Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 425 Eat a piece of meat from England

Chapter 425 Eat a piece of meat from Britain (second update, please subscribe)
Early this morning, a black carriage quietly drove towards the center of London.The carriage passed Buckingham Palace and continued along the street.There was a passenger sitting in the car, staring solemnly at the street scene passing by in front of him.

"Hope everything goes well!"

At this moment, Buffett's heart seemed a little heavy. Yesterday, he received a confidential telegram from Nanhua asking him to speed up the negotiation.

"Quick fight."

How is this possible?
Negotiations between Nanhua and the Hudson's Bay Company have been going on and off for seven years.There is not much substantive progress, especially when the other party's willingness to sell is not very strong.

But Buffett didn't know that.Historically, in 1870, the Hudson’s Bay Company had already sold the land to Canada. In the face of the strong rise of the United States, in order to prevent the United States from opening up the land passage between its mainland and Alaska, the United Kingdom instructed Hudson, who intends to sell the land. The Sunny Bay Company sold the territory to Canadian control.As a result, the largest land transaction in the modern history of the world was born.

In this world, the United States, which is falling into division, has greatly reduced the threat to Canada. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for the British government to be a "taker". After all, operating a colony requires funds.

But even under such circumstances, it is not easy to buy the land from the company.After all, in this year and month, no one can take advantage of England.

Want to dig a piece of meat from Britain?
You don't have to think about it, you know how difficult it is.

But even if it is difficult, we must do it, just like what he said when Zhu Xianhai put forward his great idea before he came to London.

"No one bites the meat of the British, not because they can't eat it, but because everyone dare not think about it. As long as you think about it, it is always possible!"

Yes, as long as you dare to think, it is always possible!

Ten minutes later, sitting in the office of Dawson Mulroney, chairman of the Institute of International Finance, Buffett said with a smile.

" years ago, under your auspices, the Institute of International Finance was established, bought a controlling interest in the company, and then made a public offering of £200 million using the unallocated land held in the name of the Hudson's Bay Company as assets shares, and mortgaged the funds with real estate. These real estate shares provided sufficient financial capital for the society. By selling or mortgaging the land, new shareholders invested extensively in immigration settlement, mining, railways, and telegraphs to speed up the company's market capitalization. And that fund also ensured that the company survived the financial crisis in 1866. It can be said that Dawson, your decision at the beginning was simply a stroke of genius."

People always enjoy being praised, and Dawson Mulroney was no exception.He nodded with a smile and made a please gesture to the cup.

"It's just helping the company through the crisis. As early as [-] years ago, the company's fur trade was unsustainable, and the "monopoly rights" have also been challenged a lot. Land management is just a transformation. But it is still far away. It is far from successful, after all, you know, the company has indeed encountered some problems in its operation."

Mulroney, who was born as a banker, had his eye on the Hudson's Bay Company eight years ago. When the company was unsustainable due to the recession of the fur trade, he invited his partners to set up the International Finance Association and took the opportunity to take over the company. Land, while helping companies get out of trouble, is also profitable for individuals.

"Although immigration settlement, mining, railways, and telegraphs can accelerate the company's market capitalization. These investments related to immigration expansion require real government structure support. Although through the operation of the land, the company survived the crisis and gained a lot of money. return, but the company’s administrative expenses in the territory must also be getting bigger and bigger, you know, since two years ago, the company has fallen into losses again!”

Mulroney shrugged helplessly, looked at Buffett and said.

"That's why I'm in favor of selling the company to you, but, you know, it's not my business, I put my head on it. The only problem is we have no way of returning the 'crown' to the Crown , without the royal family taking back the crown, it is almost impossible for us to sell the company, after all, the Hudson's Bay Company is a chartered company."

In fact, as early as two years ago, Buffett had reached a consensus with Mulroney privately on the sale of the company. For Mulroney, a banker, he entered the company for money, and sold or leased the land for profit. But now the administrative expenses of colonial affairs are exhausting the company's financial resources little by little.

In such a case, timely deduction was the best option, and the Hudson's Bay Company, fed up with the affairs of the colonial administration, naturally hoped to sell all the land it owned.

But the problem is that the Harveys Bay Company is not a simple company. The territory it owns with the royal charter is the "crown territory", which means that without the permission of the royal family, it is impossible for them to sell all the company's land .

"Without the royal permission, before they don't agree with us to return the crown, it is absolutely impossible to sell this piece of royal territory as a whole."

"What if we rule out Rupert's territory first?"

Buffett, who intends to speed up the progress of the negotiations, tentatively asked
"It is true that Prince Rupert's territory is Crown territory, but the Northwest Territory is not. It originally belonged to the Northwest Company. The Northwest Territory was forcibly merged by the British government in order to quell the continuous violent disputes between the two companies. This land can be Not the crown land. If we can, we can come to an agreement on this land first!"

At least buying the "Northwest Territory" is Zhu Xianhai's bottom line. In fact, he himself knows that it is not an easy task for Britain to sell the land to foreign countries. After all, in history, the Hudson's Bay Company At the behest of the company, all land owned by the company was sold to Canada.

But in the northwest region, that is several million square kilometers!

"North-west region?"

Mulroney frowned, and he thought for a moment and said.

"I don't know, my friend, you know, I personally agree, but just selling the Northwest Territories doesn't seem to be in our plan, and it can't change the predicament the company is facing now."

"The company's woes?"

Buffett asked with a smile.

"The government will not help you solve the company's plight. As we all know, the era of companies has long since ended. Chartered companies, the huge East India Company was resolved more than ten years ago. What did the company's shareholders get? Woolen cloth?"

Shaking his head, Buffett looked at Mulroney and said.

"Nothing, ordinary employees can continue to work, but what about the shareholders in London? They lost everything, everything! Downing Street can dismantle the East India Company, but what about the Hudson's Bay Company?"

For capitalists, money is the most important thing.Of course, the country takes a backseat to money.For the country, interests also come first.

"Go, sir. Frankly speaking, I don't think you can get rid of it. I think maybe soon, five or ten years, you will lose it. Now, while you can still make decisions, you Consider your interests."

Of course, you have to think about your own interests. How could Mulroney not know the tragic experience of those shareholders when the East India Company disintegrated.The government directly dismantled the East India Company without any compensation to the company's shareholders, many of whom lost hundreds of thousands or even millions of pounds of wealth.

A company as huge as the East India Company can be dismantled, but what about the Hudson's Bay Company?
Mulroney, who fell into silence, thought for a while, and then said.

"Hey, old man. Please give me a moment, let me convince them, convince them to sign the contract."

(End of this chapter)

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