Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 564 Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 564 Barbarism and Civilization (Third Update, please subscribe)
White people who believe in Jesus Christ are civilized!
The rest are heretics, barbarians!
Who can justify such an outrageous rule?


But just pull it down!

This world has always been based on strength. If you want to reason with others, you must first have the capital to reason, otherwise who will reason with you?

Zhu Xianhai has a thorough understanding of this kind of rules!

Not to mention now, even in the 21st century, the so-called international relations still come first.

No strength?

No farting.International relations are so realistic most of the time.On the surface, it seems that big and small countries are equal, but in reality?

Even a small country can be bullied.

"The "rules of the civilized world" formulated by the Europeans are essentially the same as the debate between Hua and Barbarians. There is not much difference. It is the superiority of the dominant civilization over the inferior civilization."

After taking a sip of the cigar and blowing out the smoke, Zhu Xianhai's expression became solemn.

"The so-called "civilization" is essentially talking about strength. The debate between Hua and Barbarians talks about the Spring and Autumn Period, feasible swords and arrows, and a civilized country. It talks about civilization and bright guns. To put it bluntly, whose fist is bigger, Whoever speaks counts."

Whether it is the debate between Huayi or barbarians, it doesn't matter whether it is a civilized country.

To put it bluntly, it’s a whole set of theories, and the purpose of providing convenience for one’s own expansion is to find a suitable excuse and reason for oneself to bully others.At this point, everyone is just laughing at each other, and it's just each other.

"Mexico, in the context of Europeans, isn't it a civilized country? But how did the "pastry war" start? When the French bombarded Mexico, they didn't consider that they were a member of a civilized country."

The "Pastry War" is "the first French invasion of Mexico", a war that took place in Mexico between 1838 and 1839.The war started in 1832. The pastry shop operated by French baker Raymond in Takubaia was destroyed by Bingxian. He could not claim compensation from the new government, so he returned to China for help, which led France to declare war on Mexico under this pretext.

"There is also Buenos Aires. Didn't the British fleet protect the people here? Civilized countries... At that time, they didn't think about what kind of civilized countries these countries were. They never relented when it was time to do something. Pass."

Not without ironic smile, Zhu Xianhai looked at the thoughtful Zhu Guozhong and said.

"In the final analysis, it is a dialogue between civilized people, and it is also recommended in terms of strength. Your strength is not good, and no one will listen to your words. Your fist is hard! No matter who it is, your voice will be respected!"

Good people are bullied, and weak countries are invaded.

Good people do not bully the sky, and evil people do not fear the sky.This is true in interpersonal communication, and it is also true in the communication between countries.

From ancient times to the present, from the middle to the outside, this is the same principle that has never changed, and there will be no change, because human nature is like this.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the relationship between countries is like that."

As if he had figured something out, Zhu Guozhong smiled.

"Strength, so-called "civilized" or "barbaric", in the final analysis depends on strength. With strength, a barbarian can squeeze into the ranks of civilized people, just like..."

In this era, there seems to be only one Ming Dynasty who can be used as an example, but I, Ming Dynasty, never consider myself a barbarian.

Well, another world, Japan is the most obvious example.After defeating Russia, didn't Japan squeeze herself from a barbarian into a civilized country?

The so-called civilization is actually strength in the final analysis!
"In the eyes of Europeans, I am Ming, but they are not used to it yet, but in a few decades, they will continue to get used to it!"

In a few decades, when China rises in an all-round way, even if they are not used to it, they will have to face the rise of Chinese civilization again.At that time, civilization will no longer be determined by them.

Regarding the arrival of that day, Zhu Xianhai firmly believed in it. After all, there were already two groups of foreign students from Huaxia on Daming's side.Although they are in the hostile camp, they are bound to make due contributions to China's rise in different positions.

"Guozhong, what have Yang Fuqing and the others been up to lately?"

Yang Fuqing, the auxiliary king of the kingdom of heaven, although there are more than a thousand princes of the kingdom of heaven, there is only one who may lead a mission to visit Daming.

As the special envoy of the Kingdom of Heaven, Yang Fuqing has been waiting for the imperial edict from Emperor Shengde of the Ming Dynasty after sending 187 international students to study in the preparatory school.

Foreign envoys always have to wait.However, as a special envoy, Yang Fuqing was not idle. Although the emperor's edict had not yet set a date, he still started his tour.Born in the army, the first stop he visited was of course the famous "Nanhua Arsenal".

Since ten years ago, the first batch of "Made in Nanhua" entered Tianguo through smuggling, and Tianguo has become a die-hard fan of "Made in Nanhua".When purchasing weapons in Heaven, I have always favored various types of rifles and Krupp breech-loading guns produced by Nanhua Arsenal.

On the shooting range of Nanhua Armory, clear gunshots echoed continuously. When the test shooter was shooting, Li Chenqin, the factory manager who accompanied Yang Fuqing, picked up a rifle and introduced it.

"My lord, although the Type 71 rifle you see now is different from the Type 70 rifle, it also uses a rotating rear-pull bolt action, and the bullets it fires are also Type 70 7.5mm bullets. It uses an integral bullet. The magazine can be loaded through the 5-round bridge clip. This rifle is specially designed by us. Its structure is relatively simple. %, although its action is not as smooth as that of the Type 70, it is cheap, simple, reliable, meets the actual needs of the army, and is very accurate."

Like all businessmen, when facing customers, especially big customers, Li Chenqin's expression and tone are respectful. There is no way, Party A's father is the biggest, and Tianguo is an important customer of Nanhua.

The rifle he is introducing is another project of the Nanhua Armory. Although the Type 70 rifle is very good, considering that the production equipment of the Type 67 rifle has only been in use for a few years, in order to recover the investment and spend money on arms, The design room of the arsenal designed a new type of rifle based on the Type 67 rifle—in fact, it added a fixed magazine and changed it to a 7.5mm caliber. Compared with the Type 70 rifle, its advantages are also very obvious—cheap , simple, and reliable, now that a big customer is coming, Li Chenqin, the factory manager, will naturally act as a salesman himself.

"But your army uses Type 70 rifles!"

Yang Fuqing said directly.

"Since we want to buy a gun, we must first consider importing the 70-style rifle. That gun is good, with ten rounds of magazines, and it fires fast! It's no worse than a seven-ring serial gun!"

How did the Kingdom of Heaven fail to defeat the demons?Isn't it relying on the powerful firepower of the seven-ring serial gun!

"My lord, there is only a small difference in the speed of fire, the key is that it is easy to produce!"

Picking up the rifle from the table, Li Chenqin stuffed a clip of bullets in and said.

"Compared to Type 70 rifles, the technological level of the arsenal in Heaven is more suitable for the production of Type 71 rifles. Believe me, this is definitely the most suitable weapon for Heaven. With only 115 million taels, you can not only get an annual output of 5 rifles and The production equipment of the corresponding ammunition, and we will also transfer all the drawings and send technical personnel to guide your production."

Now that Ming has already passed the initial stage of only selling weapons, the transfer of technology seems to sell a lot of weapons, but correspondingly, they need to buy a lot of machinery and equipment in order to produce weapons. This is the real big deal. Besides, The firearm bureaus in Tianjing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou have already begun imitating Spencer rifles.

Therefore, regardless of whether Daming transfers the production patents and corresponding technologies, they will imitate them. As for the patent money...there is no door. Also came back.

Seeing that Yang Fuqing seemed to be still hesitating, Li Chenqin pointed to several Western military officers not far away and said.

"My lord, look at those guys over there are Russians. They are also testing this kind of rifle. I can guarantee that we will sign a contract with Russia soon and transfer the technology of the Type 71 rifle to them,"

That's a big country!

Yang Fuqing looked at those foreign brothers in surprise, and said in surprise.

"You mean the Russians buy guns from us too, guns?"

(End of this chapter)

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