Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 437 A Powerful Country Is Created

Chapter 437 A strong country was created (first update, please subscribe)
How to let the doomed loser win the war?
It is very simple to solve this problem.

What's the easiest way?
It is to give a lot of assistance to the losers, such as sending troops, directly sending hundreds of thousands of troops, or even millions of troops, to give them the most direct military support.

But the problem is-it is impossible for Nanhua to send so many troops to France.Not only because Nanhua doesn't have so many troops, but more importantly - the capacity!
To transport hundreds of thousands of troops across the Atlantic Ocean, not to mention that Nanhua cannot do it in a short period of time, even Britain, which has millions of tons of merchant ships, can hardly do it in a short period of time.

How fast did the French lose in history?
From the declaration of war to the surrender of the emperor, it seems that less than two months have passed.There was even a meme born out of it—the French rifle, brand new and never fired, only thrown to the ground once.

It was naturally impossible to just throw it once when surrendering, but the defeat was so fast that it blinded the eyes of all countries. Since then, the daily humiliation of the just the beginning.

In this case, aid France?
It is estimated that by the time the South China Army arrived, the French emperor had already surrendered.The Second Empire fell with it.

In this case the task is done.Definitely epic difficulty.This difficulty is even more difficult than allowing the national football team to win the Hercules Cup.

But no matter how difficult it is, we have to do it.After all, this matter concerns the future of Nanhua.

"Are they really going to fail?"

As the chief of staff, Sun Hu looked at the report with some doubts.

He was no stranger to that report, but he didn't believe it at all. After all, in 1859, France easily defeated the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and he was the second most powerful country in the world!

And what about Prussia?
The current Prussia and the North German Federation are nothing but an agricultural country!Well, this one, however, is also compared to France.In fact, unlike the impression of the world as a powerful industrial country in later generations, Germany's industrial capabilities in 1870 were indeed not very good.Far from being comparable to France.

And this is why it is necessary to aid France.After the defeat of France, at least until the 1890s, no country could really contain Britain.

Even in the 1890s, were it not for the aggressive posture displayed by Wilhelm II.Britain will still use France as its main opponent. As for Germany, in the eyes of the British, it is impossible to pose any threat to them.

In history, it was not until 1904 that Britain reached a settlement with France and established an alliance in the face of the overall rise of Germany, especially the threat posed by their ambitions.

What was destroyed in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870?It is the confidence for the confrontation between France and the United Kingdom.For 30 years after that, no country could contain the British.

In this case, aiding France has become the only option, unless Nanhua wants the British to intervene in South America without any scruples.

But for the current world, no one doubts the strength of France. After all, France has established their status as a powerful country since Napoleon.

In terms of the world, France is definitely the second most powerful country in the world now, and it can wrestle with Britain in many ways.

Because of this, after seeing this report, Sun Hu didn't take it seriously at all, and even told Zuo Zongtang as a joke.Zuo Zongtang not only believed it, even His Majesty believed it.

"The French may lose or they may win, but this is not important. The important thing is that we must prepare for the worst. The war between France and Prussia is bound to break out. If my estimation is correct, it should be It will explode within the next two months, and we have to be prepared."

Sun Hu had no doubts that war would break out between France and Prussia. Even in America, he knew of the conflict between France and Prussia over the issue of the succession to the Spanish throne.



Nodding his head, Zhu Xianhai said.

"Once France declares war on Prussia, as a friend of France, we will also declare war on Prussia. After all, Charlotte is from the Bonaparte family. Of course, this is only the superficial reason for us to side with the French. Another reason is that this For us, this battle is all about gain and nothing harm!"

Take out a cigar from the cigar case, use the cut end of the cigar tongs, light the cigar, and take a deep puff, savoring the aroma of the Cuban cigar, Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"Ji Gao, it's up to you!"

Zuo Zongtang nodded, looked at Sun Hu and said.

"General Sun, on the surface, it seems that we shouldn't get involved in the Franco-Prussian War! After all, this European war is too far away from us. However, after analyzing various signs, France is likely to lose this war." The war, if we can turn the tide, will not only allow France to continue to contain the British, so that they have no time to intervene in South American affairs, but more importantly - national status!"

"National status?"

Sun Hu was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said.

"If we can win, then we will be able to sit on an equal footing with the old European powers!"


After exhaling, Zhu Xianhai nodded heavily.

"In this world, the criterion for evaluating a powerful country is very simple. It is not how big your land is, but whether you can defeat a powerful country on the battlefield. Maybe Prussia is not a great power in Europe, but until now, we— —Nanhua, even after the founding of Nanhua, if we want to win the true respect of European countries, we must go through wars, wars...Only in wars, only by defeating European powers on the battlefield, can they respect us!"

War is the only criterion for judging a powerful country!

It’s not that Europeans are cheap, they have to be hit on the head before they will give in, but in this world of the jungle, only the predator can be the strong, no matter whether he wants to eat meat or not, he must prove that he is a predator, how? To prove it?That is to defeat the former predator.

and then?
After becoming a predator, one can naturally hunt prey on the hunting ground of the earth!
Before that, no one would be him as a predator.

"After earning their respect, we are qualified to sit on an equal footing with them, to sit at the dining table and share the world..."

Looking out the window, Zhu Xianhai said in a deep voice.

"If we only stay in South America, no European powers will respect us, and we have no right to fight for our prey in this world!"

Nodding his head, Sun Hu also smoked two cigars and asked again.

"Will France really lose?"

"They can't win!"

Zuo Zongtang said directly.

"Their military disadvantage is very obvious. From a diplomatic point of view, the French emperor's close friends and long-distance attacks have offended the allies around him that can be used. First of all, the Crimean War ended with the Russians; Helping Italy to fight against Austria-Hungary offended Austria-Hungary; what about the British? The British policy has always been a continental balance of power policy, and whoever is strong will oppose it. Now that France is stronger than Prussia, the British naturally support Prussia, regardless of whether they are with the United Kingdom How good the relationship between people is, the British are like that. Besides, the relationship between Britain and France is not friendly, so their failure is doomed."

Once upon a time, when Zuo Zongtang first arrived in Europe, he had marveled at the development of European technology industry countless times, but with the understanding of Europe, he discovered the hidden danger behind Europe's strength, these countries are too strong!The conflict of interest is destined to break out of war between them.

It was also from that time that Zuo Zongtang paid great attention to Europe. Only when Europe fell into war, could Nanhua, as far away as South America, be able to obtain more generous returns in their war.

Only when they were caught in a war, could Nanhua take advantage of the opportunity to expand abroad when they had no time to look east.

"France's failure is already doomed, but our intervention may change the outcome, though!"

Picking up the cigar, Zhu Xianhai took a puff, and then blew out another smoke ring.

"How should we get as much reward as possible in this war! Of course, when considering this issue, we also need to consider another issue, how to help France win this war!"

Helping the French will definitely not be for nothing, and the French will definitely have to pay some price. After all, there is no free lunch in this world.

Then he picked up the phone again and asked.

"Hey, is Li Du here?"

(End of this chapter)

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