Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 41 These "robbers" are too cruel

Chapter 41 These "robbers" are too cruel
In the middle of the night, the sound of explosions sounded one after another, like summer thunder.Spread far.

The violent explosion even overshadowed the roar of the steam engine. Even though they were far away, Adam still saw the flame rising into the air.

The flames soaring into the sky even reflected half of the sky red.


The explosion was from...

"This explosion..."

A ball of sweat broke out on Adam's face.

As a crew member on the ship, he received a silver peso to drive the steamboat to Mr. Steven, but this seems to be different from the original agreement.

Didn't they say they came here to transport the slaves away?

How could there be an explosion?
Are they a bunch of robbers?
Staring at the flame rising into the air in the distance, Adam stared blankly at it. If the location was good, that was the destination of their trip.

Such a violent explosion must have used at least several hundred pounds of gunpowder!

These Chinese... crazy!
"Mr. Adam, all right, let's go there in a while, and the things that Mr. explained have not been finished yet."

Li Fugui looked at Adam with a smile.If they don't leave, he doesn't mind killing the chicken for the monkeys to see. Big Brother Zhu kept him on the boat for this reason.

"Ah, oh, oh..."

Adam and Jason swallowed nervously, and could only continue driving the steamship absent-mindedly towards the direction of the explosion.

"Crazy! What a bunch of lunatics!"

Adam thought to himself.

No matter what they are going to do, these people must be crazy to use so much gunpowder!Aren't they afraid to blow up the earth?

At this moment, suddenly, there were several explosions in the distance again, and the continuous explosions made Adam sweat profusely on his back.

These Chinese, how much gunpowder did he bring!Also, if they refuse to cooperate now, will they blow themselves up with their people and boats...

In an instant, Adam was a little restless.

But soon he calmed down. Compared with the risk, he rationally chose silver pesos... If you have money, you can take it, and don't care what they do.


Finally, after installing the explosives, Zhu Xianhai was busy connecting the lines.

"As long as those offices are finished, this matter will be almost done!"

Compared with the wooden house here, the office building is undoubtedly stronger, it is a masonry building.

In fact, it’s just spending a little more explosives. What’s the problem?
As for those people in the house, in his opinion, they are not human at all. These bastards in the mine, that person is not the master of evil. They abuse Chinese laborers and slaves in the mine. Killing them is to exterminate the people Harm is to save people from fire and water!
Killing dozens of people can save nearly two thousand compatriots!
It's a good deal!
It was also because of this that his mood was extraordinarily calm, without any waves, he just quietly twisted the wire and connected the detonator.


Fox, who was lying on the chair, was as usual, seemingly asleep, but still kept vigilant. As a well-paid bodyguard hired by Mr. Thomas, he never failed his duty.

Especially now, in the safe behind him, the last half year's harvest of the gold mine is stored. In two days, Mr. Thomas will take the gold away and bring it to Rio de Janeiro. Shareholders in Rio and London are waiting with the gold.

His task is to guard the gold!
Of course, in return, if all goes well, he will receive a reward of 200 pounds when the gold is deposited in the bank in Rio.

This huge sum of money is enough to allow his family to live a wealthy life in the UK that most people would envy.

Suddenly, the legs that were crossed on the table came down, and Fox sat up suddenly.

He stood up vigilantly.

"Fernando, damn it, you idiots..."

While cursing, he came to the window and looked out. By the moonlight, he could vaguely see someone doing something in the dormitory.
Could it be... a robber!
After drawing the pistol and pulling the trigger, Fox took aim at the moonlit figure.That guy is definitely not an employee of the gold mine!
After aiming at the target, he pulled the trigger.


Zhu Xianhai was stunned by the sudden gunshot?

Is there a shot?
Before Zhu Xianhai could react, there was a loud shout from the office building.

"Quick, Leon, you idiot, hurry up... there are robbers!"


Gunshots rang out again, from the office building.

The gunshots rang out again, interrupting his thoughts. The gunshots in the middle of the night were so loud that even a sleeping person would be awakened. Listening to the movements in the dormitory, even though it was not yet the appointed time, Zhu Xianhai still yelled.

"Quick, withdraw, hide, hide..."

Xiaowu and Dashan had just withdrawn. Seeing that the guards in the dormitory were about to rush out of the room, Zhu Xianhai slammed his right hand and twisted the wrench of the detonator.


The continuous sound of explosions instantly filled the sky and the earth with orange. Accompanied by the violent shock wave, the fiery red flames rose into the air. Those guards who had just rushed out of the room, like dolls, were instantly torn into pieces by the shock wave. , The broken limbs and arms were blown into the sky together with the smashed planks and beams.

In a moment of shaking, when Fox stood up again, he didn't even know how he survived.

Turning around, the two rows of dormitories in front of the office building were completely razed to the ground, and even the office building was changed. The glass windows were all shattered, and the shattered glass flew into the room like sharp daggers. An unlucky half-breed had his neck cut off by glass shards, and blood sprayed everywhere.Things weren't much better for Fox, who was also injured.

Covered in blood, he looked in horror at the burning dormitory, only astonishment remained in his eyes,
"My God! What's the matter?"

If it wasn't because he noticed the movement outside, he even thought it was a gunpowder magazine explosion.But the fact is that the gunpowder magazine is over there at the mine!
Can the explosion here?

Don't those robbers want gold?
Looking at the razed dormitory, Fox seemed to understand...they used explosives to razed the dormitory for the sake of gold.

Fox, who has lived for half his life, never thought that he would meet such a cruel master—they chose to blow up everyone for the sake of gold!

These people are too cruel.

If it wasn't because I interrupted them, I'm afraid I would have been blown up to the sky. As for the gold... what to worry about the gold in the safe, it must not be blown up.

"Quick, quick, grab your gun, these bandits will kill us, Ferrinando, quick..."

Frightened, Fox yelled, pulled the stunned guards around him, dragged them to the window, raised his revolver, and shot out.

(End of this chapter)

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