Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 584 Japan is a place since ancient times

Chapter 584 Japan is a place since ancient times (fourth update, please subscribe)
Daming is so strong!

For Ito Hirobumi and others, from the day they entered Daming, they were in an unprecedented shock.

All the way across the Pacific Ocean, on the day they arrived in the New World, they learned that the country of the United States was also the main sufferer of Japan, and that the country of Japan was blasted open by the United States back then.

The country of rice was bombarded by Daming!

Bombed the United States, took the Americans!

Then the United States shamefully admitted it!

Since then, Daming has made a powerful impression on them.

After arriving in Daming, the shock they felt was even more indescribable.

From Linhai to Nanhua, what they saw was not only the vast land of Ming Dynasty, but also the staggeringly powerful industry of Ming Dynasty.In the tens of miles of industrial area in Nanyuan, there are towering chimneys everywhere, and the endless factory buildings are full of roaring machines. Even at night, the factory is illuminated by electric lights like daytime.

What kind of grotesque world is there? It is clearly... a scientifically advanced industrial power.

On the wasteland in the south of Nanhua, they witnessed military exercises again. Tens of thousands of troops were conducting military exercises on the vast land of the Patagonian plateau. Heavy artillery roared and infantry advanced. Everything was razed to the ground.

All this belongs to Daming!


That word sounds far enough away!

When they heard about Daming for the first time, it was still called "Nanhua", and they were stunned for a long time.If it weren't for learning from Westerners that "Nanhua" is a "Xiaoqiang" in South America, they would probably have fought against Ming Dynasty in Ryukyu.

However, fortunately, they did not act recklessly at that time—there was no way, the lesson that they would suffer as long as they acted recklessly in the past ten years since the founding of the country was too profound.

The Satsuma clan did something reckless, but what happened?
The ship was destroyed!

So the "South Japan Friendship and Trade Treaty" was also signed.Looking at it now, how wise it was to admit "counseling" at the beginning!

Meiji is really wise!
Now, finally arrived at Yingtian!
Fortunately, Yingtian City did not exceed the cognition of Ito Hirobumi and others - this is a western city!
"This is the Western charm!"

Sitting in the BMW car provided by the Ming government, Ito Hirobumi and others finally found some imaginary "Western scenery".

But at this moment, Obo Kulimichi said from the side.

"Yo Xi, I only thought that Nanyuan and Nanhua were the symbols of the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty. From today's perspective, Ying Tian is a symbol of the prosperity of the Ming Empire!"

"Why is this?"

"Ito-kun, look out of this window, it is full of Western charm, and there are many Western people on the street. Who would have thought that a few years ago, this was the capital of Argentina and the people of Argentina, but today, this is the capital of Ming Dynasty. The Argentines are just a group of subjugated people, Ming Dynasty is so powerful! This city is too!"

All of a sudden, the car was full of voices of approval, what "Western charm" is clearly the imprint of a loser!
Finally, the convoy of the Japanese mission arrived at the palace—this palace is Western-style, and of course it is... well, a proof of Minghe's military power, because it was once the presidential palace of Argentina.

Finally seeing His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, do I need to kowtow and bow nine times?

Just when Iwakura Gushi and others were thinking about the etiquette, they saw the Ming Emperor in military uniform sitting on a chair with a smile on his face.

Iwakura Gushi and others hurried up, bowing ninety degrees in the Japanese style.

"His Majesty the Ming Emperor is safe!"

In fact, for a moment, he wanted to kneel down, but he changed his mind immediately after seeing the white navy uniform on Emperor Daming.

Emperor Zhu nodded and said with a smile:

"You don't need to see the outside world. Tomorrow, the emperor and his ministers will meet again after more than two hundred years. Why do you have to be so divided? Although I revived Ming Dynasty in America, it is also China's orthodox. Japan, Korea, and Vietnam are all vassals of Ming Dynasty! You just need to do it All you need is a courtier's gift!"

Hearing this, the hearts of Iwakura Gushi, Ito Hirobumi, Obo Kutotsu, and others all trembled. Kido Takayoshi, one of the three masters of the Restoration, had a somewhat impulsive personality, and immediately said loudly:

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is surprised by what he said. When did Japan become a vassal of the Ming Dynasty? We are all subjects of the Japanese Empire. Why do we bow to the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Could it be that the Japanese deceived me that the Ming Dynasty's national power declined back then, and that it would be impossible to repent and become a vassal in the future?"

Emperor Zhu's face became serious, and his majesty without anger approached everyone.

Emperor Zhu is very tall!

Daming is strong!

The invisible pressure made Kido Takayun's heart tense, but he still said.

"Japan has never surrendered to Ming Dynasty? How can there be any repentance?"

In fact, Emperor Zhu was actually fearless when it came to things in name such as vassal vassals, but this was related to the future Ming Dynasty's "legal rule" over Japan.

"Muqing's words are wrong. More than two hundred years ago, Emperor Shenzong enshrined Japan as a vassal state. At that time, Japan presented itself as a vassal. Hideyoshi has also accepted my conferment from the Ming Dynasty, and accepted the Ming crown, court clothes, and gold from the Ming Dynasty. Even the Tokugawa family wanted to pay tribute to the three treasures in the name of the vassals of the Ming Dynasty, why, don’t you recognize the old master once the curtain falls here?”

Everyone was dumbfounded, not to mention other people, even Ito Hirobumi was also dumbfounded, and hurriedly argued:
"Your Majesty, there must be a misunderstanding on this matter. Japan has only respected the emperor for thousands of years. Even the shogunate is only a minister of the emperor. Since it is a minister of the emperor, how can it be said that it is a minister of the emperor?"

"Hmph, the letter of credence and gold seal are all there, do you want to go back on your word?"

With a cold snort, Emperor Zhu said,

"Forget it, my monarch and ministers have been dishonest for more than two hundred years, but I still miss the old feelings, and I don't want to pursue your crimes. After you return to Japan, it will not be too late to ask the big names and the Tokugawa family for proof!"

In fact, Iwakura Gushi and Obo Kutotsu's ignorance is not pretending-they don't know about it at all!

Unlike Lee's North Korea, which said "it is the greatest honor to be the dog of Ming Dynasty", Japan has never really been a minister.

It's not to say that the Japanese don't have the heart to be a vassal, the most important thing is that they are separated by the sea.

The emperor of Shan Gao is far from it?
However, it doesn’t mean that the Japanese didn’t claim to be ministers. The Muromachi shogunate did profess to be ministers to Emperor Jiajing back then, but in fact this was just a trick of the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.This guy professed his vassal to Daming in the name of the king of Japan and asked for canonization.Its purpose is nothing more than to defraud the tribute trade.

Of course, this matter is definitely not as good as Daming's canonization of Toyotomi Hideyoshi as the "King of Japan". Back then, Toyotomi Hideyoshi put on the prince's robes in Daming in front of daimyo from all over the world, received the golden seal, and was granted the title , five bows, three bows, and Shan Huli.

Why can't this matter be washed away? Did all the daimyos in Japan watch it at that time?After the Tokugawa family seized the world, they even gave Daming a letter of credence with a gold seal.

But it doesn't matter whether they recognize it or not, as long as they have this historical background, things will be easy to handle.

The Japanese themselves have "physical evidence". In this regard, Japan is much more upright than Smecta, the largest country in the universe. Even in the 21st century, they still show the golden seal to the world openly.

As for whether the Japanese will recognize Toyotomi Hideyoshi's minister in the future.This is of course out of their choice.

In this world, fists are used to speak. As long as the strength is sufficient, Japan must be "since ancient times"!

(End of this chapter)

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