Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 46 The Groundbreaking Ground

Chapter 46 The ground where the foundation was laid
Billowing thick smoke rose, and one after another thick smoke and flames flew straight into the sky like waving banners.

Amidst the thick smoke, the wolfish and tiger-like Mapuche cavalry shouted loudly and strangely.

The sound of gunfire seemed so weak amidst the sound of horseshoes and shouts. Although the guards' Henry rifles fired very fast, they couldn't stop the crazy Mapuches.Thousands of Mapuche ripped through their defenses like a tidal wave.

A gust of wind blew in, and Zhu Xianhai, holding a Henry rifle in his hand, looked at the rifle in his hand helplessly. For the people who fell under the spear, Zhu Xianhai could only shout.

"Withdraw, withdraw to the boat!"

At this time, he no longer had the high-spirited spirit he had before.

Let's evacuate to the ship first!

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air came from behind...

Before Zhu Xianhai could react, the flying spear accurately hit him on the back.

"Puff... Kacha..."

Accompanied by the sound of flesh being pierced, and the sound of bones breaking, Zhu Xianhai just fell down straight.

The man didn't fall to the ground, the spear pierced his chest, and then let him fall like that, the tip of the spear stuck in the ground, the man was hanging there obliquely, but the man was struggling in pain.

[On May 1861, 5, you died...]

The Sims finally ended with "death" as an ending once again.


After exiting the simulation, Zhu Xianhai cursed, rubbed his chest, and felt nausea in his stomach.

The spear pierced his chest and stabbed obliquely into his stomach. The feeling of being pierced was really unpleasant!
He died under the gun a few times before, except for waiting to die, he didn't have much reaction at all.

At most, it's just physical discomfort.

But now, after the body penetrated by the spear, the pain is real, besides, it took him so long to cool down and lie on the board.

Especially when the severe pain lasted for such a long time, it was really uncomfortable.

Until now, although his heart was still beating fast, Zhu Xianhai could still feel the pain of being pierced.

"Hey, this place where the birds don't shit is not safe! This living environment is too bad!"

Zhu Xianhai muttered to himself.

Originally, he thought that compared to the bustling Buenos Aires, the faraway place was a safer place.

At least you don't have to worry about the white skin who has ulterior motives and eats bones without spitting out dregs, right?

But who would have thought that compared to the white skins, there is another group of people—the Mapuche people.

Good guy, this group of people didn't show their faces, and when they came to the door, they were attacked by thousands of people, and they were all going to be killed.

It is no wonder that Argentina has not been able to occupy the Pampas until now, and it is no wonder that the Pataconian plateau is a land of no man.

After a long time, it's not that they don't want to, but they can't!

Those fearless Mapuche people will be thankful if they don't hit Buenos Aires, and they still want to occupy other people's territory?

This is simply a dwarf who wants to ascend to the sky, without knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.


But what about me?
I want to start a business in the hinterland of others.

Isn't it also picking the moon from the sky, wishful thinking.

However, after a while, Zhu Xianhai grinned and almost didn't laugh out loud.

What wishful thinking?
The Mapuche people are not worth mentioning at all!
No big deal!
But after just a moment of effort, he thought of a way to gain a firm foothold there.

And there is no need to worry about the other party's attack.

The virtual light screen was flickering, and the system was still reminding him.

[This simulation ends. ]
[Simulated State: A Pioneer's Life]
[In this simulation, you did not achieve any achievements. When planning Nanhua Township, you did not take into account the large-scale attack by the Mapuche, and you were unable to resist the Mapuche invasion, causing more than a thousand casualties.Simulation failed. ]
[Experience value -500, current experience value is 3700. ]

After spitting, Zhu Xianhai was a little powerless to complain, but this time he lost a lot!
500 experience points!

After the free times are used up, it can be simulated entirely by experience points.If you want to use yourself to overcome the pitfalls in your life, what can you do without experience points?
Many things are like this, beforehand is like a pig, and hindsight is wise.

Many times, people always make mistakes. At the beginning, it seems that there is no big deal, but once an accident occurs, the result is undoubtedly disastrous.

But if you know the result first, then everything will change.Just like the previous dangers, if it wasn't for the system, I guess I would have died long ago.

This world is too dangerous.

One carelessness will cost one's life.

Originally, he wanted to use the system's bugs to become a cross-border understanding king and promote the progress of the world with his own strength, but who would have thought that he would make such low-level mistakes one after another.It's simply unforgivable.

But right now Zhu Xianhai's heart is very unpredictable.

"It's careless!"

After such a long sigh, Zhu Xianhai secretly said vigilantly.

"Don't think that the system is in your hands, and the world is in your hands. First of all, you have to be more vigilant!"

After enlightening himself through the three provinces, Zhu Xianhai, who was still yawning, could still sleep. On the same day, he lay down on the table and outlined the new "Nanhua Town".He even specially found charts and maps, and took them to find a suitable location.


In the next few days, the "Anlis" sailed without any danger. For the people on board, the biggest danger is probably that the ship is too crowded, making people worry about whether there will be an outbreak of infectious diseases .

Although Captain Luke repeatedly mentioned this issue, Zhu Xianhai was very calm, and the result in the life simulator was-everything went well!
At least until they arrived at "Nanhua", all went well.

On November 11, a few hours later, the "Anlis" finally arrived at its destination - San Antonio Bay on the western coast of Viedma. It is at the same latitude as Viedma, and the straight-line distance is less than 20 kilometers.Viedma, located on the left bank of the Negro River, is also the southernmost point of the Argentine border, while San Antonio Bay is outside the Argentine border.

When the ship sailed into San Antonio Bay along the cliff, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the bay and said to the Chinese laborers standing on the deck after looking at the bay several kilometers wide and thinking for a while.

"I declare that this place is Nanhua!"

At this time, he seemed a little excited. Finally, on this day——November 1860, 11, two months and ten days after he came to this era, he owned a piece of land of his own!

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(End of this chapter)

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