Chapter 521 The Wanderer Returns Home (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
"Swear to worship the Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth, and form an alliance for Danchi Jiangshan"

Standing in the Hongmen Incense Hall, Fang Renli looked solemn, staring at the couplets on the incense hall, and then on the enshrined tablet.

Whether it is the first ancestor Hong Ying, or the five sages: Zhu Zhiyu, Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi, Fu Shan, or the five schools: Wen Zong Shi Kefa, Wu Zong Zheng Chenggong, Xuan Zong Chen Jinnan, Da Zong Wan Yunlong, Wei Zong Su Hongguang.

Without exception, they are all anti-Qing and Fuming patriots.

The a secret organization to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. However, in the past hundred years, this purpose has been a bit vain. New members often only seek the protection of the Hongmen. It's a long time ago.

For them, how many people can remember the original intention of establishing Hongmen.

But now it’s time to arrive, unexpectedly a Daming came to the door,
No, it was Daming who came back to life.

This made Hongmen a little embarrassed.

"Master Fang, you keep watching this matter, what should you do?"

After Zhao Anbang, sitting in the hall, spoke, the others also turned their attention to the hall master. Facing everyone's eyes, Fang Renli thought for a while and said.

"For so many years, we have been angered by foreigners in the territory of foreigners. Now, Ming's warships have arrived. This is our warship. No matter what, we are all welcome. Send the order and get ready to work hard. Go to the pier and welcome the army!"

Whether it is the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, for these overseas wanderers, there is no difference. What if they are longing for in their hearts?
That is longing for shelter!

It's like Westerners sheltering their people.Although people's moods are complicated, even if the Chinese people here all wear braids, it doesn't prevent them from welcoming the Ming Fleet with the greatest enthusiasm.

The sound of firecrackers and the gongs and drums of monkey dancing echoed on the pier. People who heard the news rushed to the pier beating gongs and drums. People from Hongmen and Tiandihui also came. Township halls such as the Hantang Church also came, and they not only brought a lot of fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables, but even presented labor silver as usual.

The envelopes of silver dollars were wrapped in red paper. On the tray held by the strong man, there were dozens of envelopes, at least thousands of yuan!
Facing the labor silver sent by the head of the Tiandihui Li Mingkuan, Meng Qingen said.

"Leader Li, everyone, I will accept your wishes, but I cannot accept this money!"

Seeing that the other party didn't accept the money, Li Mingkuan's heart thumped, and he immediately understood that the other party thought it was too little!

Hastily cupped his fists and said.

"It makes the general laugh. It's not easy for me to make a living overseas. I don't have much money, but it's my filial piety to the officers and soldiers! Please, the general, please accept it!"

Seeing Li Mingkuan who was barely kneeling down, Meng Qingen laughed loudly.

"Leader Li, you are being polite. The Ming Navy has its own military discipline. We don't know what the rules are at the Manchu Qing side, but on the Daming Navy's side, not only the money cannot be collected, but even the laborers' things have to be compensated according to the price. Everyone!"

Now it was Li Mingkuan's turn to be dumbfounded. Before he could recover, Meng Qingen turned his head and asked.

"Is it a good price for the things sent by Master Li and the others?"

"Report to the commander, it's been calculated, the total is 276.25 yuan."

"It's not easy for compatriots to make a living overseas, and it's calculated at 300 yuan! The labor supplies sent by all parties will be rounded up at one rate, and the compatriots must not be disadvantaged!"


When the white Nanhua silver dollars were counted out, Li Mingkuan and the others were all dumbfounded when they looked at the silver dollars. They were here to send money and things to the army, so why, how...they became officials and gave them silver. !
"General, how about this..."

Just as Li Mingkuan was staring at Yinyuan in bewilderment and murmured in bewilderment, Fang Renli, who was watching this scene from the side, suddenly knelt down and shouted with trembling hands.

"Master Wang! This is my Master Wang of Ming Dynasty! We have waited for the people to suffer from the Tartars for hundreds of years, and have been exploited by them for generations and year after year. We are compatriots, today Master Wang landed on the shore, and if he can see Master Wang alive, the little people will not be shaken by death!"

For people who have long been accustomed to the exploitation of officials in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, even if it is just an army that does not collect labor money and buys things for silver, it is already a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. With the word "compatriots", everyone agrees with this "Daming" in an instant.

Master Daming is here!

In the next two days, people in Singapore were all excitedly talking about "Da Ming" and Master Wang. Whenever a sailor of Ming Dynasty appeared on the street, there would always be enthusiastic people inviting them to the restaurant Drinking, even if they went to the stalls and wanted to buy something, the vendors would directly stuff things into their hands, saying "no money" over and over again, and when the sailors wanted to give them money, they would all pick it up in a hurry. Tiaozi left in a hurry.

The enthusiasm shown by these overseas travelers was unexpected.

According to the usual practice, after the news that warships are open and ordinary people can visit the ship, the overseas Chinese are all rushing to visit the ship. There are too many people to visit, but the time is only two days. The first day After the end of the visit, there was even a queue there that night. The next morning, before the sun was set, the visiting queue had already lined up outside the pier.

When the sunset glows red in the distant sea and sky, the visit is coming to an end. Just like yesterday, the trumpeter on the bridge blew the trumpet. This is the notice of the end of the participation. Those who failed to board the ship all sighed. Angrily, he said that he should have come earlier.

Looking at the reluctant expressions of the people, Meng Qingen said.

"My compatriots are eager to turn on the lights, and the visiting time will be extended by another four hours tonight!"

The lights are on!

On this night, the port of Singapore was lit up by the lights of two warships, and everyone saw the two ships, even in the Governor's House on the top of the hill, people saw the lights on the pier, in this light , those who come from everywhere,

"Da Ming, that's our country too!"

The tearful old man on the deck touched the thick gun barrel, and while muttering to himself, he suddenly yelled.

"Is there scissors or not, is there scissors or not."

Regardless of the crowd, the old man shouted.

"Cut off the braid for me, I am from Daming, I am from Daming, you can't keep this braid, you can't keep it..."

The old man's actions stunned the sailors on the deck who were introducing the warship to visitors, and also stunned the visitors. They looked at each other and at the braids behind each other's heads.

Yes, braids, this is from the Qing Dynasty, what about them?
At this time, a man came over, holding a dagger he got from somewhere, walked up to the old man and said.

"Grandpa, I'll help you."

The braid was cut off, and the one-foot-long braid was thrown into the sea just like that.The people around who watched this scene fell silent.

Some people looked at the braids floating in the waves on the sea, and some looked thoughtful.Some people seemed to have made up their minds, and they directly cut off their braids.

And this action means a rupture.The break with the Qing Dynasty!This kind of rupture came from their hearts, just like a wanderer found a home, and at this moment they went home.

"This is our Ming warship!"

Sitting by the side of the boat, looking at the warships illuminating the night sky, Chen Asheng talked to himself with a pipe in his mouth.

"Let's Daming...don't say it, it's easy to say!"

Taking a puff of cigarette, Chen Asheng seemed to remember something. He touched the braids on the back of his head. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he cut off the braids with scissors, and threw them into the sea. Braids at sea, Chen Asheng said.

"From now on, we will be members of Daming!"

When he said this, his mood was calm, as if this was nothing more than a normal thing.

(End of this chapter)

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