Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 446 Declare War!in the name of france

Chapter 446 Declare War!In the name of France (first update, please subscribe)
Early mornings in Paris are always the same.

When most people are still sleeping soundly in their dreams, a round of rising sun jumps out of the distant horizon, gilding the city with gold, and this is another sunny day.

As usual, when Zhuge Jun, the ambassador to Paris, woke up from his sleep, he opened the curtains and looked at Paris outside the window, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"War, it will break out after all!"

Wars always come unexpectedly. According to Nanhua's instructions, Zhuge Jun has been paying attention to the disputes between France and Prussia in the past few months.

In fact, there is no need to pay attention to it. You only need to read the newspaper a little and you can notice that war is inevitable.

Just a matter of time.

Not only because of the right of succession to the Spanish throne, but also the unification of Germany.

In [-] Napoleon's expedition to Moscow failed and he fled back to Paris.The countries that had been subject to him in the past rebelled after hearing the news of the defeat of the French army.In March [-], the Allied forces invaded Paris, and in May exiled Napoleon, who had abdicated, to the island of Elba.

In order to rectify post-war Europe, Austrian Prime Minister Metternich proposed to convene a Congress of Vienna.Due to the conflicting interests of countries, the conclusion has been delayed.At the end of February [-], Napoleon escaped from the island of Elba and landed near Cannes. In March, he sneaked back to Paris to ascend the throne again, but he was defeated again at the Battle of Waterloo in June, which ended his century. Japanese regime.

During this period, the countries panicked by Napoleon's resurgence finally reached an agreement and signed the final agreement of the Vienna Conference on June [-], [-].At this time, Germany drew a lottery and was divided into thirty-nine countries under Metternich's plan.

That is, from that day on, Germany was divided.

It is also from that day that the will is destined to be unified.In the following years, Prussia, whose national power grew significantly, became the leader of the North German Zollverein in [-], and then gradually gained the leadership of the unified Germany.In [-], William I ascended the throne, promoted Bismarck as prime minister, and Moltke as chief of staff. Under the "iron and blood policy" of the two men, they won two consecutive wars in Pudan and Puao.

The rise of Prussia and the establishment of the North German Confederation made the unification of Germany inevitable.And this is precisely what France does not want to see.The so-called "Spanish throne succession" is just an excuse.

"If Germany wants to unify, it must defeat France. If France wants to maintain its continental hegemony, it must prevent the unification of Germany!"

While Zhuge Jun was looking out the window and talking to himself, there was a knock on the door, and the voice seemed a little hasty. Before he could speak, the door was pushed open, and it was Counselor Niu Tianlu who walked in. He was a little anxious as soon as he entered the door Said.

"Ambassador, this is today's newspaper. Prussia's reply to the French government's telegram on the issue of the Spanish throne, which was published in full in the newspaper, is full of irony and humiliation. Almost all newspapers have published this news, and many editorials have published it. It is the arrogance of righteous indignation to demand that the government fight back against Prussia with war!"

"You mean all the newspapers?"

"The news is published in all the newspapers we subscribe to."

"We didn't have any news before?"

"Yesterday we just received news that the Prussian side replied to the French government."

"Haha, that's right!"

Zhuge Jun grinned.

"It seems that war is about to break out. Now, it's just the French who are mobilizing!"


Niu Tianlu looked at the ambassador in confusion. He didn't seem to understand why the ambassador said that.

"Actually, France needs this war more than Germany. Get ready, I have to meet with the Prime Minister today and show him our support for France."

Just as Zhuge Jun guessed, France really needs this war.

Emperor Napoleon III needed a chance to restore his reputation and restore the domestic political situation, and war with Germany was the only issue that could satisfy the left, center and right factions. It seemed that this was exactly what he needed.

"Your Majesty, only war can get rid of the current war crisis!"

When the "Emsmy Telegram" was sent yesterday, Olivier, who was despised by the rightists and alienated by the liberals, and whose position was in jeopardy, immediately accepted the telegram happily and confidently.

In his view, the humiliation of Prussia is the best excuse to end the war.

"Only war can unite the whole of France under His Majesty's rule. Your Majesty, now is the best time to get rid of the domestic political crisis. We need a victory! The Second Empire needs a victory to boost the morale of the people. Only a victory can strengthen your Majesty." position!"

Faced with the prime minister's suggestion, Napoleon III fell silent. From the day he was crowned emperor, he was cautious about wars with neighboring countries, because he knew very well that

He was able to come to power because of the great name of his uncle Napoleon, so the legitimacy of his throne lies in his ability to make brilliant achievements like Napoleon.Therefore, after he came to power, every action and every thought of his must be considered around the legitimacy of the throne, so he must bring France back to the glory of the Napoleonic era.

Because he came to power wearing the hat of Napoleon, the French recognized his throne because they thought he was another Napoleon. If he was defeated, what would the French think?How could Napoleon lose the battle?

His throne cannot afford any defeat.Therefore, Prussia became bigger and stronger under his nose.Whether it was the war between Prussia and Denmark or the war with Austria, Napoleon III never intervened. He just watched an opponent grow stronger and became a serious problem for France.

What now?
Although this war has threatened the hegemony of France, as the emperor, he still seems a little hesitant.Despite his hesitation, Napoleon III also understood that war has become an inevitable option.

Just last night, Empress Eugenie also persuaded him - "If there is no more war, our son will not be able to become emperor".

The turbulent situation in the country has affected his rule and throne.That is why he had agreed to release the telegram to the press last night.

Compared with the Prussians, he needed a war to consolidate his position.


Suddenly, Napoleon III turned his gaze to Marshal McMahon and asked.

"Can we win this war?"

"Your Majesty, within two months at most, the French army will parade in Berlin!"

When Marshal McMahon's words fell, Olivier echoed.

"Your Majesty, once the war starts, the revenge-hungry Denmark and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will attack Prussia from behind, and Italy, which received the favor of France in 1859, will also reciprocate. As the Marshal said, it only takes a few days In a month's time, the French army will reach Berlin again!"

After a moment of silence, Napoleon III hesitated.

"It seems that not everyone is in favor of declaring war."

"Your Majesty, patriotism... Please believe that the patriotic people will make those who oppose the war give up their opinions. After all, in this world, no one can oppose patriotism for any reason."

The Prime Minister's words are of course irrefutable. This war has been doomed to be inevitable since the day they released the telegram to the world...

(End of this chapter)

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