Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 6: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 6 If you don't die, you won't die (Second update, please recommend, please collect)
When retail investors enter the market, that is their life as a leek!

Leeks... Resign yourself to fate!

Just when Zhu Yihai wanted to comfort him, he saw Buffett crying with tears and snot on his face, and let go of Zhu Yihai, thanking him.

"Sir, thank you, thank you, you, you are my savior..."


What is this guy talking about?
Is he crazy?

"Actually, I also stud."

I know.

I can tell by looking at your face.

"I've been shorting wool like everyone else, [-] pesos and [-]x leverage..."

Uh, you really deserve to be a leek!Definitely the kind of king!

The shuttle is so powerful, aren't you afraid of death?
"if not you……"

Buffett sighed.

"Alas! Now I am afraid that there is nothing but death!"

and many more!

what did you say?
"It was you who reminded me that there are all kinds of possibilities in the futures exchange, so I cleared my position, just after our conversation..."

Wiping the cold sweat off his brow, Buffett said.

"Sir, you are my guardian angel. If it weren't for you, I, I would really be finished."

Even if he thinks about it for a while, Buffett feels scared!

If he hadn't cleared his position, what would have happened now?
Not only would he lose everything, but all of his property, including his house, his savings, his business, and... his life!
He simply didn't dare to continue thinking about it. Once all this happened, all he could do was commit suicide.


"This, this is the clearance."

In the stock exchange, Buffett was dumbfounded seeing Zhu Yihai's move to clear his warehouse.

He was lucky enough to escape, but he had already made up his mind to follow his guardian angel to make a lot of money.

Stud is a kind of wisdom.

You don't have to be wise yourself, it's the same with the right person.


Zhu Yihai cherishes words like gold.

"You don't wait any longer, tomorrow, tomorrow will definitely rise again."

"Need not."

He will definitely earn more tomorrow, but Zhu Yihai has no interest at all, because all he needs is a proof-proving that the simulator can indeed predict the future.

All this is simply a dream.

But surprisingly, now he is very calm.

This was the biggest gamble Zhu Yihai had ever made in his life, but there was no disturbance in his heart.

Are you not surprised?

Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't be so excited before.

But right now, he knows that there may be only such a big gamble in life, and some opportunities will never come back once they are missed.

well!That's how it all ended...

"Are you sure you want to cancel the account?"

Zhu Yihai stared at Buffett very seriously, just staring at him like this, and then said slowly.

"The stock market is risky, you need to be cautious when entering the market!"

Hearing these words, Buffett was stunned for a moment, and the way he looked at Zhu Xianhai changed, as if looking at a wise man.

No, not a wise man, but... a mentor of life!
In an instant, Buffett made a decision in his heart, he must closely follow the mentor, he is not only a mentor, but also a guardian angel!

Of course, more importantly, following him would definitely make a fortune.

Buffett said enthusiastically and proactively.

"Sir, where are you going? My carriage is on the side of the road, do you need me to take you?"

"Go to Bellucci Manor."

"Major Bellucci's Bellucci Manor?"

Buffett was surprised.

"Didn't you say that you don't know him?"

"I don't know him, but I know Marlena!"


After getting in the car, Zhu Yihai, who felt a little sleepy, fell asleep after a while, and when he was about to fall asleep, that interface appeared in front of his eyes again.

[Successfully avoided the risk.Add 100 experience points, increase assets...]
[Do you want to proceed to the next stage of the simulation? ]
Without any hesitation, Zhu Xianhai clicked "Yes".

"Please go to sleep and enter the next stage of simulation!"

Zhu Xianhai can fall asleep without prompting, and he really needs to sleep for a while because he is tired and tired.In the bumpy driving of the carriage, he soon fell into a drowsy sleep.

I don't know if it's a dream or reality.In a daze, he seemed to have arrived at Marina's house, at the Bellucci Manor.He was left to dine as a guest, and at dinner he met Malena's father, Major Bellucci, an army major.

In Buenos Aires, the major is a powerful person.

What's this smell?
This strange smell emanated from Bellucci's body. Although he tried to cover it with perfume, the smell had a rotten smell, which was completely different from body odor.

The stench was mixed with the smell of perfume, giving him a special smell.

It smells weird.

Later, Zhu Xianhai noticed that the major had a special pink rash on his hands.


It's syphilis!
In this day and age, syphilis is simply the most common epidemic!

According to the Internet, in the 19th century, 10% of men in Europe and the United States had syphilis, which is simply outrageous.

Of course, for Zhu Yihai, this is an opportunity to make money!

Because there is medicine in his bag!
But that veterinary medicine!
Veterinary penicillin.

Those penicillins for veterinary use were originally bought by him as a shit shovel officer for his master.

Veterinary medicine used on humans...should be no problem, right?
However, Zhu Xianhai murmured inwardly as he looked at the major with thick hair that looked like an orangutan.

Well, this hair is similar to that of a monkey...

Of course, on the other hand, veterinary medicine in the 21st century is always more pure than the medicine in World War II!

Penicillin is the cure for syphilis.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the so-called "old military doctor" in the so-called syphilis-curing advertisement posted on street poles and public toilets actually relied on a few injections of worthless penicillin.

In the dream, Zhu Xianhai also became an old military doctor in 1860, and Bellucci, who had been tortured by syphilis for many years, immediately expressed his willingness to give it a try.

"It doesn't matter how big the risk is! As a soldier, I don't want to be deaf, blind, and die like a madman like everyone else!"

At Bellucci's insistence, Zhu Xianhai "reluctantly" gave him penicillin.

This is the "panacea" from the [-]st century
"How could this be?"

Zhu Xianhai was stunned when Major Bellucci's body was covered with rashes and he couldn't even breathe.

"Mr. Zhu, what happened to my father?"

Malena looked at Zhu Xianhai in horror and asked.

"Okay, it seems to be medicine, allergies..."

Drug allergy!

Penicillin requires a skin test!

But we... are not professional!
Zhu Xianhai, who had forgotten this, was dumbfounded.Just then a girl ran up and glared at him.

"You killed my father! Go to hell!"

Amidst the icy curse, staring at the black muzzle of the gun, he was stunned, where did she emerge from?
Gunshots rang out...

 Well, can I ask for a few recommendation tickets?Thank you guys...


(End of this chapter)

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