Chapter 548 The Kingdom of the Military Country (Fourth Update, please subscribe)
Yingtian, the palace... has no hall.

Emperor Shengde may be the most "shabby" emperor in Chinese history. The so-called imperial palace is just a European-style three-story building. This Rose Palace used to belong to the presidential palace of the Argentine president.

Although the right building has been expanded as the imperial palace, it is still "shabby".After all, there are not even a single palace here.

Even with the imperial meeting, there is no special "Golden Luan Hall", and even the so-called "Dragon Chair", which is made of Brazilian mahogany, is only carved with a dragon head pattern on the chair to indicate that it is a "Dragon Chair".

However, it doesn't matter, according to Zhu Xianhai, Daming's dragon chair is in the capital.That's right, it is the one in the "Huangji Hall", that is, the so-called "Taihe Hall" - it was carved by the so-called "Carpenter Emperor" Ming Xizong for himself.That dragon chair has lasted for hundreds of years.From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the emperor always sat on this dragon chair for hundreds of years.

"One day, they will give me the dragon chair!"

Regarding this day, Emperor Zhu firmly believed in it.

So for the time being, it will be simple, and it can be regarded as a reminder of "don't forget in Ju"!
On Monday, the routine "imperial meeting".

Nowadays, there is no great meeting in the Ming Dynasty, only the imperial meeting, that is, the ministers of various ministries are eligible to attend. This meeting is almost equal to the company's regular meeting. Speaking of it, this is also the habit of the company.

Nanhua left too deep imprint on the revived Ming Empire.

Today's meeting is really special. Sitting on the chairs on both sides of the conference room are not only the Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ministers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of the Ministry of Households, Ministers of the Ministry of the Navy, Ministers of the Ministry of War, Ministers of the Ministry of Law, Ministers of the Ministry of Culture, In addition to the ministers of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, and the Minister of Postal Service, there are also several influential editor-in-chiefs of newspapers.

What was discussed at today's meeting was quite special, how to carry out publicity and education on the Communist Party of China, cultivate the martial spirit of the people, and make the subjects of the Ming Dynasty become military citizens who fanatically supported the national war.

"Although my Ming Dynasty was founded in the military, the status of soldiers is still not high in our Ming Dynasty. Common sayings like "good men don't serve as soldiers, and good iron doesn't nail" still have a great influence on the people. Even Some people dislike the vulgarity of soldiers and regard them as fearful of the road.

Since our founding in Nanhua, the treatment of ordinary soldiers has been extremely superior. Just 10 mu of honorable land for retired soldiers is worth thousands of yuan. In addition to the allowance of 17-3 yuan per month, there is also a food allowance of 7-[-] yuan , Married soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and dependents live in public housing in villages, housing, water and electricity subsidies, everything that one expects to find.Although the salaries of civil servants are generous, their actual treatment is far inferior to that of an ordinary soldier in Ming Dynasty.As for the generous treatment of military officers, it is far beyond what civilian officials can compare.Since the rise of the army to the present, no less than a thousand people have won titles in the army, and how many civil servants are there? "

Emperor Zhu, who was sitting on the dragon chair, talked there as soon as he came up, and what he said was all about his status as a soldier.Although the Ming Dynasty's battle for the founding of the country lasted a very short time, and there was no influence of the traditional imperial examination system, but the current status of Ming's soldiers is still insufficient!

Among the titles mentioned by Zhu Xianhai, the highest titles are of course the titles of Duke and Bozinan, but in addition, he also borrowed from the French Legion of Honor system to set up the "Iron Coupon Medal", which is specially used to commend established Military meritorious soldier.Although this "Iron Coupon Medal" draws on the historical meaning of "Danshu Iron Coupon", it is not a "gold medal for avoiding death". Those who can get the medal can be called "Jazz" and enjoy certain privileges.

Although it is a noble title, it can be regarded as a kind of title!

When Emperor Zhu ascended the throne, 1200 "Iron Coupon Medals" were awarded at one time.Compared with the preferential treatment given to soldiers, it seems a bit harsh to civil servants... Daming does not have a civil servant sir!According to Emperor Zhu's statement-the tradition of the Han people is to reward military merits, and not to reward military merits!
It is even listed as an ancestral system, and the reason for this is to prevent any emperor's head from being kicked by a donkey in the future.Every now and then, the nobles will be conferred indiscriminately.

In the end, nobles are worthless.Who does the emperor share the world with?

Definitely not a commoner, but a nobleman!

It's a matter of the ass deciding the head.And it is necessary to maintain the imperial power.After all, only those nobles would tie their interests to the royal family.

As for ordinary people or civilian officials from ordinary people, they don't do everything possible to fight for power.That's already thank goodness.

Just like the UK.The rights possessed by Queen Victoria in this era are not to be said to be supreme.But no matter what decision the prime minister makes, he must first obtain the consent of the queen.

But only half a century later, everything changed dramatically.Compared with the Queen, the Prime Minister cares more about the so-called public opinion.

In fact, the prime minister used the so-called public opinion to seize power from the royal family.They first used the excuse of public opinion to attack the nobles.

and then?
After kicking the right arm of the royal family - the nobles to the ground, they can go into battle in person.

The Prime Minister is not a nobleman?

It doesn't matter, you can be knighted directly, and then the prime minister will enter the noble house.Gradually, the so-called nobles of the first generation became dominant in the noble house, and they continued to fight for power.

In order to fight for rights, they continue to show favor to the people, just like the British Labor Party cabinet after World War II. What did they do to please the people?
Even at the premise of disintegrating the empire-in order to save military expenses, they directly scrapped the warships of the Royal Navy.

To cut costs, they allowed colony after colony to become independent, including India.

In the end, they destroyed the entire British Empire with their own hands.What did they get?

When some aristocrats came forward and accused them of disregarding the interests of the British Empire, the leaders of the Labor Party spoke vowedly there.

"Between the interests of the empire and the interests of the people, we choose the people!"

When they said this boldly, they just forgot another fact - the reason why Britain and France were the first to get rid of the economic crisis in the 30s was because of their huge colonies as their resources Supply and industrial product markets.

While enjoying the benefits brought by the colony, they destroyed it all with their own hands.

What did they destroy in the end?
Just a few years later, the former British Empire has become a second-rate country.The former No. [-] empire in the world has since become the running dog of his former younger brother.

That's what those people do.In the name of the people, the world hegemony established by dozens of generations and hundreds of years was disintegrated.

It was also because of this that Zhu Xianhai received the vaccination in advance.In the final analysis, it is to prevent the heads of his descendants from being kicked by donkeys in the future.

The strongest fortresses are destroyed from within, and the greatest enemies of the Empire are enemies within!

"Although my Ming Dynasty founded the country in the military state, all men in the Ming Dynasty must receive military training. Training every month, it looks like Sparta. From my point of view, this military country has only the shape of a military country, but not the soul of a military country!"

There is no military soul!

What is the soul of the military country?
In fact, this was also the question that Zhu Xianhai was thinking about after Wang Xinjie left that day, and it was unavoidable.It must also be resolved.

"What is the soul of the military country? It is the martial spirit that penetrates into the bones, and it is the fashion of advocating strength and martial arts in the whole society. This has a lot to do with my Chinese tradition. Throughout the ages, it has been sung about so-called talented scholars and beautiful ladies. As for warriors? But just It's just a vulgar martial artist! Thinking of me, Huaxia, who has been studying literature and martial arts for thousands of years, what will happen to me?"

The history of Chinese people's love for small fresh meat is too long. In ancient times, they were often referred to as "beautiful men" or "better than Pan An". Even famous generals in ancient times were full of images of literati and martial arts... That's just rough people.

After the rhetorical question, Zhu Xianhai continued.

"On the other hand, in Western countries, all the generals sanctify the army, make the soldiers heroic, and the social status of the soldiers is much higher than that of the civil servants. For example, the monarchs and princes of European countries all wear military uniforms. Military position. European aristocratic men also take enrolling in military academies as their first choice. They serve the army and fight on the battlefield. When they were recruited, the people enthusiastically joined the army, but ideologically speaking, how many people are proud of joining the army? Are they proud of the national war?"

What Emperor Zhu talked about was not "all the people are soldiers", in fact, what the Ming Dynasty implemented was "all the people are soldiers", and to a large extent, the whole people are soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, surpassing Europe and the United States-every man has to receive military training, from them When you enter the immigration camp, you have already received training.

But this is not the foundation of a strong military.

Perhaps in the era of total warfare, the amount of military power is a factor that determines the outcome of a war.But it's just one factor.

The current military service in Ming Dynasty is a compulsory military service system.There is no need to tie them with hemp ropes or iron chains, because everyone is an employee of the company, whether they are workers or farm tenants, if they do not come to serve as soldiers after receiving the call-up order, they will definitely lose their livelihoods!
But this kind of system is unlikely to last. After all, as time goes on, the company will eventually fade out of everything. Moreover, how much enthusiasm will there be for training and combat by compulsory conscription?
Although generally speaking, the current soldiers of Ming Dynasty are still active in training and combat.And quite brave.But there is still a big gap from Zhu Xianhai's hope.

"What Ming's army needs are brave men who die for the country, not gray animals who rely on military law to maintain their fighting power!"

Russia's "gray cattle" is the most obvious example. Russia may have the largest army in the world, but what's the point?It seems to have crushed Europe, but those "gray cattle" tend to collapse in adversity, flee, and even rebel.In the end, it even overturned the entire empire.

"So, we must fundamentally improve the sense of honor of soldiers and the enthusiasm of citizens to join the army. The countries that currently implement conscription in Europe are doing their best to establish a top-down system—I call it" ****"!"

After a pause, Zhu Xianhai finally took out his "big killer weapon"!This idea is almost notorious in later generations, but in this era, it is the only way to survive.

"Under this system, the government must use propaganda, education and other means to promote nationalism to the people. Nationalism is the brightest and most just doctrine in the world. The use of nationalism will arouse the patriotism of the people. At the same time, General The social status of human beings, the defenders of the country and the protectors of the nation, has been raised to an unbelievable level, so that every boy is proud to serve the country in the army since he was a child, and every soldier is proud to meet at the "Martyr's Shrine" In this way, we can not only recruit a large number of troops with high morale at a relatively low cost, but this "low-cost" army is also the basis for us to become a powerful army."

Almost naturally, Zhu Xianhai thought of the Japanese soldier's "[-] cents" - a famous Japanese proverb: "A soldier's life is worth a piece of red paper plus [-] cents".This is because Japan also started unlimited conscription after it began its full-scale invasion of China. There is no financial compensation for recruiting a soldier, but a conscription order written on red paper plus a stamp of [-] cents!
But it is this kind of "fifteen cents" soldiers, who are fanatical about war and fearless about death, which outsiders cannot understand.From the ruler's point of view, such soldiers are exactly what they need.

Emperor Zhu is the ruler, and his ass itself is crooked. Although he despises Japan in his heart, it does not prevent him from standing on the position of the ruler, hoping that his army will be composed entirely of fanatical and dedicated soldiers.

But in fact?
Although Emperor Zhu's soldiers of the Ming Empire can be said to have high morale.But this is based on the high military salary and even the granting of land after retirement, but the sustainability of the military granting land system is not strong.

After all, it was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to rely entirely on landless immigrants to build an army. When the system of granting land to soldiers could not be maintained, would the morale of the Ming army plummet?
If there is no continuous immigration replenishment, will there be problems with the recruitment of the Ming army?

Let alone finances.

It is impossible for Ming's finances to maintain a large and highly paid army!

The military salary of 17 yuan per capita per month is not a small burden for Daming!Just for now, to maintain this [-]-strong army, the annual military salary expenditure has exceeded [-] million yuan!
What about 170 million people?
Or 500 million, or even 1000 million?
At that time, military spending will drag down the finances of the entire empire.

The only way is to follow the example of Prussia and other countries and establish an army with compulsory military service!
However, in order to ensure the maintenance of combat effectiveness, in the process of changing from a professional army to a compulsory military service system, one must complete ideological preparations—transform the subjects of the Ming Dynasty into the military citizens of the Ming Empire.

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(End of this chapter)

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