Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 512 Punch Out

Chapter 512 Strike hard (Second update, please subscribe)

From the moment the gunshots sounded, those with a keen sense of smell knew that a storm was coming.

However, not many people know how big the storm will blow and how deep it will roll.This morning, the whistles in the Security Command barracks kept ringing. Amid the orders of the officers, the soldiers with live ammunition quickly boarded the carriage. After the carriage drove out of the barracks, they immediately rushed to various targets.

Some people were arrested in the manor, and some people were in the restaurant. Facing the sudden arrest, they were all at a loss. Of course, some people saw the soldiers breaking in, and before they read the order, They just ran away.

"Damn it, I knew it, I knew it..."

After learning that the assassination failed, Mendoza walked back and forth in the study. As soon as his wife Taylor entered the door, he said.

"Taylor, hurry up, pack all your things, hurry to the pier and take a boat to Uruguay..."

Before he finished speaking, Taylor said.

"My dear, what the hell is going on? To Uruguay, how to get there now? It is impossible to go abroad without a passport."

Passport is required to go abroad!

As early as when Buenos Aires was occupied, the occupying army issued corresponding border management laws. Passports must be obtained when going abroad, and passports... are not so easy to apply for.

"Damn it, my God, we're done, we're done..."

Just as Mendoza was yelling in horror, a servant shouted while running.

"My lord, my lord, a soldier broke in, ah, my lord..."

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, several soldiers in black uniforms walked in. They were members of the Security Command!

"Mendoza Antonio! You've been arrested in connection with the assassination of a government official."

Facing the officers who broke in, Mendoza's face was pale, and when the soldiers came over, Mendoza suddenly shouted.

"I, I report! I expose, I was instigated, I am, I was deceived..."

Mendoza shouted excitedly when he was handcuffed.

"Sir, sir, I am reporting, I was instructed by someone, he, he is Forrest Gan, he is..."

While Mendoza was loudly betraying his friends, he didn't know that Forrest Gan walked into the office of Qian Zizhuang, the Minister of Investigation.

"Forris Gun!"

Qian Zizhuang opened his mouth with a smile.

"You have worked so hard these past few years!"

Stepping forward, Qian Zizhuang gave him a strong hug!

"Welcome home!"

Sometimes, without much words, Forrest Gan was an agent sent by Qian Zizhuang four years ago. He pretended to be a British expatriate and went to Buenos Aires, and then bought land and became a famous local landlord. Into the upper circle, but all this is nothing more than a disguise.During the latent period, he not only sent a large amount of information, but also played an extremely important role in this operation.

Well, it's time for him to go home.

Qian Zizhuang took out a cigar from the cigar box and handed it to him.
"It was given to me by His Majesty when he came back from Cuba. I smoke one."

"Thank you Minister."

After he sat down, Qian Zizhuang asked again.

"Tell me, Forrest, you're back, what are your plans?"

Facing the minister's question, Forrest Gan hesitated.

"Minister, I, I want to meet Babu first!"

Babu was the assassin who "assassinated" Zuo Zongtang, but all of this was just a play, a play for everyone to see.


After thinking about it, Qian Zizhuang shook his head and said.

"This matter, I hope you can think about it carefully. When we are lurking, we will meet many people, and they will become our friends, but... the responsibility! Now that it is over, then... let everything go End it!"

Then he walked up to Forex, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"In this way, you should rest for a few days and return to work in the ministry after a while!"


A storm was playing out in various places like this. People were arrested every day. Among them were former military officers, former congressmen, and of course many landlords.The military gendarmes dispatched by the Gendarmerie Command arrested the suspects in various places and put them in temporary secret prisons. For example, Yingtian's "Lubyanka" was named by Zhu Xianhai himself, and then more and more prisons were added in various provinces. All the secret prisons were given names like "Auschwitz", "Guantanamo", "Gulag", and "Extra High Class".

When Smith was arrested, he was completely bewildered. When he was handed over to the interrogation team of the "Extra High Class", he still didn't know why he was arrested.

Facing the bewildered Smith, Fang Guozhong personally interrogated him:
"Smith, is the material against you by Wentz true?"

Iron proof?These are confessions!
"No, no, sir, this is slander. I have never joined any organization against the emperor. As God can testify, I have been working hard to learn Chinese, and I am planning to let my daughter learn Chinese. I am supporting the Ming emperor. His Majesty's!"

Smith shouted a little excitedly.When he was excited, he almost took out his heart.For him, whoever becomes the ruler of this land has nothing to do with him.

Smith has always valued only wealth, and he doesn't care about other issues such as who is in power.

It's not that he doesn't care, but he cares more about wealth than those things, just like he wanted to marry his daughter to an Argentine officer at first, but now he wants to marry an officer from South China.

As for the winner, for him, he always follows the winner. As for the loser, only the most stupid people will lose their wealth and life for the loser.

"Frankly speaking, Smith, your participation in this matter is not deep. According to Wentz's confession, you are only a peripheral member of the "Argentine Restoration Committee". It mainly depends on the attitude of the parties involved.”

Smith's nerves reacted a little. He raised his head and looked at the officer blankly, as if waiting for his next words.

"Attitude, in fact, this attitude is very simple."

Smiling, Li Guozhong thought in his heart, how many people will Smith confess to, and they don't need any evidence for their confession, what is tenable evidence?
This is not necessary at all. To put it bluntly, this is just an action. The "unnecessary" charges are just to get rid of those former dignitaries.It doesn't matter whether there is any evidence, just find a few famous people in the local area, especially those military officers and landlords, and ask them to prove the existence of the so-called "National Restoration Committee" and that the target persons are the participants of the committee.


As long as there is a confession, it will do!

"Don't worry, think about it slowly. I believe you can remember it. By the way, Miss Murphy should still be at home waiting for you to come home early. Mr. Smith, do you want cigarettes?"


Thinking of his daughter and his own safety, although Smith didn't know what to say, he had already read Wen Si's statement, after thinking about it, he confessed!Like Wentz, he confessed that he pointed directly at General Haldane who had repeatedly opposed the government's lease of land to farmers...

(End of this chapter)

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