Chapter 553 Visitor from the Kingdom of Heaven (First update, please subscribe)
"Really, really burned, really burned..."

Li Jingfang didn't even know how he got out of the movie theater, it was no longer a movie theater, but a movie theater!
Although a movie is only 40 minutes long, even though the movie is silent, even though there are only very simple subtitles, for Li Jingfang who watched the movie for the first time, he was deeply shocked!

What shocked him was not only the moving people and scenes on the movie screen, but also the fact that he saw the destruction of the Palace of Versailles with his own eyes!


The entire Palace of Versailles was razed to the ground in the bombing!

That is the royal palace of the French Empire!

It was blown up just like that!It was blown up by the Daming Floating Force!

"That's the real razing!"

Even with his eyes closed, the appearance of the Palace of Versailles after it was destroyed still appeared in Li Jingfang's mind.

After the rescue of Paris, the photographer accompanying the army deliberately went to the Palace of Versailles to take a lot of pictures. The places where the photographer took pictures have been razed to the ground, and there are dilapidated ruins everywhere.

The once gorgeous Palace of Versailles, the heart of Europe, the paradise of nobles... It no longer exists after a bombing!

What is recorded on the screen?

The remains of a huge palace, from the broken and collapsed walls that have been smoked and charred, we can see how magnificent and majestic it used to be.

But in the end all that is gone!
Great military power, great military power...

On the screen of the movie, when soldiers of Ming Dynasty appeared on the streets of Paris with smiles on their faces, passionate French girls threw themselves into their arms.

Faced with all this, Li Jingfang's mood was complicated, his lips trembled for a while before he spoke.

"This, this can be regarded as a tit for tat!"

Perhaps, not many people in the Qing Dynasty knew that the other palace of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty—the Old Summer Palace was burned by the British and French allied forces, and not many people cared about it, but Li Jingfang still knew it. I'm excited.

With honor!

Nothing more than that!
"Airships—that's science!"

On the way back to school on the tram, when the tram was driving, Li Jingfang knew that this is also the power of science.

"This is the secret to making the country rich and the army strong!"

Finally, after half a year in Nanhua, Li Jingfang finally figured out what is the way to strengthen the country,

Once upon a time, he thought that a rich country and a strong army meant building a factory and training soldiers. Not to mention he thought so, even his father thought so too.

But now after watching this movie, he suddenly understood a truth.A rich country and a strong army do not depend on how many factories are built, nor does it depend on how many soldiers are trained.

But in science!
What is science about?

Of course it is running a school!
As long as schools are set up, then in the future, whether it is building factories or training soldiers.It's all about getting twice the result with half the effort.

If we don't run schools, and we can't run schools well, then we can't run factories and train soldiers!

Li Jingfang, who finally found the secret to "rich the country and strengthen the army", was excited and his face was full of smiles after figuring out the answer compared to when he came here.

It seems that at this moment, Mr. Li saw the future of the Qing Dynasty with a prosperous country and a strong army.I saw the scene of the Qing Dynasty's air fleet soaring in the sky, and of course saw the scene of Jiangning's bandit palace collapsing in the bombing.I saw his father lead the army to defeat Jiangning, and when he was victorious and returned to court, at the peak moment when he was crowned king by the emperor, the one who defeated Jiangning would be crowned king, this is the promise made by Lord Xianfeng!
When Mr. Li was dreaming like this, what he didn't know was that at the other end of the mainland, after nearly two months of sailing, a merchant ship finally arrived at Linhai Port. When slowly sailing into the harbor, a group of people standing at the bow all excitedly pointed at Linhai and talked with each other.

Most of these men are wearing tunics, while women are wearing Confucian skirts and the like, and all of them have their hair tied up in a bun on top of their heads.Just by looking at this outfit, anyone who knows a little about East Asia will know that they are from heaven.

In the past few years, the Kingdom of Heaven has changed from the original long hair with disheveled hair. At that time, they just didn't know how to tie their hair into a bun and put it on the top of their heads. Later, with the beginning of foreign exchanges, especially with North Korea and Japan, Afterwards, the costumes and hairstyles in the kingdom of heaven have been restored to the Ming system, and they are no longer as in the past, and even the costumes are used as official uniforms.

The leader of these people was a middle-aged man, he couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the bright lights of Linhai City, like the stars at night reflecting the harbor into a city that never sleeps.

"I never thought that Linhai could be so prosperous. The lights in this city should be electric lights!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, the entourage standing beside him quickly explained.

"Fu Wang Qiansui, what you said is very true. I heard that in Daming, all cities, both officials and civilians, use electric lights, and only the countryside uses oil lamps."

Fu Wang Qiansui, this middle-aged man wearing a blue collar shirt is Yang Fuqing, whose head is worth ten thousand taels in the Qing Dynasty!
His is not the most expensive, the heads of King Zhong and King Ying are more expensive, as for the head of Heavenly King Hongtian Guifu, of course it is even more expensive.

However, this is Daming, no one would exchange Yang Fuqing's head for money.

Moreover, his assistant king was still visiting Daming as an envoy.And he didn't come here empty-handed—just before their visit, after nearly a year of repairs, the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Tianjing had been renovated, and it didn't look dilapidated like it used to be.He even sent a battalion of soldiers and horses to guard Xiaoling.

In a word, after Emperor Shengde ascended the throne, even the ancestors in the country were honored. Not only the Xiaoling Mausoleum, which had been in disrepair for a long time and was repeatedly invaded by wars, was renovated, even the ancestral mausoleum of Fengyang was also honored. Repair.

Now that the family's ancestral tomb has been repaired, it is necessary to send someone to inform him. So after the advice of the three thousand-year-old King Qian, King Zhong, and King Ying, the Heavenly King sent Yang Fuqing and his party to Daming. There are nearly two hundred carefully selected teenagers who will stay in Daming to study Western culture.

In the Kingdom of Heaven, in fact, the New Deal had already started a few years ago. Although it has not yet seen results, compared to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Qianwang really wanted to reform the law. Although it was still too organized, but As early as seven years ago, a new school had been set up in Tianjing, and smart boys and girls were selected to learn the new school. Even the textbooks were imported directly from Nanhua.

After seven years of hard work and preparation, nearly [-] male and female teenagers passed the exam and came to Daming with Yang Fuqing—they will study abroad here and learn modern science.

When the ship docked at the pier, Yang Fuqing gave instructions to his entourage.

"He Jin, take a look at the bottom cabin. How are those tigers and leopards? This Lord Shengde likes these things the most. Maybe he will agree to our request when he is happy."

The tigers and leopards mentioned by Yang Fuqing are the South China tiger and the South China leopard, because in another time and space, these animals have been extinct in the wild, and in this era of China, these animals are simply... overrun. After all, the long-term war has led to .So a few years ago, after receiving tiger skins and tiger whips with indescribable uses from Li Fugui, Zhu Xianhai started his "animal protection" action - from heaven Import rare animals such as South China tiger and South China leopard.

This naturally creates a false appearance for outsiders that Emperor Zhu likes "rare birds and animals". In fact, how do they know that this is just a real animal protection person, to be precise, a Chinese animal protection person.Just making contributions in obscurity.

"Yes, Lord Chitose, let's go down now, little one!"

When He Jin was about to go down, Yang Fuqing ordered again.

"Especially the dozen or so pieces of "Baiji", you must look after them and tell the port officer that they are a great gift from our heavenly kingdom to Lord Shengde! But you must be careful! It's not easy to transport those things here. what!"

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(End of this chapter)

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