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Chapter 592 Nanhua's Ironclad Ship

Chapter 592 Nanhua's Ironclad Ship (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)
Opportunities are always prepared for those who are prepared. Just when the "uranium watch" and other national gifts presented by Emperor Zhu to Meiji were sent by the mission to return to Japan in Linhai, Emperor Zhu took a special train from Ying Tianfu arrived at his Nanhua again.

I came to Nanhua again to participate in the launching ceremony of the "No. 1 Battleship" at the shipyard.

Like the usual great engineers, the royal photographer used multiple movie cameras to record the scene data of the emperor's arrival. Now, for the subjects of Ming Dynasty, what is watching a movie?
Of course, the construction of the Ming Empire is improving day by day, so what else is there to look at?
Have you seen penguins in Antarctica?
Watching penguins, how could watching these scenes be more exciting!Not to mention it is in this era, even the scenes of those grand projects after more than 100 years are shocking.

In this era, the feeling of those grand projects will only be more shocking to people.People's national pride can be raised through those films.

Compared with others, this is the most important thing. For a nation that has been sinking for more than two hundred years, what is more important than stimulating people's national self-esteem and national self-confidence?

Aren't those engineering constructions and industrial achievements the best propaganda tools?
"Like, really like it!"

Standing in the dock, Zhu Xianhai stared at this warship with a displacement of up to 7300 tons. Its ship type looked very similar to the "Zhenyuan" familiar to the people of later generations.

The same "Central Iron Fortress", the same main gun on the corner, and even the main gun is the same double 305 mm - with the efforts of the Krupp Arsenal, 30 times the 305 mm naval gun was finally installed The warship finally did not delay the launching time.

However, its main guns are not concentrated on the bow like the "Zhenyuan", but are located at the bow and stern respectively, and its freeboard is higher. It looks more like "Zhenyuan" than it is. Like the "Maine", in fact, when Luanda designed this warship, Zhu Xianhai did give a lot of suggestions, including the layout of the main battery.

At this time, the ship has been named "Nanhua" except that it is decorated with colorful flags, and there is a big colored ball hanging on the bow of the ship, which looks like a lantern.

What should be the form of launching a warship?
Zhu Xianhai naturally used doctrine, and directly used the launching style of the People's Navy of later generations.

Big colored balls on the bow, plus... well, champagne.

Throwing the "champagne" in his hand, it hit the left string of the "Nanhua". Flying all over the sky, the scene is very spectacular.

The "Nanhua" battleship was launched!
What does the launching of this 7300-ton battleship with two twin 305mm main guns and eight 8mm secondary guns mean?
At this time, the cheering people didn't know what it meant at all. The engineers and workers of the shipyard, as well as the naval officers and soldiers were cheering there. Amid the cheers of the people, the huge hull of the "Nanhua" rushed out of the dry dock, and then Floating steadily on the sea.

Then the piercing siren sounded, reminding the onlookers that it was going to the ocean!
To the ocean!
According to the warship naming rules drawn up by Zhu Xianhai, the main battleship of the Ming Dynasty Navy will be named after the province, the cruiser will be named after the city, and it will be named "Nanhua", which shows how much the Ming Dynasty values ​​it!

This is no wonder, after all, the "Nanhua" is the largest warship built by Ming Dynasty, and it is also the world's first all-steel armored battleship.Although its steel armor is only 300mm thick, it is equivalent to 350mm iron armor.

Two steam engines with a total power of 16 horsepower rumbled. Although its speed was very slow at this time, according to its design, its fastest speed was as high as [-] knots. Once it was in service, it was the fastest warship in the world, even Cruisers can't compare to it either.

"Da Ming's Ironclad Ship!"

Zhu Xianhai looked at it with a bit of pride, and there was an expression of approval on his face.He didn't even notice that Luanda beside him did not breathe a sigh of relief until the warship floated steadily on the sea.

As the chief designer of the "Nanhua", he knows better than anyone else that this warship has actually exceeded the standard - the design displacement is only 6800 tons, but because of the design, its tonnage is "a little bit" overweight. ……all the best!
Zhu Xianhai, who didn't know that the chief designer had no idea, stared at the graceful warship on the water with a smile on his face.

The "Nanhua" should be the most modern warship in the world!
Turning his head slightly, Zhu Xianhai gave instructions to Li Xuelin, commander of the First Fleet.

"Despite completing the trial voyage, if possible, lead him to visit Russia next month!"

"next month!"

Li Xuelin's heart tightened, staring at the "Nanhua" that had not yet undergone sea trials, he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Such a short time, is it too urgent?"

"It seems that the whole world proves our shipbuilding strength!"

Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"First visit France, then Russia, and the most important thing is to sell "Nanhua class" combat ships to Russia."

"What! Your Majesty, we... want to sell the "Nanhua Class" to Russia?"

Li Xuelin was surprised.

"Your Majesty, this, this is the most advanced warship of Ming Dynasty!"

Not only is it the most advanced warship of Ming Dynasty,
How can the most advanced warship be sold to others?

"I know, it's because it's advanced that I want to sell it to them!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"As far as the world is concerned, only Russia will buy combat ships from us. Although they used the "French-Prussian War" to break through the restrictions of the Paris Peace Treaty two years ago, they wanted to expand their navy. However, the British, French But people unanimously refused to sell warships to them, the Russians... such an opportunity is rare right now!"

The opportunity is rare, because the Russians are really not easy!

In the failure of the Crimean War, Russia not only sacrificed a tsar, but also according to the "Paris Peace Treaty" signed by Tsarist Russia on March 1856, 3 with Britain, France, Sardinia, Turkey, Austria and Prussia, the Russian Imperial Navy was in the Black Sea. It is not allowed to keep more than 30 ships of 6 tons and 800 ships of more than 4 tons, and it is not allowed to set up naval arsenals and naval fortresses on the Black Sea coast.

The signing of the "Paris Peace Treaty" left the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet with only paper significance.It was not until 1870 that Russia took advantage of the favorable opportunity of the Franco-Prussian War to issue a notice to the signatories of the "Paris Peace Treaty", declaring that the restrictions on Russia's fleet in the Black Sea and the terms on the neutralization of the Black Sea were invalid.

However, due to serious financial difficulties, the most important thing is that the United Kingdom and France refused to sell ironclad ships to them successively. As a result, Russia could only explore the construction of ironclad ships on its own. It has built a [-]-ton ship that can sail long distances in name, but its wave resistance is poor and can only The "Peter the Great", which stayed in the offshore and paddled, also built such a wonderful disc warship.

Therefore, Ming must seize this opportunity to sell Ming's advanced ironclad ships to Russia.

Is there anything better than using other people's money to develop your own navy?
If you don't take advantage of the "embargo" of various countries against Russia and eat a bite of meat on this polar bear, can you be worthy of God?

Of course, there is another unknown reason for sending a special envoy to visit Russia.

(End of this chapter)

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