Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 578 England's wishful thinking

Chapter 578 England's wishful thinking (second update, please subscribe)
The external environment of the United States is so good that people are really envious and jealous!

Even Daming, who is also a New World country, can't compare!

People's geography is so good that they don't keep the army and focus on developing the economy. In this regard, Ming Dynasty can't match it anyway. After all, in this world of tigers and wolves, if the Chinese people want to rise, they must have a strong military force!
Emperor Zhu still had this bit of historical common sense.This is also the reason why he has devoted himself to the development of military power in the past ten years. After all, the lessons of that simulation are too profound.

Even now, the reason why Da Ming can survive now is because of his strength!

But in contrast, the United States is different. They have no external threats at all.

It is precisely because of this that the United States has become the preferred destination for European capital-there is no threat of war!

Standing by the lake, looking at the vast lake, Zhu Xianhai said calmly.

"Left Prime Minister, what I look at is never the present, but the future. If there is no ten-year plan for the country, the country's fortune will decline...Although Britain and France have vast colonies, in the vast colonial empire, they rely on tens of millions. It is impossible for people to rule hundreds of millions of alien races, and these people will be of one mind and one mind with them. The future world will inevitably be a two-power struggle between Ming Dynasty and the United States. Therefore, in my lifetime, the development potential of the United States must be contained. Only In this way, the future world will be the world of our Ming Empire!"

Zhu Xianhai's tone was very calm, but his words were very domineering!

Is this aimed at dominating the world?

That's right!

It is to dominate the world!

Zuo Zongtang couldn't help being shocked.

Surprised, he took everything for granted, why His Majesty's deployment in the Pacific Ocean, North America, and Africa these years seems to be too big, even beyond the scope of Daming's strength.

But this is Daming's long-term plan!
This is more than a country's ten-year plan!
It is simply a century-old plan!

This kind of scheming, from ancient times to the present, has there been any sages and sages?
Seek a century of national fortune!
Seeing His Majesty's confident appearance, Zuo Zongtang couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

No matter how good the wishful thinking is, there are times when things go wrong!

Let's take the United States as an example. Now they have already started to prepare for war and start an arms race with Ming Dynasty!


Suddenly, Zuo Zongtang said as if suddenly enlightened.

"Your Majesty wants to drag down the United States with an arms race?"

Use the arms race to drag down the United States!
It seems that at this moment, Zuo Zongtang understood His Majesty's thoughts, but another question emerged in his heart.

Isn't Your Majesty afraid of bringing Daming down?

The arms race is a double-edged sword!
As if His Majesty saw through his thoughts, Zuo Zongtang heard His Majesty say,

"The arms race may hold back the pace of development of the United States, but it is also possible to promote their development. However, on the whole, this race is beneficial to Ming Dynasty. After all, no matter what, We all have to develop powerful armaments to maintain our own security, so we cannot stay out of this arms race anyway! And now? When we played our cards, the United States, they followed suit!"

When the United States followed suit, it would be impossible for them to settle down and develop the economy as they did in history!
"Moreover, we will not take detours in this process!"

No detours!
In the competition between countries, overtaking on curves is one of the success factors for the rapid rise of backward countries, but why do some countries lag behind?Isn't it because of a detour.

Why did Zhu Xianhai use airships to distort the technology trees of European and American countries?Isn't it just to lead them on a detour!

The technology tree of the airship is curved, but what about the battleship?

Of course, it can also be curved. The key to whether a battleship is curved or not depends on the development of Ming Dynasty's aviation technology.When the time is right, it is natural to take advantage of the contradictions and conflicts of interests among European countries to fight a world war and destroy the so-called "British rule of the world".

Eagles give birth to all things. If the British Empire is finished, let alone eating a piece of meat from Britain, even the dregs that fall will be fat!

Everyone can make wishful thinking, just when Emperor Zhu planned to use the arms race to slow down the development speed of the United States, wipe out the potential opponent of the United States in the bud, and finally fight a world war to make the Ming Empire succeed in becoming the world's hegemon when.The current world overlord, the British Empire, is also planning its own wishful thinking.

11 Downing Street.

As Prime Minister, William Ewart Gladstone has unprecedented power. After all, Queen Victoria has hardly been involved in political affairs since she became a widow, and Crown Prince Edward was also prohibited from intervening in government affairs.

Ever since, Gladstone became the actual ruler of the British Empire.

"Everything is exactly as we planned!"

Foreign Secretary Glanville held his cigar proudly, took a puff first, and then exhaled the smoke. When the smoke dissipated, he laughed.

"The Americans plan to invest 5 million U.S. dollars in the next five years to expand the navy. Mr. Prime Minister, the shelling of Los Angeles has seriously hurt the national pride of the Americans. Mingmei's confrontation can no longer be stopped!"

"America, is there a nation?"

Gladstone, the actual helm of the British Empire, said in a slightly mocking tone.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that the Americans have now joined the game, in which we are no longer alone! And..."

Granville took a puff of his cigar, and then said with the cigar between his fingers.

"As we all know, the United States has no experience in building ironclad warships. They want to confront Ming Dynasty and expand their armaments at sea. Purchasing warships from abroad is undoubtedly the safest choice. Is there a better choice than Britain?"

"Exporting warships to the United States? This seems to be a good choice!"

Think about it, Gladstone said.

"The United States is different from other countries. They definitely don't just buy warships. They prefer to build their own warships. Can we persuade them to buy warships from Britain?"

"Of course, we can transfer technology to them and let them build warships locally."

Granville said with a smile.

"For British companies, this is a big deal. Americans can't build ironclad ships with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons if they don't improve their shipyards, steel factories, and gun factories. If the Americans want to use our technology to build ironclad ships, it must be We need our companies to help them upgrade and improve these factories, so that the profits of those companies will naturally be extremely considerable."

Despite being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Gladstone smiled immediately after hearing what Granville said:
"Haha, this is indeed a big deal!"

As the prime minister, of course he also has some business friends.Some of those friends own shipyards, and they must be more than happy to be a part of the business.

Of course, for the UK, this business is beneficial and harmless. Not only can British companies benefit from it, but the US will also enter into a brand-new confrontation with Ming Dynasty.

Both of them will scramble to build or buy new types of ironclad ships, and such confrontation is exactly what Britain needs.

With the confrontation between the United States and the Ming Empire, Britain can free up its hands to continue to pay attention to France.Pay attention to the situation in continental Europe and prevent France from becoming bigger.

What Britain needs is just to sell warships to the Americans and make a little money by the way.

"Okay, let's do this, generate electricity for Washington... Let him be sure to lobby the United States to purchase warships from the United Kingdom. To achieve this goal, we can transfer the technology of our warships to them, and help them upgrade their shipyards, Steel mills and gun factories, if need be, can also provide loans to their enterprises."

Loans to Americans... so British banks can make more money.This matter is simply a win for the UK...

(End of this chapter)

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