Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 528 Awe in the Sound of Cannons

Chapter 528 Awe in the Sound of Cannons (Second Update, please subscribe)

Accompanied by a roar in the main turret, the moment the gunner pulled the tail of the gun and pulled the matchlock,
Amidst the deafening gunfire, the "Tianlong" on the sea suddenly moved. At the moment when the twin 254mm naval guns fired a salvo, the [-]-ton warship moved several feet.The blast from the muzzle swept across the deck, and even lifted the canvas covering the lifeboat.As for the ropes of the sail, they also snapped and rattled.The sea surface also caused huge ripples in circles due to the blast wind from the muzzle.

Red flames and rising explosive smoke completely enveloped the deck.

The fleet is on fire!

"Tianlong" faces the Sultan Palace, while "Blue Dragon" faces the fort.


The shocking sound of the guns stunned everyone at this moment. The crew of the British merchant ship transporting large tin in the port were stunned. They never expected to witness such a scene.


Ten seconds later, the shell hit the Sultan Palace accurately, and the explosion of the shell weighing hundreds of kilograms was like shaking the earth, and even the Haishan Hall hundreds of meters away was shaken.

And Zhao Yongfu's brain was also buzzing. He felt the earth-shattering sound of the cannon calmly. He knew that with the sound of the cannon, everything changed!
"Really, it's really fired, it's fired!"

Ye Yalai stared wide-eyed at everything in front of him, opened his mouth, and didn't even know what to say, he just stared dumbfounded at the direction from which the gunfire came.

At this moment, he had completely forgotten all the calculations and plans in his mind. Not a while ago, he was still thinking that if he fired the cannon, he would never be angry with the natives here again. .He even wondered if he could seek some benefits for himself by taking advantage of his sudden rise in status.Just like those Westerners, why are those Westerners arrogant here, why are they rampant here, and why don't they buy the natives?

Isn't it because they are backed by the country, their warships will fire! .

But now when the sound of the cannon came, for some reason, there was only one voice ringing in my ears.

"It's our guns! It's our guns!"

When did we come to Nanyang?

too early!
Even people like Ye Yalai considered themselves a member of Nanyang earlier, and they have long been integrated into this land.Even in the eyes of many people, there is no difference between them and the natives here.

However, have they really integrated into this land?

They have never been integrated into this land, and no one regards him as the master of this land.

Not only are they used, but they are also slaughtered.

In the 17th century, in Manila, the Spaniards killed overseas Chinese.

In the 18th century, the Dutch also killed.

Hundreds of thousands of overseas Chinese were brutally killed.This is the reward for the hard work of the overseas Chinese. What do they get in exchange for their hard work and frugality?

It is the red eye disease of outsiders. They are envious of the wealth accumulated by overseas Chinese through frugality, and they are full of hostility to the wealth owned by overseas Chinese.The Westerners used the overseas Chinese to create wealth, and incited the aborigines to hate the overseas Chinese, thereby alleviating the hostility of the aborigines towards being colonized.

Why can they bully overseas Chinese like this?Why did overseas Chinese suffer everything.

It is because they are rootless ducklings!No one will support them!
Even the aborigines are bullying them. Just a few decades ago, right here, those people broke into the mine, killed the Chinese workers, and robbed their property. Why did everyone dare to kill them at will? Because they know that overseas Chinese are a group of "abandoned people from heaven" who kill and take whatever they want.

"Abandoned people from the Celestial Dynasty, they don't hesitate to carry the tomb of their ancestors and go abroad for profit. The court will never hear about it!"

Why do the Chinese form secret societies? It's for self-protection!Facing the butcher's knives of outsiders, the Chinese who formed a party spoke with their knives. They returned to the mine and took back their own property.Since then, partying has been their way of protecting themselves.

All members are brothers!
The purpose is to not be bullied by outsiders in a foreign country. The reason why outsiders bully them is because they have no support other than themselves!

The cannon rang today!

The cannons sounded!

At this moment, Ye Yalai suddenly burst into tears. He dropped the gun and started to cry. Everyone else, no matter if they were a strong man in his thirties or an old man with gray hair, they all started to cry. For them in a foreign country, maybe they seem to be glamorous, and they seem to be friends with local nobles, but only they themselves know the crimes and grievances they have suffered.

The knocked out tooth is swallowed in the stomach, what is it swallowed?It's grievance, heartbreak, and more helplessness, because they have no other choice but to endure!
"Listen? This is our cannon, it's our cannon..."

Crying and shouting suddenly rang out. For these overseas wanderers, today, they finally found a home!Having found a home that is willing to be the master of their own, they are no longer lonely ghosts!

"Grandpa, are you listening? This is our own cannon, our own cannon..."

An old man with gray braids was crying and crying, while closing his eyes, tears poured down his face, it seemed that at this moment, all the grievances disappeared.

The natives outside the door, including Tunku Guding Sultan, were startled by the sound of gunfire and explosions. They looked towards the port without knowing why, and the sound of explosions over there was overshadowed.

Even here they could see the smoke from the fort.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Just before Tunku Guding came back to his senses, there was a rumbling sound like a train whistle in the air.

The native soldiers even looked up when they heard the sound, they had no idea what the sound was.

At this moment, several loud bangs were heard from the settlement of the natives in the distance. In the violent explosion, it was as if several volcanoes erupted at the same time!
When two heavy explosive bombs with a caliber of 254 mm fell on the bamboo house of the natives, the shells passed through the roof and exploded, directly blowing all the surrounding bamboo houses into the sky!

Straight into the sky!

In the mass of flames, steel fragments whizzed and flew in all directions, and the buildings in the center of the explosion and the indigenous people inside were directly blown into a cloud of blood mist during the explosion, and the shrapnel flying around did not know what to do. How many natives were plundered to the ground.

The moment the shell fell, the surrounding area was filled with blood and flesh.

The violent explosion made the sky and the earth tremble, and even the high temperature and gunpowder smoke of the explosion made the air burn. The burning air shook the earth, and even the hearts of the people were shaken. Stunned, they froze there.

Everyone's ears were buzzing, and they looked around blankly, looking at Sudan.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Ming, the Ming fleet is firing, firing..."

Haagen-Dazs was the first to react. He felt as if he was going to be melted by the burning air!

"He, how dare they fire, they, they don't know,"

Don't you know that the British support him?I don't know, are the British people his backstage?

... How dare they fire?

Don't they have a saying-does it depend on the owner when beating a dog?
How could they dare to fire here without looking at the face of the British?

When Tunku Gooding was stunned and even looked around with a questioning expression, in Haishan Hall, Ye Yaya laughed loudly:
"Blow it up! Blow it up! Blow it up! As long as there are no sons of bitches, even if it blows up everything, we'll be able to build new ones within a year!"

As if responding to his wish, another row of shells whizzed towards them, and their shells landed precisely on the area where the indigenous people lived. In fact, it was easy to tell—the expats all They lived in clusters along the port, while the indigenous people centered on the Sultan's Palace. The clear living area also prevented the navy's bombardment from accidentally hitting compatriots.

In the violent explosion, there was a bloody mess everywhere.I don't know how many natives were directly blown into a cloud of blood mist. Under the fierce artillery fire, only then did they know what awe is!

All of a sudden, the natives surrounding Haishan Hall became chaotic. Facing such an opportunity, Chen Ke naturally wouldn't miss it, so he shouted.

"Sailors, bayonet!"

The sailors immediately yelled "Kill", and then directly killed Haishan Hall with their bayonets in their hands. The bayonets sank directly into the chests of the natives. Those natives who could not escape were no match for them at all. His bayonet kept stabbing those people to the ground, dozens of people against hundreds of people, and they actually killed them crying for their parents and screaming for their mothers.

But it was just a face-to-face effort, and the natives were beaten head-on and face-to-face. These native soldiers had been frightened by the shelling and lost their normal ability to judge. When the sailors charged, facing these tiger-like wolf Sailors, they actually dropped their rifles, knelt down on the ground, and begged for mercy in blunt Cantonese.

And Tengku Gooding, who was still riding on the horse, fell off the horse at some point. Seeing the sailors rushing towards him, he was also very bachelor. He threw the Cress knife in his waist and knelt on the ground shouted.

"I surrender, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The natives have descended!

The shelling lasted only a few minutes before the natives dropped.

Facing the natives kneeling on the ground, Zhao Fuyong felt calm at this moment. He looked at Ye Yalai and the others, and they looked at him and the sailors with awe.

"Ye Ya come!"

"The grass people are here!"

Ye Yalai hurried forward and clasped his fists together.

"What's your order?"

"What does it feel like now!"

Zhao Fuyong looked at him with a smile.

"Shu Tan!"

Ye Yalai replied loudly that he had never been so comfortable in his life.This kind of comfort is more of a release of dissatisfaction and grievances that have been suppressed in my heart for many years.

After the release, the whole person felt relaxed.The grievances that were deep in my heart disappeared without a trace at this moment with the sound of rumbling guns and explosions.

"Have fun!"

What the special envoy said made Ye Yalai reply a little excitedly.

"Exciting! I have never been so comfortable and enjoyable in my life!"

"Haha, you will be able to live a peaceful life in the future!"

Zhao Fuyong laughed loudly.

"From now on, Daming's fleet and naval guns will be your backing. From now on, whoever dares to bully you should ask our naval guns first!"

"grown ups!"

Ye Yalai quickly knelt down, and everyone else knelt down one after another, he said solemnly.

"For so many years, we have been looking forward to it every day, and dreaming at night. What we dream of is that one day someone will support us like Westerners. We don't want to do anything else, and we don't want to bully other people. We just don't want others to ride on us. Shit on our necks!"

When saying this sentence, I am afraid that only they know the pain in their hearts. After all, for people living in a foreign country, they will inevitably be bullied in various ways. Is it easy to survive in a foreign country?

"It's not just being shit on someone else's head! We're being bullied and we can't even find a pot hole in our heads..."

"In their eyes, what are we? We are fat meat, and everyone wants to take a bite. They not only want to eat our meat, but also drink our blood, dig out our hearts, squeeze our oil, From top to bottom, there is not a single good thing!"

"After so many years, who has treated us as human beings?"

"Human? What is a human? I don't even know whether I am a human or not!"

"That is, if a person can be bullied to that extent, do we still have to smile? Are we that mean?"

For a while, there was a lot of crying around. Amidst the sound of gunfire, they seemed to have found a home, just like children who had been wronged outside. When they saw their mother, they would always cry about the hardships they had suffered.

Only the mother will care about what they have suffered.

At this moment they know that they are home, they know that this family will shelter them from the wind and rain, and that this family will stand up to protect them when they are wronged.


The deafening gunfire woke up the whole city, which caused the compatriots who had been hiding at home under pressure to come out amidst the gunfire.

The sound of the cannon made all of them startled, and then they understood that it was their cannon.Suddenly everyone cheered again and again!

"It's our cannon! It's our cannon! That's right, it's our cannon!"

The Chinese shops at the port carefully took off a panel door and poked their heads out.People looked around, and then, these people with happy faces opened the store door desperately and walked out of the store.

Although these people are of different ages, their origins are different, and even their accents are different, and some people may even be hostile to each other because of their hometowns, but now, they have all come out, and they silently greeted each other. Walking towards Haishan Hall, they had been watching the small team through the crack of the door.

That's their team!
From now on, they are no longer as lonely as in the past. From now on, no one will dare to bully them unscrupulously, and in the distance, those terrified natives just look at them blankly, their eyes filled with awe.



Maybe there will be, but at the moment when the naval guns roar, all this is no longer important.

Everyone understands a truth - no one can bully them anymore!

Once upon a time, those who were always timid and always had a flattering smile on their faces raised their heads. They looked at the eyes of the natives, and they no longer had the awe of the past, only the pride from the heart!

listen!This is our cannon!
Look!This is what will happen to you!

(End of this chapter)

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