Chapter 590 The World's Largest Landlord
In fact, for the Japanese mission, although there were some changes due to old events when they first met the Emperor of Heaven, on the whole, everything went smoothly.

Even when the Japanese mission proposed to revise the friendship and trade treaty signed with Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu said with a smile.

"Since Japan is a vassal of our Ming Dynasty, this treaty of friendship and commerce should be renegotiated. If Japan wants to revise the treaty with other countries, Ming Dynasty should also give corresponding help."

The words are beautiful, but this Iwakura and others dare not ask Daming for help at all, why?

What they are helping is the Japan that belongs to the Ming Dynasty. As for the "Great Japanese Empire", well, it does not exist.At first they thought they could ask Da Ming for help, but now that they discovered Da Ming's "ambition", they naturally didn't dare to ask Da Ming for help.

Drive wolf?

Maybe I will become the meat in other people's mouths!Just like Paraguay.Didn't Daming help them in various ways back then?

But what did they help in the end?
It was the country that was annexed.And it's voluntary.How could there be such a willingness in this world?
Although this discovery made Iwakura and others extremely frustrated, they had to admit that they had gained a lot from Daming's side. For example, Daming agreed to accept foreign students—giving them the same treatment as Daming students— —Tuition is waived as long as you pass the high school aptitude test and college entrance test!

For this, Obo Kutomichi and Ito Hirobumi all excitedly shouted long live!After all, in the past, what they were most worried about was that the cost of studying abroad was too high, and Japan could not afford it!

"Da Ming really deserves to be a great dynasty!"

At this moment, they seem to have seen the scene of thousands of Japanese youths entering Daming University to study. A rich country and a strong army are just around the corner!
Even if Ming Dynasty only gave [-] places every year, but for Japan, that's not a lot!
After all, Japan is a small country!Just like this time, the bucket group came together, not only them, but also 50 foreign students. 50 people, this is the limit that Japan's financial resources can afford.

Now there are 300 more international students all of a sudden, and it is almost free.How could they be unhappy?
"Although Daming was established in a foreign land, its bearing is not inferior to the old days!"

While sighing, Iwakura took a special look at the exquisite box.

"Well, the national gift from His Majesty Emperor Ito must be sent back to Japan as soon as possible, and given to His Majesty the Emperor."

Reunited with the old vassals, Emperor Zhu was very happy. Although the Japanese forgot the old lord, the emperor did not forget the old ministers, so he gave Meiji some gifts directly, which were basically special products of Ming Dynasty—— For industrial products such as cameras, of course, there is an exquisite "Hwaseong watch". It was given to the French emperor, queen and prince as a national gift, and now it is also given to the emperor. This is simply... ...A symbol of identity and status!

"In addition, we need to carefully verify what the Emperor of Ming said. If Toyotomi really accepts the canonization of Ming, then it will be over..."

Actually, it's not just Daming that's over.

And North Korea, Vietnam... well, Ryukyu is over!
"Yes, Da Ming is in my Japan, that is also ambitious!"

While Ito Hirobumi sighed, another thought popped up in his heart-isn't that what a powerful country is like!
Let alone a powerful country, even Japan now is clamoring for "conquering Korea".

"Since this is the case, then we need to investigate this place carefully!"

With such thoughts in mind, the Yancang mission group began to investigate other areas of Daming. After visiting the large industrial cities like Nanyuan and Nanhua, they naturally wanted to visit small towns. Considering the train along the way, all you see along the way is quite affluent small towns and towns. Many of those small towns are farm stations. The farms on the Nanhua Prairie belong to the government, and each farm occupies no less than ten Tens of thousands of acres, there are no farmers on the farm, only farm workers.

Wagons laden with produce can often be seen on the roads between farms.The workers' houses on the farm also looked very beautiful. In the eyes of Iwakura and others, even ordinary Japanese landowners may not be able to live in such a beautiful mansion.

Ito Hirobumi asked in this farm where the golden wheat field covered with wheat spreads all the way to the horizon. "Mr. Liang, according to your previous introduction, the workers here get paid every month, right?"

"Yes, farm workers are paid wages, farm income is accounted for and profits go to the treasury."

Liang Youdao introduced while walking.

"Last year, the total output value of our farms was 42.57 yuan, and 12 yuan was handed over to the state treasury. This level is a bit low. Some farms can turn over 30% of their profits."

In an instant, Iwakura, Dabao, and Ito all looked shocked. Could they not be shocked.

Especially Kido, before he left the party, he planned to implement land rent correction, which translates to adding land tax. When he was still firmly opposed to the high tax rate of 3% set by some people, Daming actually put the output value 30% was turned over to the government.

"Won't such a high tax rate drive farmers back?"

But Kido and the others didn't ask such a question—they didn't see any dilapidated houses along the way, and those Chinese-style houses with white walls and black tiles that were built with bricks and tiles occupy a similar area. .Obviously, although the farms pay high "land taxes", the people's lives are still quite good.

"It's really hard to imagine!"

Of course, in a hotel room in the station, Iwakura and his party couldn't help but exclaim when they were eating.

"Last year, the agricultural tax collected by Ming Dynasty was as high as [-] million yuan. With such a high tax burden, it is unimaginable that farmers can still live and work in peace and contentment!"

"What's so strange about that!"

Kido Koyun said seriously.

"Didn't you see that the peasants in Ming Dynasty have no land at all, all the land belongs to the state, and the peasants are not farmers, but farm workers. And you can understand it from another angle!"

Putting down the chopsticks, Kido Takayoshi said casually.

"In Japan, landlords charge 6% of the land rent! Daming only charges [-]%, so the people can naturally live and work in peace and contentment!"

In an instant, everyone understood.Why the people of Ming Dynasty can live and work in peace and contentment, to put it bluntly, is because the landlords exploited less
After being amazed, Ito Hirobumi suddenly said excitedly.

"I see, that's the reason. This is the root cause of Daming's prosperity! Daming was originally a big landlord with hundreds of millions of acres of land, so he can naturally absorb the profits from the world's farmland production and invest them in industrial construction!"

(End of this chapter)

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