Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 422 Nanhua Mercenary Togo Heihachiro

Chapter 422 Nanhua Mercenary Dongxiang Heihachiro (Second update, please subscribe)
On February 2, after half a day of negotiations, Toshimichi Okubo and Dr. Fumi Ito signed the "Nanichi Treaty of Friendship and Friendship" on behalf of Japan in the Shunho Building in Naha.

The content of this treaty is also what Okubo Toshimichi and Ito Hirobumi are striving for, although the content of the treaty is basically a replica of the treaty signed between Japan and the United States, Britain, France and other countries, which means that Nanhua has the right to consular jurisdiction in Japan. Accept the tariff system of the agreement; give South China the most favored nation treatment and the like.

However, under the insistence of Dr. Ito, in the end, Japan did not make any concessions on the issue of the "Southern Chinese residence", that is, the concession.

Compared with other clauses, for Nanhua, this clause is the most important.With this treaty, businessmen in Nanhua can enter and leave Japan at will. From then on, Kazuo can come to Nanhua continuously.

Li Fengzhi was naturally very excited about this, and after the signing of the treaty, he even offered to toast to the "goodwill and friendship between South and Japan".

"For Japan, this is really a big step forward. It is the most equal treaty Japan has signed since Admiral Perry's visit to Japan!"

A few days later, in Tokyo, people cheered Japan's "diplomatic victory" so much.

What does such a seemingly equal "goodwill and friendship" treaty mean to Japan?After the Five Anzheng Articles, it was the first "equality treaty". Many Japanese politicians even believed that they could rely on this treaty as a basis to negotiate and amend the treaty with Western powers. After all, the Anzheng Five Treaty was signed separately after the signing of the Japan-US treaty. .

A "treaty of equality" signed with the big powers is the capital of their negotiations!Of course, whether people recognize it or not is another matter.

And what does the signing of this treaty mean to Nanhua?
Nobody knows.

But what is certain is that since then, in Japan, Nanhua has become a member of the great powers.

When the Japanese cheered their "diplomatic victory", after leaving 150 troops in Ryukyu, the "Shihai" began to return to the voyage. Under the command of the officers, they were organized into formations and went to the next station together.


Midway Island in 1870 was definitely not as famous as later generations. Even on the Pacific route, it was an unknown island, but this small island was the only island owned by Nanhua in the central Pacific Ocean. Years ago, after Zhu Xianhai promulgated the "Guano Island Law", with his support, Nanhua's fleet, including the whaling fleet, began to explore in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. They discovered [-] islands, and Midway is one of them.

The island was first discovered in July 1859 by a captain named Middle Brooks, who discovered it in the vast Pacific Ocean, declared it his own and named it after himself.However, in history, it was not until 7 that another captain obtained the ownership of the island, and then renamed it "Midway Island".

In 1865, after discovering the island, Zhu Xianhai sent troops to the island without hesitation, because the strategic position of this island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is extremely important both now and in the future.

Although the garrison is only a few hundred people, it is precisely because of their existence that Nanhua has always firmly controlled the island. It is also because of their existence that countries recognize Nanhua's control of "Midway Island".

Like everyone else, when he was on duty on the fort, Qian Minghe looked into the distance from time to time. His eyes were full of expectations. According to the shift schedule, this time it was his turn to go to Alaska for vacation—for sailors on a deserted island In terms of people, even going to Fuyang with a population of only a few thousand is equivalent to entering the city, but this city is far away, and there is only one chance every year.

"There is a boat!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from the watchtower, and someone shouted.

"It's Suzaku Banner, our ship."

Accompanied by such shouts, many people ran towards the coast excitedly. For these guards on the isolated island, seeing the Suzaku flag means seeing home.

On March 3, after a month and a half of voyage, the "Sihai" and "Shoho Maru" finally arrived at the transit point of their trip - Midway Island.

"Dongxiang, after entering the berth on the atoll, you will lead a team to carry supplies. It will not be easy for the brothers guarding the island. Every Nanhua ship that passes by here will put some supplies here."


Just halfway through the conversation, Dongxiang even changed his words.

"Yes, sir."

Looking at Dongxiang Heihachiro in front of him, Wu Anping said.

"Dongxiang, since you can speak Chinese, you should try to speak Chinese as much as possible, and you guys are the same. Learn more from Dongxiang. If you want to become a naturalized citizen, you must pass the "Chinese Proficiency Test". Don’t think it’s no big deal, you’ll know when you get to Nanhua, it’s good to be a Nanhua person!”

"Yes, thank you sir for your instruction."

Dongxiang and the others bowed and said that although they were all captives before, they are now mercenaries of the Nanhua Navy. Although the Nanhua side expressed that they could release them after the negotiation, almost everyone including Dongxiang refused. .

It's not that they don't want to go back to Japan. As losers, even if they return to Satsuma, they will shame their families. According to Japanese tradition, they should commit suicide, but... how many people want to die?

It was impossible to return to Satsuma, and the imperial court did not want them. Nanhua offered them an olive branch. Facing the invitation, almost all the captives chose to stay in Nanhua. Some of them were stationed in Naha as sailors.Some people drove "Xiangfeng Wan" back to Nanhua.

After the ship sailed into the berthing area, when the admiral met with the island guarding troops, Dongxiang Heibashima felt doubts in his heart as he looked at the desolate island.

"Why did Nanhua station troops on this deserted island?"

No one will tell him the answer, but Dongxiang Heihachiro found that the spirits of the Nanhua soldiers on this island seem to be good. Although they are on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean, they are all full of spirit.

"Officer Dongxiang, what do you think Nanhua looks like!"

That night, while enjoying dinner at the restaurant on the island, Yamaguchi asked curiously as he watched the dinner with fish and meat on the plate.

"On such a deserted island, they actually eat so well. Presumably Nanhua must be a very rich place."

What is Nanhua like?Dongxiang Heihachiro's heart is also full of expectations for that land...

(End of this chapter)

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