Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 43 Me, Barbarian

Chapter 43 I, the Barbarian (first update, please push, please accept)
When he woke up again, with the light on, Thomas finally saw the appearance of those "robbers".

They are all yellow.

It's native!

"You damn savages, let me go quickly. Lieutenant Colonel Louis and I are good friends. Several of the shareholders of this gold mine are nobles from Rio de Janeiro. Do you think that if you rob the gold, nothing will happen? I Let me tell you, this is a dream!"

Thomas, who was tied up, kept yelling loudly in English and Portuguese, as if he was not worried about his safety at all.

In fact, he really wasn't worried.

He is British!
Maybe the natives don't know the power of Great Britain, but the Brazilians do. Of course they know the power of Lieutenant Colonel Louis better.

Now Thomas had noticed that these people were Indians.

He couldn't understand why an Indian would use gunpowder. There was only one explanation. Maybe they were slaves who escaped from a certain mine.

But it's no big deal, just let them know what they did, and these timid Indians will understand what they should do!
Therefore, Thomas felt that he could rely on verbal threats to let the other party understand that robbing this gold mine would definitely not benefit them at all.

"Do you think that if you rob the gold mine, you can take the gold away? Even if you rob all the gold in the safe, so what? When the generals in Rio de Janeiro know that their gold has been robbed , they will immediately send troops into the rainforest to find you, you savages! Damned savages! You will lose everything for three thousand pounds of gold! They will search the whole rainforest."

Three thousand pounds of gold!
Although the large safe caught Zhu Xianhai's attention, he was dumbfounded the moment he heard this sentence!

Is this... is this an unexpected gain?

3000 pounds of gold!
How much is that worth?

It's almost hundreds of thousands of pounds!

But Zhu Xianhai felt so angry about him talking about "barbarians".

In 1860, these white skins occupied the so-called "peak of civilization", set the rules of the game according to their wishes, and then called other races other than white skins "barbarians", even until the [-]st century, in the United States The leading White Pis are still formulating their so-called "world values". Those who follow their values ​​are civilized people, so those who want to go their own way... well, naturally they are barbarians!

But what did these so-called "civilized people" do?

Kill people and seize land, do all kinds of evil!

As far as what they did in this gold mine, was it done by civilized people?
Although Zhu Xianhai sneered at this so-called "civilized person".

But I have to say that people do have the right to speak.While they were killing people, they were still talking about what kind of civilization they were.

To such a person... an eye for an eye.

Didn't you say I was a "savage"?I'll have to show you in a moment what real barbarism is.

"Brother Zhu, what is this guy talking about?"

Xiao Wu, who couldn't understand English, asked.

"It looks like he definitely didn't speak well of us."

"What? Say we're savages!"

"Barbaric? What the hell, our men let them treat them like livestock, and now they call us barbaric, what the hell..."

"Barbaric, what's wrong with being barbaric?"

Before Da Shan could do anything, Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"I'm a barbarian!"

A barbarian is a barbarian, we admit it!
Not only did I admit it, but I will also "enter the customs" in the future!

"Little five!"


"Hang up this white man! Show him what a barbarian is!"

Zhu Xianhai spoke in English deliberately.

Thomas was stunned for a moment, this guy can actually speak English!


Hanging people and tidying up people, this is what Xiaowu and the others are good at. When they were in the Taiping army, they did a lot of things when they tortured the rich.

Thomas, who originally thought he could bluff the opponent with just a few words of "Great Britain", was dumbfounded just after hanging up, good guy.These savages are not afraid of death!
Seeing that a savage had already picked up the leather whip for the slave, Thomas immediately relented when he thought of how his skin would be ripped apart by the whip.

He's a businessman, not a hero.

Even a hero can't stand such a whip!
"Sir, sir, if you have something to say, say it well, if you have something to say, we can talk, we can talk!"

Thomas, a businessman, immediately stated that he had never been hostile to the Indians.

Of course, the Indians in the mine were all bought by his predecessors. Those damn guys in Rio de Janeiro did evil, and it has nothing to do with him.

Of course the most important thing is gold, that gold can save his life.

"The safe, the gold is in the safe, sir, you can take the gold, there is no need to hurt me!"

Gold is important, but life is important. Maybe these robbers can steal the gold, but as long as the gold mine is there, the gold there is only half a year's output of the gold mine. But if the life is gone, everything will be over.

As a businessman, Thomas must be able to weigh the importance of this.

"Password, key, sir, code, I have the code, and the key to the safe, all the gold is yours, as long as you spare me."

Hearing Baipi's prayer, Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother?"

One word, cheap!

These white skins are used to being superior!

Even in the face of such a situation, they still look down on those people they are used to oppressing, so they are still arrogant and arrogant, but they forget that the situation is different now.

After handing over the key and password, he took the initiative to open the heavy iron door of the safe. Thomas glanced at the gold in the safe reluctantly and said.

"Sir, all this gold belongs to you. I hope you can fulfill your promise."

So much gold!
A cabinet full of yellow gold bricks!

For a moment, Zhu Xianhai was almost distracted by the gold brick, but Thomas' words brought him back to his senses.

"What did you say?"

"Sir, don't be joking!"

Thomas said casually.

"You promised before, let me live."

"Oh, it's this one!"

Zhu Xianhai nodded and said.

"However, I regret it!"

"What, you can't keep your word!"

Just when Thomas was about to argue, he saw the barbarian in front of him and had already raised his pistol.The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at his head.Immediately said in horror.

"Sir, you, have to keep your word!"

The sound fell, the gun rang!
Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"Me, the barbarian!"

(End of this chapter)

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