Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 586 Paraguay belongs to Ming Dynasty too

Chapter 586 Paraguay also belongs to Daming (Second update, please subscribe)
Ascension, as the capital of Paraguay, the city has undergone ups and downs compared to when the war just ended a few years ago.

It not only restores the prosperity of the past, but even more prosperous than before.

And now?

In less than two years, the city destroyed by the war has been fully restored - soldiers and businessmen from Nanhua poured into the city, they lived, worked and settled here, and their arrival made the city It quickly returned to its former prosperity.

In the city, there are not only more modern facilities such as railways and electric lights, but also a series of factories such as textile factories and garment factories. Before the war, Paraguay even needed to import paper, but now it has more than [-] factories. The factory, of course, all of this comes from Daming's investment.

The city has become more prosperous than before the war!

In fact, for Paraguayans, if there are no Brazilians, now is undoubtedly the most perfect era.

Far more prosperous than the era of Lopez and his sons.Even the population recovered quickly - the war killed 20-30 people, a death rate of over 50%.At the end of the war, there were 22.1 people in Paraguay, the vast majority of whom were women and girls, and less than 30% of adult men and boys.

At the end of 1871, the population of Paraguay had returned to the pre-war level - 50 people. In the past two years, more than 14 Ming soldiers and immigrants settled here. Prevent them from falling in love with local women, getting married, and having children.

Although the bloody war claimed the lives of almost all adult men in Paraguay, and the traditional elites of society were completely destroyed in this war, the arrival of the soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty changed everything.

In just two years, a new elite class replaced the traditional elite class and became the dominant force in this land.

In the early morning, as usual, the silence of the city was broken before dawn.

Today, Liya didn't toss and turn on the bed as usual. When the sun shone through the window screen, she got up from the bed, walked to the window, and looked out through the window. The flower pond in front of the door was in full bloom. beautiful roses.It was the same in her home, and it was the same in the neighbors' homes. They planted not only roses, but also various other flowers, and some came from far away China. After all, those flowers were the flowers of the host's hometown.

Although Leah lost her father, brother, and nephew in the war, life must go on, and women can always adapt to life tenaciously.The Martinez family used to be a well-known family in Asunción, and her father was a judge, but now, only her and her mother are left. As for the sister-in-law, she married Xu Hao last year, a businessman from Daming, and she is a gentle and gentle gentleman. More men than merchants, now they have a child.

"Will he come today?"

Standing at the window and looking out, Ya couldn't help but think of him, the young man she invited at the ball, he was a government official—because there are more and more Ming immigrants, there are many Ming officials in the Paraguayan government, even Even in the parliament, there are more than half members of Ming descent.

After they met, he would always find time to visit her and ask her out.

Paraguay's failure may have been a disaster for Leah, but it was also because of this that she was able to get to know that young man.

And through these days of contact, Liya found that the man was a real gentleman, who would blush, shy, shy but not direct, she could feel the love and longing in his eyes, all this made She is so excited.


Walk out the door, push the door open and look into the bedroom.Mother Sylvanna saw Leah standing by the window in a beautiful dress and said,
"Are you waiting for Yuan Tianxi? He is indeed a handsome man! Besides, he is a government official and may become a member of parliament in the future. Who knows? You should have a good life if you marry him."

"Mom, I know, but I don't want to marry him because he's an official, but..."

Leah, who came from a famous family, said while denying it.

"But I don't deny that this is also a reason. After all, this is the only chance to restore the Martinez family's former reputation!"

When talking, Leah herself was a little doubtful, is this what she really thinks in her heart, if he is not an official, would she still marry him?
Of should be!
"Leah, no matter what, the prerequisite for marrying him is that you must love him."

Seeing her daughter immersed in love, Xi Fanna had a smile on her face, and she was also full of envy for her daughter in her heart, after all, she already had her lover.

But what about yourself?
With a sigh, Sylvanna felt a little lost.While feeling lost, she said again.

"I'll let the kitchen prepare lunch later, he should be here soon!"

In the end, they were destined to be disappointed. Yuan Tianxi did not come over this weekend as usual. He was in the ballroom of the Mingba Friendship Association like many people. Today, almost all the wealthy businessmen and politicians of the Ming people in Paraguay gathered here. In fact, if you pay attention, you will definitely find that these people are all members of the "Merger Club", but today there are not only local members of Asunción, but also members from other parts of Paraguay.

Surrounded by the crowd, Li Yunhao, the Ming ambassador to Nanhua, held a wine glass in his hand, which was not wine, nor whiskey or brandy.

But white wine.

The fragrance of the wine can be smelled immediately. It is the famous "Victory Wine". Its price is not high, but it is welcomed by all walks of life in Ming Dynasty, because it has accompanied Ming Dynasty to one victory after another.

In fact, every immigrant from China drank "Victory Wine". In the immigration education camp, this was the only kind of Ming wine they drank. Later, they also drank this kind of wine.

This wine has left an extremely deep impression on everyone's hearts, rich and poor alike have a special liking for him.

Despite its cheap price, it is still the wine of choice for important occasions.This has nothing to do with the price but a very special feeling.

"Today is a good day!"


"Just three hours ago, the empire finally approved your request - if Paraguay makes the request and passes the referendum, the Ming Empire will allow Paraguay to merge into the Ming Empire! Become a member of the empire!"

Why do we have to go around this bend?
Because my Ming Dynasty is a civilized country.Even if Paraguay is to be annexed, it is the request of the Paraguayans themselves.My Ming Dynasty will definitely not force others to do things against me, just like the annexation of Chile, which was also requested by local officials and congressmen on their own initiative.

As soon as Li Yunhao's words fell, there was a burst of cheers all around. Amidst the cheers of everyone, Yuan Tianxi was also excited.

He was admitted to the civil service and never thought that he would be sent to Paraguay one day.He has gained a lot in this country, not only a promotion, but even love.

But none of that matters now.

There is nothing more important than this matter right now.

What is more exciting than witnessing and experiencing history?
(End of this chapter)

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