middle, and if it is hit in the head, the head will be blasted into pieces like an egg.

"my Lord!"

Admiral Inacio couldn't believe the horror he saw. The deck was completely turned into a slaughterhouse, with fragmented corpses everywhere. He had never seen such a scene in his military career. Such a tragic scene.

At this moment, he seemed to understand the despair of the Paraguayans in this water area five years ago. At that time, he used the strength of the ship and the strong hull to sink Paraguayan warships into the river.

And now?

In the "boom, boom" explosion, the ship's plank was blown to pieces. In the fierce battle, the distance between the enemy and ourselves was shortened to within two hundred steps without knowing it, and the aim of the shells was even greater.

The four gunboats trying to protect the flagship with their flesh and blood couldn't bear the dense rain of bullets at all, and the roaring shells interrupted the Brazilian sailors on the deck in pieces. The shells hit the hull of the ship tore holes the size of plates in the thin ship plank. In the smoke of the explosion, the small holes were blown into big holes, and the raging river immediately poured into the cabin, and even more The deadly armor-piercing projectile pierced the ship's plank. Although the solid armor-piercing projectile made of steel has no explosives, it easily pierced through the wrought iron boiler of the steam engine after penetrating the ship's plank. The leaked high-pressure steam enveloped the entire bilge in an instant. Those Brazilian sailors who were desperately shoveling coal or blocking the gap with canvas to rescue the warship didn't even come to shout, and their skin was directly scalded by the high-temperature steam. All the injured sailors desperately wanted to escape from the hold.

After the bilge was swallowed by the high-temperature steam, the small gunboat, which lost its power to damage the tube, could only be beaten passively, and the muddy river water poured into the bilge from the hole without hindrance.

But in just a moment, the gunboat tipped over to the side, the deck was raised high to one side, and the shells hit the deck like raindrops. At the same time, the Brazilian sailors on board fell into the water one by one like dumplings. Immediately afterwards, the Brazilian gunboat was torn apart by the shelling and sank to the bottom of the river.

The smoke from the roaring guns and the smoke from the chimneys covered the entire river, making it difficult to see what was going on on the river. Brazil's gunboats are only a few hundred tons, but there are nearly two hundred people on each gunboat. Since they have sailors, they also have riflemen. During their fierce battle with the Paraguayan fleet, these riflemen even carried long knives , Ax to side jumping to help fight, and now when four gunboats sank one after another, the scene on the river is simply horrible.

Hundreds of people struggled desperately in the water, shouting for help.

Some people were drawn directly into the icy river bottom by the whirlpool rolled up by the sinking ship.

Many people were hit by shells that fell into the water, and the sailors who were interrupted by the middle turned into pieces of minced meat floating on the water.

The red blood spread rapidly on the river surface, and in a blink of an eye, these patches of red dyed the river surface red.

On the red river, the fierce battle continued, and the flames of explosions rose one after another on the side of the Brazilian military ship.

Under the bursting flames, hundreds of mutilated corpses floated on the water.

On the surface of the Styx-like river, there were more struggling sailors. They grabbed the pieces of wood floating on the water and tried to swim to the shore. Their faces were full of despair.

On the Hell-like River Styx, the battle is still going on...

 I was dizzy with the code words yesterday, and the chapters were reversed.
(End of this chapter)

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