Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 510 Sing a song for you, Dou E

Chapter 510 Sing a song for Dou E for you (fourth update, please subscribe)
Indispensable party!
For any ruler, the basis of their rule has never been the masses in a broad sense, but the "elites" that represent the masses. To put it bluntly, they are nobles, officials, scholars, and landlords.As for the public... who ever took them seriously?
Most of the time, the so-called masses are nothing more than a bargaining chip between these so-called "elites" and the rulers.For example, the gentry in the late Ming Dynasty is the best example.

In order for the rulers to realize their role, they will of course create conditions.

The "elites" who smoked cigars and pipes were silent there. As the owners of the manor, they had a hard time in the past year.After they set up the land reform committee, at the beginning, all the landowners were worried that the government would do something to their land.

But in the end, it was a false alarm. Although they did not take action against the land, the government issued a corresponding decree to lease state-owned land to ordinary people who did not have land on preferential terms.

This is the characteristic of Argentina—in the past hundred years, thousands of immigrants came here with the hope of owning land, but when they arrived here, they found that almost all the land had been monopolized by the big manor owners, and they could only attach themselves to the manor lived as a sharecropper.In response to the fact that ordinary farmers had little land and a large amount of land was concentrated in the hands of a few big landlords, they began to implement land reform in all provinces and leased state-owned land to ordinary farmers.Faced with the government's preferential conditions, many tenant farmers in the manor left the manor one after another and became "tenant farmers" of the state.The reason why they are willing to give the country working land is because the rent charged by the country is lower.As a result, many tenants left the master manor.

The landlords in the provinces are extremely resistant to this kind of reform that not only leads to the loss of their own tenant farmers, but also prevents their land from being expanded. However, they are powerless to resist the violent machine of Nanhua, so they have been silent and waiting. Chance.

The change of place names and the turmoil in the hearts of the people now allow them to see an opportunity, an opportunity to join the new regime and win the favor of the ruler. Of course, what they need is to sell some... Well, it should be said that it is just to solve the government's problems.

"Gentlemen, this is our chance now, a chance to take back what we have lost."

Yes, they lost everything.

Some of them are senior officials, some are military officers, and some are councilors, but now, they are just ordinary landlords!

This is simply intolerable.

Now, it's time to take it all back!


"The snake has come out of its hole! Ji Gao, this is human nature. People, especially when they are in adversity, are easily deceived by some false appearances, even if they know that such false appearances are unreliable. Even if Knowing that the hope is slim, they will seize this illusory opportunity and want to win everything back through an adventure. Of course, sometimes, there may be such a possibility, but most of the time, this kind of opportunity is simply not possible. There are, perhaps even deadly, traps, like now."

Through the window, Zhu Xianhai looked at the people on the road. Now there are more and more Chinese residents in Yingtian. With the entry of government agencies and enterprises, hundreds of thousands of Chinese residents have poured into the city. They have already Changes here to a certain extent.

Seeing those people walking leisurely in the square, Zhu Xianhai smiled slightly.

"We have prepared a trap for them, the question now is, how many people can we trap!"

"Your Majesty, if you want to impose a crime, do you have no words?"

Zuo Zongtang said straightforwardly.

"Since we have made up our minds to use this incident to solve some problems fundamentally, we should get rid of them. It's no big deal!"


That's an old tradition, okay, there are two official characters, what does the Yamen do?The bright mirror hanging in the hall hangs high, but in fact it was kept to make Dou E.

If the government doesn't create some Dou'e, and don't let those foreigners experience what it means to be a majestic official, will they be worthy of the name of the government?
Such a thing, always let them enjoy and experience it!


Nodding slightly, Zhu Xianhai said seriously.

"Our greatest enemy is not the United Kingdom, our greatest enemy is within us, we have only one goal now - to turn this land into the promised land of China, if there is a God in this world, then this land is ours The contract signed with him, this land belongs to us, no matter what, don’t try to take it away from us, if they want to take it... then let them die!"

Looking through the window into the distance, Zhu Xianhai's tone was cold, without even the slightest emotion.

"Now, they have two choices, either integrate with us and become a part of Huaxia, or..."

Zhu Xianhai didn't go on, there were some things that he didn't need to say, he understood everything.Those in high positions don't need to smear their hands with blood, and others will naturally do it for them.


"Are you ready?"

In the stable, Forrest Gan looked at the servants who were about to set off.

"Yes sir, all ready!"

Bob grinned.

"If all goes well, I will be there in about an hour, sir, are you sure the target will pass by there today?"

He didn't worry at all about what he was about to do. After all, as the most loyal servant of his master, it was normal to do those things.

And the master didn't treat him badly and gave him a lot of money.With that money, he can make his wife and children live a very happy life.


Ferris Gan nodded, and then said.

"After you get there, follow our original plan."

"I know, sir!"

As in the past, Bob always had a smile on his face, cheerful and seemed very friendly.No matter how you look at it, he doesn't seem like a cruel person, but in fact, everyone in the manor knows that you should never provoke Bubba.

Because he never relents when he fights.No one would doubt that he, who was born as a gaucho, must have killed people when he was wandering on the grasslands.And there's more than one.

"Sir, you must take care."

When Babu left, he looked back at Mr. and said.

"Well, you too!"

When Babu rode away from the manor, Mendoza, who had been sitting in the carriage, looked at Babu who was going away, and then said.

"Forrest, are you sure this plan will work?"

From his point of view, it seems that it is a little difficult for this plan to succeed. It is just two people. Can they accomplish that big thing?
"Whether this plan succeeds or fails has no bearing on our plan. All we need is for them to understand that there are still many people in this land who are not satisfied with their rule, and if they want Borderlands must rely on us."

Looking at Forres, Mendoza asked.

"And then what?"

"Then, everyone can live happily on this continent!"

When he said these words, Forres cast his eyes into the distance, as if he was really looking forward to the future.

"What, everyone? Live happily ever after?"

Menrosa laughed out loud, as if he had heard a very funny joke, and it really was a joke to him.

Everyone can live happily, which is simply a funny thing.

Then he turned his head to look at Forex and said.

"Maybe, maybe, but the most important thing is that our happy life can go on."

"Hope it..."

Menrosa shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then said.

"Hope, I hope your goal can be realized as soon as possible, my friend."

 It's the fourth update today.Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month!Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, all kinds of requests!A book friend group has been established: 335260551, everyone is welcome to join, discuss the plot together, and deduce the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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