Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 559 Los Angeles Massacre

Chapter 559 Los Angeles Massacre ([-]rd update, please subscribe)

Torches were burning on the streets one by one. Thousands of men and women, shouting frantically, rushed into Chinatown and dragged all the Chinese out. Crazy people on the streets hanged themselves on the gallows in the city center. sling.

The Chinese who were kicked out and looted all knelt on the ground in horror and begged, hoping that these people would show mercy.

But their prayers and kneeling are meaningless at all. These crazy white people don't care about all of this at all. They directly drag the Chinese with their hands tied to the gallows.

"Hang them, hang the damned Chinaman!"

A white woman yelled frantically, and she even put a noose on the begging Chinese herself.

Amid the frantic shouts, five Chinese were hanged, and for a while, the square was full of cheers.

Later, six more Chinese were dragged up. Their cries did not bring any mercy. A white child even ran over and asked for the execution.

This is how it plays out here.

"Tom, I'm Gene, I'm Gene..."

When being dragged to the gallows, Dr. Tong Jien saw a white man, the white restaurant owner he had treated, and he immediately yelled.

"I'm Jean, help me, I have gold and a diamond ring, please, help me..."

Then Tong Jien told the white people again.Many of those white people are his past patients, and they usually respect him, but what about now?
They wanted to kill him like crazy.

"I beg you, please let me go. I will give you all the gold and the diamond ring, but let me go. These belong to you."

However, before he finished speaking, the white man he had rescued walked over directly, slapped him down to the ground, and then put the barrel of a gun against his mouth and said.

"Damn it, Tong, the gold is there, take it out!"

For him, nothing is more important than gold.What savior?
None of it matters.

"Please, Tom, I've cured you, let me go, just let me go... Ah!"

Suddenly, Tong Jien cried out in pain, and Tom cut off his finger with a knife.

"Where's the damn gold? Tell me! Where did you hide the gold?"

"Mmm...please, Tom, we're friends..."

"Friend, damn it, who's the friend of the Chinaman!"

Tom shoved the barrel of the gun down his throat, and then pulled the trigger directly. When the gunshot sounded, Doctor Tong stopped struggling, until his eyes were full of puzzlement when he died,
Why would Tom kill him?
They are obviously friends!
"Bah! You bloody Chinaman!"

Tom spat viciously.Then he and several other white men directly snatched the gold and diamond ring from him.

The massacre continued, and just as the crazy mob dragged another row of Chinese to the gallows, and with the shouts of "Hang them", when they pulled down the mechanism, Los Angeles Chief Justice James Byrne led a dozen of his subordinates He came running on a horse, and he shot while riding.

"Damn it, stop it, stop it!"

The arrival of the sheriff prevented the ensuing massacre, and then he looked at the more than one hundred Chinese who were tied up and the corpses on the ground, and shouted loudly.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on here?"

Although the massacre was stopped, James Byrne did not arrest a single person. In his opinion, it was enough to stop the massacre from continuing.

After all, he had ordered the police to stand at the intersection of Chinatown to protect the survivors.This is already the best of benevolence.

When the 154 Chinese who survived returned to Chinatown, it was already a mess. All the shops were smashed and looted, and even the ground was stained red with blood.

While the people who survived the robbery were howling and crying, the white people who participated in the robbery and massacre, including Beardland, Billy and others, went to the bar to drink and celebrate. While drinking, they boasted that they had killed several "Chinese guy".A blood-stained thug showed off proudly:
"God can testify, I killed 3 Chinese guys!"

When his shout fell, the bar was full of cheers.But in the corner of the bar, Beardland counted the money greedily, and distributed several stacks of thick banknotes to his friends, talking while distributing the money.

"These Chinese are really rich!"

"Yeah, damn it, we'd be able to grab more money without Bourne..."

"Hey, friends, Bourne should stop these, at least he didn't arrest our people!"

In the early morning of the next day, the "Chinatown Massacre" was directly published in the "Los Angeles News" newspaper. Soon, the massacre attracted the attention of the American media, and even the Chicago Fire that occurred at the same time was removed from the front page of the "New York Times". The position of the headline was squeezed down.Americans on the East Coast, as well as some politicians, condemned the atrocity.

On October 10, that is, at noon the next day after the incident, the news reached the Beihai Governor's Mansion via a telegram from a Chinese businessman in San Francisco. When he heard the news, Liang Baitao was stunned, and he even asked repeatedly.

"is that true?"


"Is the news confirmed?"

"Yes, we've confirmed it!"

"Those damned white-skinned pigs killed how many of us!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Liang Baitao roared.

"20 people, 18 of whom were kidnapped and killed by thugs, there are only 172 Chinese in Los Angeles Chinatown!"

"What's he!"

The angry Liang Baitao roared.

"Quick, mobilize our army immediately!"

"Mobilize the army? Sir, what is this for?"

"Go to the border and seek justice for our people!"

While shouting, Liang Baitao took down the pistol and saber from the hanger. He is both the governor and an officer.

"But, sir, Your Majesty's side..."

"Send a telegram to His Majesty!"

Liang Baitao let out a deep drink.

"Tell Your Majesty what happened there! Damn Yankees, do they really think we are soft persimmons and won't have any reaction?"

When Liang Baitao mobilized the Beihai garrison, only a few hours later, an encrypted telegram was sent to Yingtian through the telegraph line. When receiving Liang Baitao's telegram, Zuo Zongtang immediately roared.

"Yanke, you are too deceitful, do you really think that I have no son?"

Immediately afterwards, he walked out of the office, where several officials were standing outside the office, and they also knew about the massacre in Los Angeles.

"Gentlemen, since this is the end, let's work together!"

The reason why Zuo Zongtang said these words was because he knew very well how His Majesty would react after knowing this.

"Will there really be a war?"

On the way to the palace, Hubu Shangshu Wang Youling asked worriedly.

"Hey, Your Majesty said - I am also a member of China, and the people of China, whether they come from the Qing Dynasty or from the Ming Dynasty, are the people of China. If this is the case, I, the Ming Dynasty, must protect them. After all... "

Looking out the car window, Zuo Zongtang pursed his lips.

"My Ming Dynasty is China's orthodox, otherwise I would not be able to reassure the people!"

His words made Wang Youling's heart sink, and it took him a long time to speak.

"In this case, then I will find a way to raise military expenses!"

 The event was real, but it was also forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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