Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 55 The land of South China, the fertile soil

Chapter 55 The land of South China, thousands of miles of fertile soil (first update, please collect, please recommend)
Land is always the most scarce resource in the world.

Not only limited, but not growing.

But in South America in 1861, in this new continent, land was the least valuable.

Leaving the South China Sea, past the small hills that don't show much, the endless Pampas Plain appeared in front of Zhu Xianhai.

The sky is blue and the earth is green.

This vast expanse of land was presented naked in front of their eyes like this, which shocked everyone's eyes.

"My God, this, this..."

Jumping off the horse, Qian Deshan was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes.

"This, this place is really, really..."

For a while, Qian Deshan didn't know how to describe this land.

Let alone him, even Zhu Xianhai was a little surprised.

All his understanding of the "Pampas Prairie" comes from books - it connects the Green Chaco Prairie in the north, the Patagonian Plateau in the south, the Andes Mountains in the west, and the Atlantic coast in the east, covering an area of ​​about 76 square meters. square kilometers.

"Pampas" comes from the Indian Quechua language, meaning "prairie without trees", and is a relatively unique vegetation type in South America.In terms of zonality and climate conditions, it is suitable for the growth of trees. In fact, except for the "corridor" forests along the banks of the river, it is basically a forestless grassland.

The 76-square-kilometer prairie is a black land that is extremely suitable for agricultural cultivation. It doesn't even have the severe winter cold in the northern hemisphere, and there is sufficient rainfall.

But this kind of land, in the [-]st century, is actually used to raise cattle, which is simply wasteful!

"Chilechuan, under the Yin Mountain. The sky is like a dome, covering the whole field. The sky is blue and the fields are vast. The wind blows and the grass looks low..."

Fang Zhanbo suddenly stopped talking, because... there are no cattle or sheep here.

"My lord, it seems that there is no one here!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Who said there is no one, aren't you and I?"

Pointing to this fertile field, Zhu Xianhai said.

"In the past, this was a no-man's land, but now, this is our Nanhua territory. When we bring people from China in the future, we will place them here."

After thinking about it, Zhu Xianhai said.

"In the future, they only need to pay [-] yuan, and each household can get [-] mu of land!"

"What! Only two hundred yuan for a thousand acres of land!"

Fang Zhanbo said excitedly.

Sun Hu and the others were even more excited.

"My lord, this, this... can I, we also have a share?"

One thousand acres of land only costs two hundred yuan!

In the country, it is a family business that no one can accumulate in several lifetimes!

How could they not be excited when they heard that they could get so many lands? As for Fang Zhanbo and Qian Deshan, they looked at Zhu Xianhai nervously. They felt that this land was allotted too much. Acres of land, what will be the result.

"Of course, everyone has!"

We can’t favor one over the other. Besides, land is the cheapest resource here. Land can not only win people’s hearts, but also allow them to take root here and become “Southern Chinese”.

"It should be said that every family has it. One person can't do it. It must be a family that can have children!"

"My lord, this, will this be too much!"

"A lot? How can there be a lot?"

While sighing, Zhu Xianhai pointed to the boundless land in front of him and said.

"One thousand mu is a lot, but take a look, is there enough land here?"

"This place really is fertile and wild!"

Qian Deshan, Fang Zhanbo and the hundreds of Chinese workers accompanying him nodded their heads.

Not much, a full [-] square kilometers!
Seventy-six million hectares!
[-] billion mu!
Do the math yourself.

"Let me tell you, this is only a part, there is more land to the north!"

Going north, there is the vaster La Plata Plain!
The La Plata Plain is composed of the Pampas Prairie and the Grand Chaco Plain in the north. Unlike the Pampas Prairie with few trees and mainly grassland, the Grand Chaco Plain has extensive shrubs and tropical grasslands. .The area there is... [-] square kilometers.

That is [-] million hectares of land.

As for how many acres it is equal to, Zhu Xianhai is too lazy to calculate, but one thing is certain is that the extremely important and fertile black land of the La Plata Great Plain is a rare black land in the world, and its area is almost equivalent to the entire China. total cultivated land.

If such fertile land is not cultivated, is it worthy of the gift of the earth?

As for a thousand acres of land, how much?

Not much, this was learned by Zhu Xianhai and Lincoln.

A few years later, in order to win the support of those whites in the war with the southern planters, Lincoln would promulgate the so-called "Homestead Act".

According to the provisions of this Act:
From January 1863, 1, all U.S. citizens who have reached the age of 1, or foreigners who meet the naturalization requirements and apply for U.S. citizenship, can receive no more than 21 dollars for living and farming, free of charge or paying a registration fee of 10 dollars. Acres of western state land as an allotment.After 160 years of cultivation, or those who have lived on the homestead for half a year within 5 years and paid a fee of 5 US dollars per acre, the land received will belong to them.

What are those so-called "state-owned lands"?
It means that Americans can easily swipe on the map and it becomes state-owned. As for the Indians living on it, um, who are they?

Giving Indian land to white voters is an act of sheer generosity.

But once this decree was promulgated, the United States immediately entered an unprecedented era of pioneering. The so-called western pioneers, armed with rifles in one hand and driving a caravan in the other, went to the vast western continent and spent a few dollars to start a farm. host.

As for the Indians who originally lived there?

Either die at gunpoint or be driven to a desolate reservation.

And the United States?

Rise from now on!

The vast land in the west has attracted millions of people. They reclaimed the land, planted crops, and the agricultural products of the United States were sold to all parts of the world through the railroads. Finances are out of a precarious situation.

Such a policy that benefits the country and the people, how could Zhu Xianhai not use it.

160 acres, which is almost a thousand acres.

Is it more than a thousand acres?

A lot, but...Fortunately, the Great Plains of La Plata is big enough, and there is enough land to be handed over to immigrants from China.Fortunately, this place is located at the southernmost tip of the world, the location is remote enough, and I have enough land and time to develop...

However, counting the time, they should come too!This is the first test that Nanhua has to face!
(End of this chapter)

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