Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 461 Delicious but Dumplings

Chapter 461 It's Delicious But Dumplings (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)
Once again, when he woke up in the middle of the night, looking at the sleeping Monica beside him, Zhu Xianhai quietly got up.

Then, he opened the door and came to the study.

Recently, Zhu Xianhai has been troubled by that "spider web". How many times has he suffered from insomnia?

Yesterday, he went to bed very late, but now he got up so early again.

He was a little sluggish, and he seemed a little overworked.However, Marlena was not there last night, how could there be overwork?

The study room is a large room with a soft carpet on the floor. There is a wide and long writing desk in the room, and there are several soft chairs opposite the writing desk.The walls on both sides of the room are full of bookcases, and only one area has a push-pull map window, where there are not only world maps, but also maps of the Americas, Africa, and of course South China maps.

Now, a map of France was displayed in the map window, and the situation of France was marked on the map. Once again, Zhu Xianhai walked to the side of the map, stared at the map, and while examining the situation of France, he thought about all kinds of information.

"France has no choice at all!"

Zhu Xianhai raised his brows lightly. If there is no accident, the French will definitely ask Nanhua for help and ask Nanhua to send troops, but sending troops will definitely require a price, and these negotiations will begin soon!
After all, France is really... too cowardly!Even to the point of being suspicious, who could have imagined that the majestic French Empire would lose so quickly?
The cigar was burning between his fingers, and after staring at the map for a while, Zhu Xianhai said to himself.

"It seems that we should simulate it."

Now, Zhu Xianhai uses the simulator less and less, not because he can't use it, but because he doesn't want to rely on it like in the past. Now he prefers to make his own judgment based on intelligence and history.

But this time, he didn't have a bottom line in his heart.

Sitting on the chair, putting the cigar on the ashtray, watching the smoke column from the cigar, Zhu Xianhai took a deep breath and said.


Familiar interface, familiar space, and a simulation that can see through the future.


Zhu Xianhai, who lived in the Louvre as a guest, only had a strange feeling in his heart.In his cognition, the Louvre is a museum, but now, it is the royal palace of France.

Palace of Napoleon III!

At this time, in the grand gallery of the royal palace, Zhu Xianhai was standing in front of a very small painting, which was only 77 centimeters high and 53 centimeters wide.

In another world, 600 million tourists come to the Louvre every year just to see her true face - "Mona Lisa".They gazed at da Vinci's portrait in astonishment.Whether you are lucky enough to catch a glimpse or linger in it, people will be attracted by its unique charm without exception.Legend has it that gazing at the portrait produces what Italian art historian Alessandro Vezzosi calls the "Mona Lisa Syndrome"—the viewer is mesmerized by the Mona Lisa's smile, which It is also becoming more and more mysterious.

Staring at her so closely, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help being fascinated, fascinated by her mysterious smile.

"It seems that you also like this painting very much."

The delicate and crisp French around him reminded him that there was a lady beside him, Queen Eugenie!
"In 1793, when the Central Museum of Art was established in the Louvre, the "Mona Lisa" was not selected. Ten years later, under the order of His Majesty Napoleon I, she officially entered the Grand Gallery of the Louvre. People liked the painting more than he did."

Indeed, before him, the "Mona Lisa" was just a painting, in fact, it is almost the same now, her current number one is far less than decades later.

Well, art takes time!

said the queen, looking at him with her beautiful eyes.

"It can be given to you as a gift if you like it."


Zhu Xianhai's eyes fell on the queen's beautiful face, and his eyes were full of doubts.

This is a national treasure!

You prodigal bitch, she opened and closed her mouth, and she gave it away.

"This is for the friendship between France and Nanhua, Your Majesty."

Eugenie cast her eyes on the painting, and said with some doubts and playfulness.

"She is indeed an elegant and beautiful woman, but I can't see how she fascinated His Majesty Napoleon I, and you are also fascinated by her?"

There was a hint of sourness in the queen's tone, looking at this woman who was famous in Europe for her beauty and Princess Sissi, who was also known as the two beauties of Europe.Although she is over forty years old, she looks like she is only thirty years old. She is of medium build and has a graceful figure, fair skin, and golden-yellow reddish-brown hair that is fascinating.

"Although the "Mona Lisa" has a charming smile, it is far inferior to Your Highness..."

His gaze fell on her, and Zhu Xianhai's gaze was slightly aggressive.

"Compared to getting her, I would rather..."

The moment his lips touched, Zhu Xianhai's lips felt the tenderness of the skin on her neck...


When he opened his eyes again, there was a faint smile on Zhu Xianhai's face, and the smile even seemed a bit playful.

"It's really delicious but dumplings, and fun..."

No, we and Nasan don't seem to be brothers, so this is... Aunt?
Smiling playfully, Zhu Xianhai picked up the unburned cigar, took a puff, rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"Although Nasanna's old bastard wants to eat alone, but his queen is... really moist..."

While sighing, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help "reminiscing" again in his heart.

Looking at the flickering light screen, the benefits of this simulation are not huge, but the advantage is that there are a lot of experience points.

"The savior of the empire, the queen's lover... is that ridiculous, can you get experience points like this?"

Lamenting the "no lower limit" of the system, Zhu Xianhai opened the mall again. In the past few years, compared with the simulation, he has paid more attention to exchanging books from the system mall, from school textbooks to various technical and scientific books. It was those books that laid the industrial foundation of Nam Hwa.

"This is? Radio Fundamentals, this one was... published in 1879!"

There were more books in the system mall, which made Zhu Xianhai's heart skip a beat. Just a few days ago, he had just issued an order to the company to develop a radio station. He even provided some information about diodes and triodes from memory.But even so, it took eight years until 1878 to successfully develop a radio station.

"With these few books, it should be possible to advance a few years."

The extra books are not only "Basics of Radio" and "Principles of Ore Radios", but also some other technical books. As usual, after adding all those books to the shopping cart, after a while, I feel a little proud Zhu Xianhai, looking at those books and a few new purchases, even picked up a camera and said to himself a little proudly.

"Phoenix 16mm camera...With it, we have entered the movie era!"

It's finally time for movies!
Although this "invention" cannot keep up with "Radio" and other inventions, with it, not only can movies be made, but more importantly, the war can be recorded by making movies!

The expedition after half a month is the first expedition of the Chinese army to Europa!
Use a movie camera to take pictures of military expeditions and battle scenes, which can be copied into films and distributed to various places. The pictures of activities are definitely more impactful than photos, which can definitely enhance national pride!

"Yes, that's right, the photographers accompanying the army need to shoot more documentaries."

Put the movie camera back in the box, after inventorying the purchases.

Zhu Xianhai smoked a cigar and walked to the map window, pulled a map board from the window, stared at the location of East Asia on the map, and said with a sneer.

"Do you really think that Nanhua's warships can't fire?"

 Is the update in these two days enough? Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for everything!A book friend group has been established: 335260551, everyone is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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