Chapter 531 Liuming Young Children (Third Update, Please Subscribe)
This is not only the case in Singapore, soon, from Manila to Batavia, from Bangkok to Saigon, almost all overseas Chinese are discussing such topics there, no matter they are Qing people or Ming people who fled to Southeast Asia at the end of Ming Dynasty. The villagers, when they talked about this topic, they all seemed a little excited. For these overseas wanderers, they knew better than anyone else what the fleet bombardment meant.

No matter where they come from, when they meet, they are no longer hostile to each other because of their different origins as in the past. They even greet each other proactively, chatting about when Daming will open a consulate in their place. .

Qing Dynasty?
It is true that many of them came from the Qing Dynasty, but the Qing Dynasty did not live up to it. When did the Qing Dynasty protect its own people, but Daming is different. When they come here, they dare to shoot for their own people!

If nothing else, just focus on this.

Being a wise man certainly won't hurt you!
People's eyes are discerning, and they will always make the best choice for themselves. Of course, for the Westerners occupying Southeast Asia, they must not be so happy. Among people's rumors, they are of course more concerned about the United Kingdom. People's behavior, after all, is a cannon fired under the nose of the British Empire!

"Are you that cowardly?"

"What else can they do to our Ming Dynasty! Daming, you go and find out, the foreigners don't know, the emperor of our Ming Dynasty was the one who led the troops to fight the foreign devils in France, even the palace of the French was destroyed by our Ming Dynasty. burnt."

"The palace is burned for us, that's too much fun,"

"That's not it, the Great Qing Dynasty, I bah, that is to let people burn the palace, our Ming Dynasty, but burn people."

"You said, the British, are you really so convinced?"

"What are they doing?"

When people talk about these topics one by one, the air in Southeast Asia seems to have undergone some changes. No one knows what this change means, but what is certain is that it means change.

This kind of change was unexpected by many people, not to mention the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, even Zhu Xianhai, who had just ascended the throne, was stunned for a long time after learning the news before speaking.

"Didn't you fight the British!"

"The British dare not fire!"

"That's good, let's negotiate!"

When the military cannot solve it, let’s negotiate diplomatically. In fact, at present, Zhu Xianhai is not willing to tear himself apart with the British. Even Singapore and even Australia have to be taken down.

For Zhu Xianhai and Emperor Zhu who had just ascended the throne as Emperor Shengde, what happened in Southeast Asia was nothing worth mentioning. After all, the Ming Dynasty was now in a prosperous state, and even the British had to give in.

The British will definitely not tear themselves apart because of the insignificant Kedah Sultanate and Ming Dynasty. Of course, everyone will definitely make some agreements, such as demarcating the sphere of influence, and protecting the Ming nationals in the colonies. .

In short, for the Ming Empire, the sound of Kedah's cannons is not worth mentioning at all.

But such an insignificant matter caused an unprecedented disturbance in East Asia. Governor Li of Xuzhou was stunned for a long time after hearing the news.

Then, he said to himself in his heart.

"Is this still the British Empire?"

Indeed, for everyone, the action of the Ming Fleet firing artillery to seize land under the noses of Britain is simply a bit unimaginable!
In his astonishment, Governor Li thought about it all night. He thought a lot that night, not only thinking that Ming Dynasty could force the British fleet back, but also that they could force the British to recognize the treaty they signed with Tubang.

Governor Li even thought about the conversation with Liu Kunpeng that day, and I have to say that the conversation had a profound impact on him.

Just ask who would not want to have rights without any restrictions.He is just a mortal.

Then Governor Li summoned Zhao Tianfeng. They talked a lot together this morning, most of which were about Nanhua. At the end, Governor Li asked.

"What you mean is that there was nothing there when Nanhua was first built."

"Yes, there were only a thousand people at that time, and the surrounding area was wilderness. It was reliable to introduce foreigners, set up large factories, and start businesses. Communist Party members went to study in Europe and America, and the country’s prosperity in recent years has a lot to do with it!”

Looking at the governor, Zhao Tianfeng, the most capable foreign affairs official in the governor's yamen, said directly.

"Your Excellency has done Westernization in these years, and the picture is nothing more than four words-rich the country and strengthen the army, but if you want to enrich the country and strengthen the army, you have to send people to study abroad, otherwise, even if we run iron factories and shipyards, It’s just chasing the basics, after all, without talents, these factories are still rootless, after all, we can’t do anything, we must rely on foreigners!”

In fact, in these years, when doing foreign affairs, what Zhao Tianfeng disliked the most was officials—there were either officials or workers in the factory, and there were not many technical personnel who were really their own. Technical personnel... were basically foreigners. What about the officer?They are all laymen, and laymen control experts, can they manage well?

He has said this to the governor many times, but what's the use?In order to reserve talents, he even set up apprentice schools in several factories to train talents, but there were still some shortcomings.

It's not that there are deficiencies, it's that they don't pay attention at all.Sometimes even Zhao Tianfeng himself wondered whether the original choice was right or wrong?

Without talents, how can we do foreign affairs?How to make the country rich and strong?
Perhaps he could follow suit and follow Nan Hua's lead, learning from their way of running factories and doing business, but without talents, everything is nothing but rootless.

"If you want a rich country and a strong army, you still need someone!"

"Yes, talent is the foundation, my lord, what is the basis for the Zhu family to achieve today's foundation? It is educating people. Back then, it was just a group of coolies, but today? Relying on educating talents, it has faintly become a powerful country, my lord. What Mrs. Zhu used was only ten years of work!"

ten years!

But it's only ten years!
Governor Li fell into silence. He is proud and even proud of his foreign affairs affairs these years. The shipyard he runs in Haizhou is already capable of building large ships. The yarn factory makes a profit of one million taels a year. As for the railway, he has also repaired more than three thousand In the past, no one can compare to such an achievement, even foreigners say that "Master Li's achievements in several years are no less than ten years in other countries", but so what?

"Hey, ten years..."

Hearing the governor's sigh, Zhao Tianfeng thought for a while and said.

"Instead of sighing, my lord, it's better to catch up. From my point of view, if you want to study abroad, you don't even need to go to Europe and the United States. There are language differences in Europe and the United States, but there is no language barrier for studying in Nanhua, and the cost of studying abroad is far less than in Europe and the United States. We can definitely send some overseas students to Nanhua to study there, and when they return from their studies, they can naturally be used by adults!"

Although Zhao Tianfeng defected from Nanhua, he has been paying attention to Nanhua, and he has been learning about everything there through various channels.

"Nanhua also has a university?"

"My lord, four years ago, Nanhua established Nanhua University. At present, there are no less than [-] institutions of higher learning in the local area, with a wide range of disciplines."

"Hey, I'm far inferior to Mrs. Zhu! It's just a pity that there are too many entanglements in the court. Whenever I mention sending overseas students abroad, they always object in various ways,"

With a long sigh, Governor Li narrowed his eyes. He seemed to think for a while, and then said as if he had made up his mind.

"Well, since that's the case, let's send someone to study in Nanhua as you said, right..."

After thinking about it, Governor Li said.

"Let Jingfang go too! Let him go there to see and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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